
  • 网络the Screen Actors Guild Awards;SAG;SAG Awards
  1. 她对艾伦说,美国演员工会奖颁奖前,她用科瑞油按摩脚趾,以防万一。

    She massaged Crisco onto her toes before the SAG Awards just in case , she told DeGeneres .

  2. 然后加博补充道:“他要和我一起参加美国演员工会奖颁奖礼。”

    Garber then added : " He 's going to be out here with me for the SAG Awards . "

  3. 凭借在《悲惨世界》中的角色,Anne获得了金球奖、奥斯卡奖和美国演员工会奖。

    For her role in Les Mis é rables , Anne got a Golden Globe , an Oscar , and a Screen Actors Guild Award .

  4. 不过,正如我们专栏敏锐的伙伴凯尔·布坎南(KyleBuchanan)在Vulture网站上指出的那样,更可信赖的风向标之一美国演员工会奖(ScreenActorsGuildAwards)并没不厚爱今年的热门大片。

    But as the Bagger 's astute pal Kyle Buchanan over at Vulture noted , the Screen Actors Guild Awards - one of the more reliable bellwethers - didn 't give much love to the populist blockbusters this year .

  5. 此前两人曾一起出席美国演员工会奖以及奥斯卡的颁奖典礼。

    Andrew and Shannon were seen together at the Screen Actors Guild Awards and Academy Awards .

  6. 《逃离德黑兰》获得了最佳群戏表演,这一奖项在美国演员工会奖中的地位相当于奥斯卡金像奖中的最佳影片。

    Argo won the SAG award for outstanding cast - the ceremony 's equivalent to Oscars ' best picture .

  7. 海瑟薇因为在音乐剧《悲惨世界》中演绎了一位无私奉献的母亲而夺得本届美国演员工会奖的最佳女配角。

    Hathaway garnered a SAG for supporting female actor for her portrayal of a devoted mother in the musical Les Miserables .

  8. 这部影片让塞隆获得了金球奖、奥斯卡奖和美国演员工会奖奖。

    For her role in Monster , Theron was awarded with a Golden Globe , an Oscar , and a Screen Actors Guild Award .

  9. 星期六晚上美国演员工会奖的颁奖典礼上,我了解到他们的娱乐圈同行对于娱乐圈能够完成这样一件是而感到自豪。

    At Saturday night 's Screen Actors Guild Awards , I learned their showbiz peers are proud of what the entertainment world is capable of accomplishing .

  10. 在周日晚的美国演员工会奖颁奖礼上,超级英雄大片《黑豹》赢得了电影类最佳群戏奖。

    The superhero mega-hit " Black Panther " won for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a motion picture at Sunday night 's Screen Actors Guild Awards .

  11. 2001年,生完女儿后两个月,凯特,温特莱特身穿皮制长裙出席了美国演员工会奖。她因出演《鹅毛笔》而获得提名。

    Two months after giving birth to her daughter Mia , Winslet goes for leather chic at the Screen Actors Guild Awards in2001 , when she was nominated for her role in'Quills .

  12. 出演第一季后,克莱尔就拿下了2017年金球奖和美国演员工会奖的最佳女主角,还得到艾美奖和英国电影与电视艺术奖的提名。

    After series one , she triumphed in the Best Actress category at the 2017 Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild Awards . Claire was also nominated for an Emmy and a Bafta .

  13. 洛杉矶时间2011年12月14日:第18届美国演员工会奖提名名单揭晓,大会意在表彰过去一年对于电影电视有杰出表现的个人与集体。

    LOS ANGELES ( Dec. 14 , 2011 ) Nominees for the 18th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards for outstanding performances in 2011 and for the SAG honors for outstanding action performances by film and television stunt ensembles were announced this morning .

  14. 然后加博补充道:他要和我一起参加美国演员工会奖颁奖礼。值得注意的是这段对话发生在电视评论协会媒体之旅,在金球奖之前。

    Garber then added : He 's going to be out here with me for the SAG Awards . It should be noted the interview took place during the TV Critics Association Press Tour , a week prior to the Golden Globes .

  15. 秀兰最好诠释了明星一词。她获得过很多荣誉,然而我个人为她获得美国演员工会终身成就奖感到喜悦。

    Shirley simply epitomized the word ' star . ' There are few more deserving of her accolades , and I am personally so pleased that she was a recipient of our Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award .

  16. 这3位演员刚夺得第70届金球奖,又在美国时间周日举行的第19届美国演员工会奖上趁胜追击。本·阿弗莱克执导的《逃离德黑兰》再次夺魁,朝着下个月即将揭晓的奥斯卡金像奖不断进发。

    The trio of actors followed up their Golden Globe wins with honors at Sunday 's 19th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards , which also saw Ben Affleck 's Argo continue its own dream run toward next month 's Academy Awards .