
  • 网络americanism;american spirit;The Spirit of America
  1. 我喜欢看《阿凡达》(Avatar)这样的电影,因为我认为它就像一个梦,一个会把你带到另一个星球的梦,但是你还是能从中了解美国精神。

    I enjoy watching films like ' Avatar , ' because I believe it 's like a dream , a dream that will take you to another planet . But you can know from it the American spirit .

  2. 我们已经度过了一个反映美国精神的漫漫长夜。

    We have endured a long night of the American spirit .

  3. 对上个世纪的大部分人来说,这辆车代表了美国精神——为了探寻新世界而快速前进。

    For most of the last century , the car represented what it meant to be American — going forward at high speed to find new worlds .

  4. 芝加哥的精神病学家、美国精神分析协会(theAmericanPsychoanalyticAssociation)前主席普鲁登丝•古尔格雄(PrudenceGourguechon)说,这比大多数人预计的时间要长。

    That is more time than most people expect , says Prudence Gourguechon , a psychiatrist in Chicago and former president of the American Psychoanalytic Association .

  5. 其中两本书是与伊丽莎白-库伯勒-罗斯(ElisabethKübler-Ross)合著的,她是一位瑞士裔美国精神病学家,是濒死研究的先驱。

    Two of those books were co-authored with Elisabeth K ü bler-Ross , a Swiss American psychiatrist who was a pioneer in near-death studies .

  6. 这个周末,Woodrow,Watson学校,将专门研究Stan,Katz的成就以及他对,美国精神生活的贡献。

    The Woodrow Watson School is doing an entire weekend on the work of Stan Katz and his contribution to the intellectual life of this country .

  7. 他的作品包括精彩饰演《美国精神病人》(AmericanPsycho,2000年)、《机械师》(TheMachinist,2004年)以及奥斯卡获奖影片《斗士》(TheFighter,2010年)。

    His career includes challenging films such as American Psycho ( 2000 ) and The Machinist ( 2004 ) , as well as an Oscar-winning performance in The Fighter ( 2010 ) .

  8. BenedettoVitiello是美国精神健康研究所的精神病学家。

    Benedetto Vitiello is a psychiatrist at the United States National Institute of Mental Health .

  9. 我还觉得自己有点像帕特里克&12539;贝特曼(PatrickBateman),就是《美国精神病人》(AmericanPsycho)里热衷护肤的杀人狂,但我忙着抚摸我那异常柔软的脸,无暇去思考这些。

    I also felt a little like Patrick Bateman , the murderous skin care devotee from ' American Psycho , ' but was too busy caressing my curiously soft face to brood on that .

  10. 美国精神病学家学会和Wyeth制药公司(制造抗抑郁药物的企业)为这个计划提供资金。

    The foundation , the American College of Psychiatrists and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals , a maker of antidepressant pills , paid for the program .

  11. 但我必须承认自己使用各种化妆品的尝试也算有所收获,我想它会让《美国精神病人》(AmericanPsycho)一片中的帕特里克•贝特曼(PatrickBateman)驻足仰慕。

    But I have to confess that my experiment with a grooming regime that would cause American Psycho 's Patrick Bateman to look on in - I fancy - a respectful hush has not been wasted .

  12. 早在1977年,美国精神病学家Engel正式提出生物心理社会医学模式。他指出健康和疾病的概念应该是生物、心理、社会多方面的综合因素。

    American psychiatrist Engel formally brought out biopsychosocial model in 1977 . He pointed out , an integrative concept of health and disease should include the interaction of biology , psychology and sociology .

  13. 地点和对象:将南京脑科医院儿童心理卫生门诊符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版标准的30例ADHD儿童作为研究对象。

    SETTING and PARTICIPANTS : A total of 30 ADHD children who accorded with the diagnostic criteria of American Mental Disorder Diagnosis and Statistic Manuel ( fourth edition ) were selected for the study from Children 's Mental Health Clinic of Nanjing Brain Hospital .

  14. 炸弹爆炸了,Flo受伤严重,他的四位战友也牺牲了。但更多的人因为Flo而得救。Flo身上所体现的正是美国精神,本周,我向他授予荣誉勋章,以表彰他的行为,我自己也深感自豪。

    and four of his comrades were killed.But many more were saved because of Flo 's sacrifice.Flo represents the very best of America - and this week , I was proud to present him with the Medal of Honor for his actions .

  15. 十九世纪的美国精神

    The States of Mind in 19 ~( th ) Century America

  16. 现代慈善基金会建立背后的美国精神

    The American Spirit Behind the Establishment of Modern Philanthropic Foundations

  17. 德育目标是培养全体国民的美国精神;德育实施出现多样化的形式和方法;

    The goal of moral education is foster nation 's American spirit .

  18. 百折不挠正是我们美国精神的确切写照!

    That unyielding spirit is what defines us as Americans .

  19. 这个理念极具美国精神

    It 's a very American spirit of an idea .

  20. 西方个人主义价值观与美国精神

    The Idea of Individualism in the West and American Spirit

  21. 美国精神最具特色的是创造与务实。

    The most obvious features of the American Spirit are creativity and pragmatism .

  22. 汤姆索亚是个围栏油漆工,爱装死,是个真正的美国精神病患者。

    Tom Sawyer is a fence painter , death-faker , genuine American psychopath .

  23. 这就是美国精神的一部分

    It 's just part of the American character .

  24. 在我看来这才是真正的美国精神

    That 's real American character in my mind .

  25. 美国精神在大萧条的烈火中铸就

    The American spirit is forged in the fires of the Great Depression .

  26. 这些发现在美国精神病学会的年会上被提交。

    The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association .

  27. 今晚,我满怀希望,因为我已经看到美国精神正在得以发扬。

    I am hopeful tonight because Ive seen the spirit at work in America .

  28. 《瓦尔登湖》与当代美国精神中的自由、平等及独立

    Walden Lake and Freedom , Equality and Independence in Contemporary " American Spirits "

  29. 这一切中最伟大的变化,或许是美国精神复兴。

    Perhaps the greatest change of all is the renewal of the American Spirit .

  30. 它是一种美国精神。

    It 's an kind of American spirit .