- 网络US money market;American currency market

American currency market fund has entered maturity period . It is expected that the currency is being in to grow up .
The paper passes through the introduction for American currency market fund , and have analysed the developmental advantage of ours currency market fund .
On the Characteristics of American Monetary Market and the Reform of Chinese Monetary Market
After all , in the second quarter , European banks were cold-shouldered in the US money markets .
Goldberg is worried the Congressional drama could also undermine long term international confidence in U.S. currency markets and the dollar .
Four years ago , the giant US money market funds seemed some of the dullest actors in the global financial scene .
The fund'has confirmed in writing that it will return CIC 's full capital and interest , 'the Chinese investment firm said .
For the first time in almost 20 years there is also more invested in low-yielding us money market funds than in equities .
After all most US money market funds are frantic to find somewhere anywhere safe to stash their cash , other than US Treasuries .
Empirical tests are presented for major markets in East Asia , using 1993-2003 monthly data to estimate the degree of money markets ' integrating into the world market .
Money market funds in the US suffered an estimated $ 197bn of net outflows last week as confidence in their safe-haven status weakened after one fund broke the buck and others closed .
US money market funds are on course for some of their biggest inflows since the height of the financial crisis , in a sign that risk-averse investors are seeking safe haven in US Treasuries .
The turmoil has already claimed the jobs of two of the biggest names on Wall Street and prices in the US money markets yesterday suggest the climate of mistrust will last well into next year .
Vanguard last week closed two of its money market funds to institutional investors , while Credit Suisse said it would quit managing money market funds in the US and liquidate $ 8bn in assets across its three funds .
The axis of fear revolves around the US , the centre of the crisis in the money markets .
Should Europe blunder into a meltdown , few could confidently predict US money markets would avoid the contagion America sent the other way in 2008 .
In the last six months , European and US central banks have poured dizzying sums into the money markets and politicians have put pressure on the banks to lend .
Money markets in the US and Europe are signalling renewed fears about the financial strength of banks , with key confidence barometers almost returning to the levels that preceded the collapse of Bear Stearns .
Fitch , for example , recently calculated that the largest US money market funds cut their exposure in absolute terms by $ 30bn in July , even before the latest turmoil .
In his annual letter to shareholders , Mr Dimon said recent schisms in Treasury and currency markets were a warning shot across the bow .
US money market funds are stockpiling cash in case Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling , distorting the short-term market for US government debt and raising borrowing costs for banks and other financial institutions .
If anything is calculated to cause despair about the prospects of making the financial system safer , it is the failure of the securities and Exchange Commission to tame the $ 2.6tn us money market fund industry .
What the US government might do to support the US money market funds if American debt is downgraded , or suffers a technical default ?