- 网络FED;the Federal Reserve System;the Federal Reserve

Tanaka : I suppose that means that for all practical purposes the Fed controls the state chartered banks , too .
Speculation on real estate heated up when Federal Reserve System ( chaired by Alan Greenspan ) implemented the low interest rate policy in2001 as an anti-recession stimulant .
In the late 90s , a market-rattling crisis meant something like long-term capital management , a hedge fund that cost the Federal Reserve $ 3.6 billion to bail out .
Discretionary monetary policy of Federal Reserve System
Presidents do not directly affect monetary policy because the U.S. Federal Reserve is an independent entity .
The Federal Reserve System , or the Fed as it is usually called , is the fiscal agent of the United States .
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the discount rate and reserve requirements , and the Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for open market operations .
In the United States , the Federal Reserve System sometimes has similar problems in designing a monetary policy for the country's12 districts .
Based on a summary of risks in payment system , this paper studies the experience of Fedwire in the risk management of payment system and puts forward some measures to strengthening risk management in payment system .
In the United States this perfectly valid business practice is ratified by the Federal Reserve System .