
  • 网络the Senate;the United States Senate;us senate
  1. 选民正在为美国参议院议席和52个众议院议席挑选候选人。

    Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats

  2. 美国参议院农业委员会(senateagriculturecommittee)提议,阻止吸收存款银行在互换市场上做市。

    The Senate Agriculture Committee proposes blocking deposit-taking banks from making markets in swaps .

  3. 讣告;罗伯特·伯德罗伯特·C·伯德,资深美国参议院议员,逝世于6月28日,享年92岁

    Obituary ; Robert Byrd Robert C. Byrd , doyen of the United States Senate , died on June 28th , aged 92

  4. 美国参议院公布的来自标普的邮件显示,为了得到自己想要的Vertical评级,瑞银银行家表现得多么咄咄逼人。

    E-mails from SP released by the US Senate show how aggressively UBS bankers acted to get the rating they needed for Vertical .

  5. 美国参议院当时确认,美国企业在美国境外的现金,由美国而不是欧盟(EU)征税。

    The Senate identified US companies " overseas cash as a tax target for the US not the EU .

  6. 韩国警方的调查发生之际,谷歌和苹果(Apple)正准备在美国参议院下周举行的移动通信隐私听证会上作证。

    The South Korea probe comes as Google and Apple prepare to testify next week at a US Senate hearing on mobile privacy .

  7. 上月,美国参议院的一项调查指控汇丰银行(hsbc)违反反洗钱规定。

    HSBC was last month accused by a US Senate investigation of violating anti-money laundering rules .

  8. 伯南克向美国参议院银行委员会(senatebankingcommittee)表示:“我和你们一样,对中国汇率的缓慢升值步伐感到失望。”

    The Federal Reserve chairman told the Senate Banking Committee : " I share your frustration about the slow pace of appreciation of the Chinese currency . "

  9. 美国参议院批准与俄罗斯签署一项标志性的军控条约,这意味着美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)在外交政策上取得了一个重大胜利。

    President Barack Obama has sealed an important foreign policy victory with the US Senate rallying to support a showpiece arms control treaty with Russia .

  10. 许多人认为这些改动是时任美国参议院财政委员会(SenateFinanceCommittee)主席的艾奥瓦州共和党人查尔斯•格拉斯利(CharlesGrassley)的“杰作”。

    The changes were largely considered the work of Iowa Republican Charles Grassley , who at the time was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee .

  11. 美国参议院银行委员会主席多德(chrisdodd)表示,已经达成“基本协议”。

    Chris Dodd , chairman of the Senate Banking Committee , said " fundamental agreement " had been reached .

  12. 如今,总部位于伦敦的汇丰(hsbc)又被指控在防范洗钱方面失职,将接受美国参议院一个调查委员会的质询。

    Now HSBC is due to appear before a US Senate investigative committee , charged with dereliction of its duty to prevent money laundering .

  13. 美国参议院(Senate)上周通过一项法案,威胁对那些人为压低本国货币汇率的国家实施贸易制裁,这明显是针对中国。

    The US Senate this week passed a bill threatening trade sanctions against countries that artificially devalued their currencies , in a transparent threat to China .

  14. 美国参议院举行的本伯南克(BenBernanke)提名确认听证会,清楚地勾画出了两种截然不同的对美联储(Fed)未来的设想。

    Two sharply contrasting visions of the future of the Federal Reserve have been thrown into sharp relief by Ben Bernanke 's confirmation hearings in the US Senate .

  15. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)危机昨日进一步升级。一个位高权重的美国参议院常设小组委员会指责这家华尔街银行行为不道德,且从金融危机当中获利。

    Goldman Sachs ' woes mounted yesterday as a high-powered US Senate subcommittee accused the Wall Street bank of unethical behaviour and profiting from the financial crisis .

  16. 美国参议院拨款委员会(SenateAppropriationsCommittee)要求五角大楼迅速对中国火箭项目进行评估,并找出那些签约使用中国发射设备的非中国公司。

    The Senate Appropriations Committee has asked for a swift Pentagon study assessing Chinese rocket programs and'identifying non-Chinese companies which are contracting to use Chinese launch vehicles .

  17. 美国参议院外交关系委员会主席约翰克里(johnkerry)呼吁在利比亚的外国石油公司停产,并建议美国重新对该国实施制裁。

    John Kerry , chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee , called for oil companies to halt operations in Libya and suggested the US reimpose sanctions on Tripoli .

  18. 伯南克在美国参议院银行委员会(senatebankingcommittee)发表讲话时表示,美联储会“及时采取支持增长所需的行动,提供足够保障,防范经济减速的风险”。

    Addressing the Senate Banking Committee , Mr Bernanke said the US central bank would " act in a timely manner as needed to support growth and to provide adequate insurance against downside risk " .

  19. 这篇文章发表后,美国参议院很快投票通过了《反就业歧视法》(EmploymentNon-DiscriminationAct)。这样,在工作中歧视LGBT群体也有可能成为违法行为。

    Shortly after Cook 's op-ed , the Senate voted to approve the Employment Non-Discrimination Act , which would make it illegal to discriminate against LGBT employees in the workplace .

  20. 美国参议院中包括两党成员的多数参议员要求巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)在与12个太平洋周边国家的贸易谈判中提出汇率操纵问题。在相关谈判将要进入最终阶段之际,此举抛出了潜在的路障。

    A bipartisan majority of the US Senate has demanded that Barack Obama address currency manipulation in trade negotiations with 12 Pacific nations , throwing up a potential roadblock as the talks approach their final stages .

  21. 由于美国参议院针对CIA刑讯丑闻的调查报告公布时间长期拖延引发争议,令奥巴马政府进一步陷入危机。

    Conflicts over the release of a long-delayed US Senate investigation report into the Central Intelligence Agency 's torture program have produced a deepening crisis for the Obama administration .

  22. 谷歌董事长埃里克•施密特(EricSchmidt)2011年在美国参议院委员会再三坚称,安卓系统“在移动市场的各个层面都促进了竞争”。

    Android " fosters competition at every level of the mobile market , " Eric Schmidt , Google 's chairman , insisted repeatedly at a Senate committee in 2011 .

  23. 攻击CIA和美国参议院等美国官方网站之后,电脑黑客组织“鲁尔兹安全”(LulzSecurity)称他们将解散。

    A group of computer hackers , known as Lulz Security , say they are disbanding after targeting official American websites , such as the CIA and the US Senate .

  24. 美国参议院财政委员会(senatefinancecommittee)主席马克斯鲍卡斯(maxbaucus)表示,随着双边经济关系中的主要角色从布什政府转移至美国国会,双方的会谈将标志着一次深远的转变。

    Max Baucus , chairman of the Senate Finance Committee , said the meetings would mark an enduring shift as the lead role in the bilateral economic relationship passed from the Bush administration to Congress .

  25. 由美国参议院提出的这份法案,将汇率视为不公平的贸易补贴,将会把汇率争议诉诸世界贸易组织(WTO)。此举加大了白宫和美国国会在最佳对华策略问题上的分歧。

    In a move that has intensified the split between the White House and Congress over the best approach towards China , US Senators introduced legislation that would escalate disputes over exchange rates to the World Trade Organisation by treating them as unfair export subsidies .

  26. 微软高管埃里克?霍维茨(EricHorvitz)去年底在美国参议院听证会上表示,这些数据集可能本身就存在问题。

    Eric Horvitz , a Microsoft executive , told a US Senate hearing late last year that these data sets may themselves be skewed .

  27. 肯塔基州参议员JIMBUNNING:如果我们不能找到100亿美元来支付我们都支持的项目,那么,在美国参议院,我们将不能支付任何项目。

    SEN. JIM BUNNING ( R ) , KENTUCKY : If we can 't find $ 10 billion to pay for something that we all support , we will never pay for anything on the floor of this U.S. Senate .

  28. 多年来,美国参议院的“冗长辩论”(filibuster)程序被用于阻止在很多敏感事情上的决定。

    The filibuster procedure in the US Senate has been used over many years to prevent decisions on many sensible matters .

  29. 2002年安然丑闻爆发后,梅奥在向美国参议院银行委员会(senatebankingcommittee)作证表示,公司及其管理层是最好的信息来源,“看好这个公司并存在利益冲突的分析师”可能最了解这些信息。

    In testimony to the Senate Banking Committee following the Enron scandal in 2002 , Mr Mayo said that companies and their managements were the best source of information and " bullish and conflicted analysts " may have the best access to this information .

  30. AZUZ:关于新的战略武器削减条约,仍然需要美国参议院至少三分之二的参议员投票通过。

    AZUZ : As for the new START treaty , it still needs to be passed by at least two-thirds of the U.S. Senate .