
měi ɡuó wǎnɡ qiú ɡōnɡ kāi sài
  • US Open Tennis Championships
  1. 在美国网球公开赛决赛中,格拉芙始终保持优势。

    In the United States Open final , Graf retained overall supremacy .

  2. 作为一名实用主义者,她于1972年与美国网球公开赛(USOpen)赛事总监进行了一次会面,要用手中的企业资金来弥合奖金差距。

    A pragmatist , she arrived at a meeting with the US Open 's tournament director in 1972 with corporate funds in hand to bridge the prize gap .

  3. 18岁的英国选手艾玛·拉杜卡努(EmmaRaducanu)赢得了美国网球公开赛,这是现代网球史上最引人注目的一场胜利。

    The British 18-year-old Emma Raducanu has won the U.S. Open in one of the most dramatic victories in modern tennis .

  4. 比如拉夫·劳伦的新款PoloTech智能上衣在美国网球公开赛上收集球童的心率与压力水平信息。

    Ralph Lauren 's new Polo Tech smart shirts gathered information about the heart rate and stress levels of United States Open ball boys .

  5. 周一,女子网球选手中排名世界第八的李娜战胜了英国选手沃森(HeatherWatson),三年来首次在美国网球公开赛中成功晋级第二轮。两局的比分为6比2和6比3,比赛一度因大雨中断。

    China 's Li Na , the world 's 8th-ranked women 's tennis player , posted her first win in New York City in three years on Monday with a 6-2 , 6-3 rain-delayed victory over Great Britain 's Heather Watson .

  6. 美国网球公开赛期间——它总是在时装秀前举办——我们把比赛录下来,我来这里时,如果幸运的话,能赶上纳达尔(Nadal)、德约科维奇(Djokovic)或费德勒(Federer)的比赛。

    When the U.S. Open is on , which is always right before the show , we tape it , and I 'll just come in and hopefully , if I 'm lucky , I 'll hit Nadal and Djokovic or Federer . So that 's in here ;

  7. 她甚至没有获得去年美国网球公开赛的参赛资格。

    She did not even qualify for last year 's US Open .

  8. 自此她已经两次赢得温布尔登网球公开赛和美国网球公开赛冠军。

    Since then , she has won the Wimbledon and the US Open twice .

  9. 美国网球公开赛进入第三天

    The third day of the US Tennis Open

  10. 多米尼克·蒂姆苦战五盘,击败亚历山大·兹维列夫,赢得美国网球公开赛冠军。

    Dominic Thiem has defeated Alexander Zverev in a five-set thriller to win the US Open .

  11. 缺席美国网球公开赛使得李娜的世界排名降到了第三位。

    Li has fallen to No 3 on the world rankings after missing the US Open series .

  12. 詹妮弗·卡普里亚蒂这位网坛新秀,在美国网球公开赛开的第一场球就输了。

    Jennifer Capriati , the new tennis star , lost in the opening set at US Open .

  13. 安德莱斯库连续两局击败网球传奇塞雷娜·威廉姆斯,赢得美国网球公开赛冠军。

    Andreescu beat tennis legend Serena Williams in two straight sets to win the US Open title .

  14. 暴雨天气扰乱了美国网球公开赛,并致使飞往纽约的航班延误。

    Stormy weather also disrupted the US Open Tennis tournament and delayed flights into the Big Apple .

  15. 周日当纳达尔走下领奖台之后,他的思绪转到了下周一开始的美国网球公开赛。

    Nadal had barely stepped down from the podium on Sunday before his thoughts turned to the US Open which starts next Monday .

  16. 2006年的今天,网坛的传奇人物安德烈·阿加西在美国网球公开赛第三轮对本杰明·贝克尔的比赛中失利,因此退出了他长久的职业网球生涯。

    2006-Tennis legend Andre Agassi loses a third round US Open match against Benjamin Becker , thus retiring from his long pro tennis career .

  17. 这对情侣上个月的一天晚上在纽约被拍到,周末两人又去了美国网球公开赛。

    Well , the pair were spotted on a night out in New York last month and went to the US Open over the weekend .

  18. 来看美国网球公开赛的消息,卡洛琳·沃兹尼亚奇苦战三盘击败玛利亚·莎拉波娃,这是她两年多以来首次重返大满贯八强。

    At US Open , Caroline Wozniacki beat Maria Sharapova to win in three sets and returned to a grand slam quarter-final for the first time in more than two years .

  19. 下周的美国网球公开赛,我们将看不到某位明星球员的身影。莎拉波娃因右肩伤痛已经退出今年的美网大满贯决赛。

    Next week 's US Open has lost some star power as Maria Sharapova has pulled out of the year 's final Grand Slam of the season citing a right shoulder injury .

  20. 美国网球公开赛是网球大满贯四大赛事中,最后项进行的公开赛,今年的奖金总额为936万美元。

    The US Tennis Open is the last open match to take place among the four matches in the Tennis Grand Slam . This year the prize amount is 9.36 million US dollars .

  21. 但是,缺席今年的美国网球公开赛、离开阿根廷教练卡洛斯罗德里格斯等事,无不让大家担忧:这位32岁的武汉运动员还能在网球赛场上呆多久。

    Still , Li 's absence at the US Open , following a sad departure from Argentinean mentor Carlos Rodriguez , still drew concerns on how long the 32-year-old Wuhan native would stay on court .

  22. 每年夏天,世界顶尖的网球选手都会齐聚美国网球公开赛,在球网两侧相互回击一颗橡皮球,观众则彬彬有礼地在一旁守候,直到比赛结束时才报以欢呼。

    Each summer at the US Open , the world 's top tennis players smash rubber balls back and forth across a net , while crowds wait politely until the end of the match before cheering .

  23. 三年前,这位年轻的网球运动员给自己开了一张赢得美国网球公开赛的假支票。周日,她真正收到了超过500万加元的奖金。

    Three years ago , the young tennis player wrote a pretend cheque to herself for winning the US Open . On Sunday , she received her real prize money of over five million Canadian dollars .

  24. 9月6日,美国网球公开赛第四轮比赛中出现戏剧性一幕,排名世界第一的德约科维奇在对阵西班牙选手布斯塔的首盘比赛中击球误伤边裁,被取消了比赛资格。

    World number one Novak Djokovic was disqualified in the US Open fourth round on Sunday after striking a line judge with a ball during the first set of his match against Spain 's Pablo Carreno Busta .

  25. 周一,美国网球公开赛的球童们将会在全世界面前试穿性感的尼龙T恤,它标志着拉夫·劳伦公司进入了快速发展的可穿戴技术世界。

    Come Monday , ball boys at the Open will be trying out , in full view of fans around the globe , the sexy nylon T-shirt that marks Ralph Lauren 's entry into the rapidly advancing world of wearable technology .

  26. 据新华社报道,网球运动管理中心主任孙晋芳在电视上说,世界排名第八的李娜在美国网球公开赛第三轮遭淘汰,这是她教育缺失造成的结果。

    A director from the sport 's governing body , Sun Jinfang , was quoted by Xinhua as saying on television that the world No. 8 ' s third-round loss at the U.S. Open was a function of her lack of education .

  27. 安迪•穆雷在美国男子网球公开赛中取得的胜利和奥运夺冠使他成为搜索次数最多的英国奥运会选手。

    Andy Murray 's US Open victory and Olympic gold medal helped him to become the most searched-for British Olympian .

  28. 拉夫·劳伦公司早些年曾是美国国奥队、美国网球公开赛和温布尔登网球公开赛的赞助商,90年代中期,它推出了碳纤维牛仔裤和把MP3播放器装在袖子中的滑雪衫。

    Back in the mid - ' 90s , the Ralph Lauren company , which for some years has been a sponsor of the United States Olympic team , the Open and Wimbledon , introduced carbon-fiber jeans and ski jackets with MP3 players threaded into the sleeves .