
  • 网络The Library of Congress;LOC;US Library of Congress
  1. 布鲁斯特提过,美国国会图书馆拥有大约20兆位元组(TB)的资料。

    Brewster was saying the Library of Congress is about twenty terabytes .

  2. 美国国会图书馆网络信息保存项目Minerva及启示

    Web Archiving Project of Library of Congress : Minerva and It 's Enlightenment

  3. 正如科技乐观主义者不断指出的,如今我们能免费下载整个美国国会图书馆(LibraryofCongress)的藏书和常青藤盟校(IvyLeague)的课堂授课。

    As the techno-optimists keep pointing out , we can now download the Library of Congress and Ivy League lectures for free .

  4. 据外部专家透露,犹他州在建的一个新存储中心最终的存储能力将超过美国国会图书馆(LibraryofCongress)所有印刷材料内容的10万倍。

    A new storage center being built in Utah will eventually be able to hold more than 100,000 times as much as the contents of printed materials in the Library of Congress , according to outside experts .

  5. 这一理论的拥护者指出,去年储存在电脑里的数据量,相当于先前记录的人类知识的总量;是美国国会图书馆(USLibraryofCongress)全部藏书的7.4万倍。

    The proponents of this theory point out that the amount of data stored on computers last year is equal to the sum of all previously recorded human knowledge ; 74,000 times all the books in the US Library of Congress .

  6. 美国国会图书馆的大厅阳台,华盛顿D.C。

    Balcony of the Great Hall in the Library of Congress , Washington D.C.

  7. 美国国会图书馆和一些研究水平机构已主动开展了数年的EAD协作。

    The US Library of Congress and several research level institutions have been engaged in the collaborative work of the EAD ( Encoded Archival Description ) initiative for several years .

  8. 西文文献的主题标引一般采用《美国国会图书馆标题表》(LibraryofCongressSubjectHeadings简称LCSH)。

    The Subject Headings of western literatures usually adopts Library of Congress Subject Headings ( for short LCSH ) .

  9. 此标记可以像文档标题一样简单,也可以像美国国会图书馆的元分类(metacategory)方法(请参见参考资料)一样复杂。

    This tagging may be as simple as document title or as sophisticated as the Library of Congress metacategory method ( see Resources ) .

  10. 袁同礼与美国国会图书馆

    Yuan Tong-li and the Library of Congress of the United States

  11. 《中国图书馆分类法》;《美国国会图书馆分类法》;对比研究。

    Chinese Library Classification ; Library of Congress Classification ; Comparative study .

  12. 因特网在美国国会图书馆应用的成功经验

    The Successful Experience of Internet Application in the LC

  13. 美国国会图书馆在数字信息长期保存中的领导作用

    The Leading Role of the Library of Congress in the Digital Information Preservation

  14. 美国国会图书馆藏中国古籍善本概略

    A General Survey on Chinese Ancient Rare Books in the Library of Congress

  15. 美国国会图书馆馆藏瑶族手抄文献新发现及其价值

    A Rediscovery and its Value on Yao 's Script Literature in US Congress Library

  16. 美国国会图书馆藏有大量稀有书籍和绘画,以及两把珍贵的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴。

    The collection includes many rare books and drawings , and two Stradivarius violins .

  17. 影响美国国会图书馆走向的人

    Persons Influencing the Trend of American Congress Library

  18. 美国国会图书馆现状

    Present Condition of the Library of American Congress

  19. 美国国会图书馆馆长詹姆斯比林顿阁下已发出行动呼吁所有的美国人。

    Librarian of Congress James H.Billington has issued a call to action to all Americans .

  20. 建筑规模仅次于美国国会图书馆,居世界第二位。

    It is the second largest library in the world , net to the USA Congress library .

  21. 美国国会图书馆的研究人员表示,国会于1917年通过了第一部关于债务限额的法律。

    Researchers at the Library of Congress say Congress passed the first debt-limit law in nineteen seventeen .

  22. 我是美国国会图书馆,我的收藏品远不止图书。

    I 'm the Library of Congress and my collections include a lot more than just books .

  23. 美国国会图书馆认为这部电影具有深远的文化、历史和美学意义。

    The film is considered " culturally , historically or aesthetically " significant by the US Library of Congress .

  24. 美国国会图书馆拥有3200万册书籍,但它收藏的网络内容,已相当于5500万册藏书。

    The Library of Congress has 32m books . It has already captured web content equivalent to 55m books .

  25. 这展览在美国国会图书馆的历史中有任何展览的最大的出席215年。

    This exhibition had the largest attendance of any exhibition in over the215 year history of the Library of Congress .

  26. 美国国会图书馆号码:美国国会图书馆采用的书目资料分类方法。号码印于扉页背面。

    Library of Congress number : USA system for bibliographical data . The number is printed on the back of the title-page .

  27. 简要介绍了美国国会图书馆的建筑历史、社会职能和馆内收藏,及该馆正在奋斗的目标。

    This text briefly introduces the construction history , the social functions , the collection and the struggling target of the Library of Congress .

  28. 按照这一密度,可将美国国会图书馆的所有信息存放在一块方糖大的盘上。

    With this density , all the information of the US Congress Library can be stored in a disc with the size of a sugar cube .

  29. 中文数据库检索技术研究的一项新内容&兼谈《美国国会图书馆拼音转换计划:新汉语罗马化准则》的诞生及其主要内容

    A New Content of the Searching Technology Research of the Chinese Databases : Concurrently Giving Attention to Library of Congress Pinyin Conversion Project : New Chinese Romanization Guidelines

  30. 下面是原始的传送稿——上面的信息都是来自手写,很难辨认——现保留在美国国会图书馆。

    And here 's the original paper transmission - with the the message transcribed by hand , though difficult to read - kept by the Library of Congress :