
  • 网络AACC;American Association for Clinical Chemistry
  1. 美国临床化学协会(AmericanAssociationforClinicalChemistry)邀请霍姆斯在周一晚向3000名科学家发表90分钟的演讲,尽管一些负责组织会议的科学家提出抗议,他们主张,Theranos爆出的一系列丑闻应当使该公司失去资格。

    The American Association for Clinical Chemistry invited Ms Holmes to deliver a 90-minute talk in front of 3000 scientists on Monday night despite protests from some scientists responsible for organising the conference , who argued that a series of damaging scandals at Theranos should disqualify the company .

  2. 组委会成员安迪•胡夫纳格尔博士(DrAndyHoofnagle)表示,他和他的几个同事“真的尽了很大努力阻止”霍姆斯来,但他们的意见被美国临床化学协会主席帕特里夏•琼斯(PatriciaJones)否决了。

    Dr Andy Hoofnagle , a member of the organising committee , said he and several of his colleagues had " fought really hard to prevent " Ms Holmes from appearing but were overruled by Patricia Jones , the AACC president .

  3. 琼斯辩护了美国临床化学协会邀请霍姆斯发言的决定,称协会领导层有权决定谁应该上台发言。

    Ms Jones defended the AACC 's decision to invite Theranos to speak and said that the leadership of the association had the right to determine who should appear .