
  • 网络FTC;the Federal Trade Commission;F.T.C
  1. Soghoian博士将此归咎于这场Sprint录音事件(美国联邦贸易委员会对此未作评论)。

    He blames the fuss caused by the Sprint recording . ( The FTC will not comment . )

  2. 圣塔克拉拉大学(SantaClaraUniversity)的埃里克•高曼估计,美国联邦贸易委员会的监管人员可能对谷歌偶尔参与自己组织的拍卖活动,为自身业务需要推销自家广告(HouseAd)的行为进行盘问。

    Eric Goldman of Santa Clara University reckons that the FTC 's watchdogs could raise questions about Google 's habit of occasionally bidding in its own ad auctions to promote " house " ads for its businesses .

  3. 根据美国联邦贸易委员会的修改提议,声称自己产品为环境友好型产品的制造商在关于如何向消费者宣传这方面将会面临更严格的规定。

    Manufactures of products that claim to be environmentally friendly will face tighter rules on how they are advertised to consumers under changes proposed by the Federal Trade Commission .

  4. 本月早些时候,美国联邦贸易委员会(USFederalTradeCommission)对其展开正式调查。

    Earlier this month the US Federal Trade Commission opened a formal investigation .

  5. 而美国联邦贸易委员会(TheFederalTradeCommission)似乎也被反对派的观点所打动。

    The Federal Trade Commission seemed persuaded by the naysayers .

  6. 就连美国联邦贸易委员会(theU.S.FederalTradeCommission)对软广告也是一知半解。

    Even the U.S. Federal Trade Commission is perplexed ;

  7. 卡普兰坚持认为自己的方法确实可以提高考试成绩,并在1979年获得了美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)的认可。

    Kaplan insisted his methods did raise test scores and in 1979 the Federal Trade Commission agreed .

  8. 在2006年,美国联邦贸易委员会(usfederaltradecommission)颁布条例,规定口碑营销者必须披露他们与相关公司的关系。

    And in 2006 , the US Federal Trade Commission issued regulations stating that word-of-mouth marketers must disclose their relationships .

  9. 英特尔已经在接受美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)的调查,并且受到了欧洲、日本和韩国类似机构的严厉谴责。

    Intel is already under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission and has been censured by the FTC 's counterparts in Europe , Japan and Korea .

  10. 新的美国联邦贸易委员会(federaltradecommission)也展开了自己的调查,该委员会承诺将比前任进行更为凌厉的反垄断执法。

    The new Federal Trade Commission , which has promised a more aggressive approach to antitrust enforcement than its predecessor , has also begun an investigation of its own .

  11. 此举招来不少隐私保护人士的强烈反对,同时也可能是美国联邦贸易委员会(theU.S.TradeFederalTradeCommission)扩大针对谷歌的反垄断调查,使之涵盖Google+的原因。

    The move caused some privacy advocates to cry foul and may have been cause for the U.S. trade Federal Trade Commission to expand its antitrust probe to include Google + .

  12. 一些隐私权倡导者质疑这种做法是否违反了Facebook与美国联邦贸易委员会(USFederalTradeCommission)就其不遵守隐私承诺欺骗消费者的指控所达成的950万美元和解协议。

    Some privacy advocates question whether the practice violates the $ 9.5m settlement Facebook struck with the US Federal Trade Commission over charges that it deceived consumers by not keeping privacy promises .

  13. 美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)的数据显示,CD之所以价格昂贵,部分原因是唱片公司串通定价导致CD价格额外增加了5美元。

    Those CDs had been expensive , partly because of collusion among music labels that added up to an extra $ 5 to prices , according to the Federal Trade Commission .

  14. 7月份,谷歌最终以约110亿美元的价格收购Waze,目前该交易正在接受美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)的审查。

    Google eventually bought Waze for about $ 1.1 billion in July , a deal that is under review by the Federal Trade Commission .

  15. Yelp、微软(Microsoft)、Expedia等企业向欧盟委员会和美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission,简称FTC)都提出过投诉,指称谷歌涉嫌反竞争行为。

    Yelp , Microsoft , Expedia and others have complained both to Brussels and Washington 's Federal Trade Commission about Google 's alleged anti-competitive practices .

  16. 周一,美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission,简称FTC)指控甲骨文未如实告诉用户将Java软件升级至更新、更安全版本能在多大程度上保护用户电脑免受攻击。

    On Monday , the Federal Trade Commission accused Oracle of deceiving consumers over the degree to which updating the Java software to newer , safer versions protects their computers from attack .

  17. 美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission,简称FTC)周二提交的一份寻求让大众汽车偿还“不当得利”的诉状显示,该机构正在为消费者们争取最高或超过150亿美元的赔偿。

    The Federal Trade Commission is pursuing compensation for consumers that could rise beyond $ 15bn , according to a lawsuit filed on Tuesday seeking the repayment of " ill-gotten monies . "

  18. 正如NPR的记者报道的那样,美国联邦贸易委员会正在更新一项为期99年的法律,它叫做儿童在线隐私保护法案。

    as NPR 's M.C reports the FTC is updating a 99 's year-ruled law , called the children 's On-line Privacy Protection Act .

  19. 美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)隐私与身份保护部门助理主管RobertSchoshinski表示,联邦贸易委员会已经注意到这一问题,但他拒绝透露是否已对数据滥用展开调查。

    Robert Schoshinski , assistant director in the Federal Trade Commission 's division of privacy and identity protection , said the issue was on the FTC 's radar but he refused to say if there were any open investigations into misuse of data .

  20. 这项收购还不一定能获得反垄断机构的批准,但美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)在18年前认为可能形成市场支配地位的这项收购,如今看来更像是一次迫在眉睫的防御之举。

    Antitrust approval is not a given , but what the US Federal Trade Commission deemed a potentially dominant position 18 years ago now looks more like a defensive necessity .

  21. 在加盟美国联邦贸易委员会几个月后,Soghoian博士录下了一位Sprint的主管在一场电信公司,执法机关,设备制造商都有出席的监管贸易展上的讲话。

    A few months after joining the FTC Dr Soghoian recorded a Sprint executive speaking at a surveillance trade show attended by telecoms firms , law-enforcement agencies and equipment-makers .

  22. 美国联邦贸易委员会在Soghoian博士工作一年期满后,并没有与之续签。

    When Dr Soghoian 's first year at the FTC was up , the agency did not renew his contract .

  23. 与Soghoian博士一样在美国联邦贸易委员会当过顾问的AshkanSoltani曾揭露一些公司是如何创造了“永久cookie”,即极难被清除的cookie。

    Ashkan Soltani , who like Dr Soghoian has worked as an adviser to the FTC , has shown how some companies have devised " evercookies " - cookies that are very difficult to eradicate .

  24. 起初这个建议被当成了笑话,然而,在2009年,Soghoian博士被美国联邦贸易委员会聘用,帮助其职员进行法律和技术间的沟通。

    At first this suggestion was ridiculed . In 2009 , however , Dr Soghoian was contracted by the FTC to provide lawyer-to-geek translation for its staff .

  25. 然而,对Vizio收集用户数据行为的担忧——今年2月,Vizio最终与美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)就此达成和解——使外界开始质疑这笔交易的可行性。

    However , doubts began to surface about the viability of the deal amid concerns over Vizio 's data collection practices - which ultimately resulted in a settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission in February .

  26. 在最近的一项研究中,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)基本上支持其所称的组合式专利主张实体,即大量购买专利的公司,因为它们提供了有用的经济功能,而且其中逾半数公司与发明者分享了利润。

    In a recent study , the US Federal Trade Commission generally approved of what it termed portfolio PAEs - companies that buy large bundles of patents - as they provide a useful economic function , and more than half of them share profits with the inventors .

  27. MarcRotenberg:“我们认为,这不仅威胁到隐私,还是非法的,因为去年与美国联邦贸易委员会协定一份协议,谷歌在协议中称不会在未获得用户明确允许的情况下分享此类数据。”

    MARC ROTENBERG : " We believe that not only is that a threat to privacy , we actually believe it is illegal , because last year Google entered into an agreement with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in which they said they would not engage in that kind of data sharing without the permission of their users . "

  28. 美国联邦贸易委员会也正在调查这一事件。

    The US Federal Trade Commission is also investigating the same issue .

  29. 谷歌的律师必定指望,美国联邦贸易委员会能够理解这种差别。

    Google 's lawyers must be hoping that the FTC understands this crucial distinction .

  30. 如果退款未达到上述最低金额,苹果必须向美国联邦贸易委员会支付余额。

    If the refunds do not reach that amount , Apple must pay the remaining balance to the FTC .