
Photo enhancements are nothing new , of course and Photoshop has been readily available for a long time .
Meitu app helps 270 million monthly active users slim faces , lengthen legs and otherwise spice up their online appearance - essential among image-obsessed social media mavens .
More than third of women ( 34 ) use filters on sites such as Instagram to make themselves look better in pictures before sharing them with friends .
One artist at the forefront of the trend is Parisian Ines Marzet , known online as Ines Alpha , whose creations have adorned pictures of artists , musicians and models on Instagram .
All this extreme digital photo editing is leading to unrealistic expectations as to what Chinese women actually look like in real life .
After snapping with a camera phone , people can apply a range of filters or details to photographs : they can add borders , shadows or a sepia tone , and enhance the colours and shadows .
I hate how she beautifies every picture she takes .
Most of my female friends edit their faces before posting pictures on social media - it 's a must-do , ingrained step .
Normally , they will use digital tools of face beautification before posting any photos online .
Inspired by the craze for AR filters on Snapchat and Instagram , " e-make up " artists enable you to download outlandish make-up looks to enhance your digital self .
Another charmer asked me why I used such " life like photos " rather than edited pictures .
One charmer asked me why I used such " life like photos " rather than edited pictures .
Photoshopping your face with an app is just that - fun - and isn 't harmful in most cases .
On Wednesday , the company unveiled a set of improvements to the photo capabilities of Google + , its social network , that include the automatic refinishing of images .