
  • 网络nrc;Nuclear Regulatory Commission;U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission;USNRC;US NRC
  1. 美国核管理委员会(NuclearRegulatoryCommission)主席GregoryJaczko也表示,美国已经出台了强有力的措施来应对地震威胁。

    Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko also said America has a strong program to deal with earthquake threats .

  2. 在华盛顿,白宫表示,美国核管理委员会(NRC)的两名官员已经在东京提供协助。

    In Washington , the White House said two officials from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission were already in Tokyo giving assistance .

  3. 去年秋天,美国核管理委员会(NRC)等非军事机构之间已经开始低调地就网络攻击问题举行会议。

    Separately , civilian agencies such as Nuclear Regulatory Commission started holding discreet meetings with each other last autumn on cyber issues too .

  4. 宾夕法尼亚州中南部的PeachBottom核电站的保安在“待命室”内睡觉的录像在美国核管理委员会得知这一秘密消息的几个月后曝光。在此之前,美国核管理委员会已于九月份宣布将展开一项特别调查。

    It wasn 't until a videotape of guards sleeping in a " ready room " at the Peach Bottom plant in south-central Pennsylvania surfaced several months after it got the tip that the NRC announced in September a special investigation .

  5. 美国核管理委员会(usnuclearregulatorycommission)主任格雷戈里贾兹科(gregoryjaczko)称,他所在的委员会认为,福岛核电站四号反应堆正在释放“水平非常高”的核辐射。

    Gregory jaczko , head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission said his organisation believed one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima plant number four had run dry and was emitting " extremely high " radiation levels .

  6. 正如前美国核管理委员会(nrc)成员彼得布雷德福(peterbradford)指出的那样,我们此前从未“在电视上见过核电站在你眼前爆炸的景象”。

    As Peter Bradford , a former member of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission , points out , we have never before seen " the image of a nuclear power plant blowing up before your eyes on television " .

  7. 美国核管理委员会表示,根据需要,这座核电站的安全系统正在运作。

    The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said the plant 's safety systems are operating as needed .

  8. 根据美国核管理委员会的数字,永久性关闭一个反应堆的成本大概在3亿到4亿美元之间。

    The cost of permanently shutting down a reactor ranges from US $ 300 million to US $ 400 million .

  9. 宾夕法尼亚一家核电站曾传出保安经常在上班时间睡觉的消息,美国核管理委员会主席于上周承认,对这一事件的调查力度还不够。

    Last week , the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission acknowledged it should have done more to investigate a tip that security guards routinely took naps while on the job at a Pennsylvania nuclear plant .

  10. 所幸包着核心的压力炉撑住了,据管理美国核电站的核能管理委员会的历史学家J。

    Fortunately the pressure vessel housing the core held , and virtually nodangerous radioactive gases escaped from the plant , says J.

  11. 但是负责对美国的核设施进行监管的美国核管理委员会(NRC)表示,这次三重氢的泄漏量在联邦设立的安全限制以下。

    But the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , or NRC , which s facilities in the United States , said the tritium leaks fell below the federal safety limits .

  12. 在美国,总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市的MSR开发公司TransatomicPower首席执行官拉斯o威尔克斯正在请求美国核管理委员会(theU.S.NuclearRegulatoryCommission)放宽对传统核反应域安全的限制,称这种限制“冻结了进步”。

    In the U.S. , Russ Wilcox , CEO of Cambridge , Mass . - based MSR developer Transatomic Power , implores the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to broaden its focus beyond conventional reactor safety , which he says " freezes progress . "