
  1. 卫生部开始向使用药物数量多的病人收取费用。而许多病人连到医院看病的七美元基本收费都付不出。

    The Health Ministry has started charging patients for more drugs-and many patients cannot even afford the $ 7 flat fee when visiting a clinic .

  2. 据信在瞻博网络工作的软件工程师以159990美元的基本年薪高于年入136427美元的位居第二的LinkedIn的软件工程师。

    Engineers who said they work for Juniper reported an annual base salary of $ 159990 , compared with the $ 136427 base salary reported by those who said they work for the second-place firm on the list , LinkedIn .

  3. 这种颇为有用的技术在豪华车营销中回报颇丰,凭借49900美元的基本售价(实际购入价格为61530美元),A6应能使奥迪保持增长势头,甚至加速发展。

    This kind of useful technology pays off big in luxury car marketing , and with a base price of $ 49,900 ( as-tested : $ 61,530 ) , the A6 should enable Audi to maintain its momentum or even accelerate .

  4. 他们的8亿美元投资基本上没有获得回报,甚至赔本。

    Basically $ 800 million has been invested with little or negative return .

  5. 与之对比,惠特曼将获每年1美元的基本年薪。

    Whitman , by contrast , will be paid $ 1 a year .

  6. 自此,人民币对美元汇率基本维持在较窄的空间里波动。

    From now on , the Renminbi basically will maintain to US dollar exchange rate in a narrower space undulates .

  7. 从销售额上看,2010年美国自行车销售金额为60亿美元,基本上与2003年持平。

    As for sales , the U.S. industry saw $ 6 billion in 2010 & basically flat since as far back as 2003 .

  8. 2008年10月至今,人民币对美元汇率基本保持稳定,但目前人民币确实面临着进一步升值的压力。

    Although since September 2008 , the exchange rate of RMB-US dollar has been stable , the RMB still faced with pressure of appreciation .

  9. 与去年同期相比,阿里巴巴的营收上升至28亿美元,基本上与分析师的普遍预期相符。

    Alibaba 's revenue rose to $ 2.8 billion , compared with a year earlier , roughly in line with the consensus analyst estimate .

  10. 1785年,美国国会选用美元作为基本的货币单位,一美元分为一百美分。

    In 1785 the Congress of the United States chose the dollar , which is made up of 100 cents , as the basic unit of money .

  11. 去年印度的外商直接投资额为276亿美元,基本恢复到2009年时的水平。这之前,在遭遇一连串腐败丑闻打击后,印度的外商直接投资一度大幅下降。

    Foreign direct investment in India was $ 27.6 billion last year , rebounding to around its 2009 level after a barrage of corruption scandals caused a slump .

  12. 通过大致计算得出的隐含价格是每千立方米350美元,基本接近去年中国从土库曼斯坦进口天然气的价格。

    A back-of-the-envelope calculation yields an implied price of $ 350 per thousand cubic meters , which is close to what the Chinese are understood to have paid for gas from Turkmenistan last year .

  13. 尽管过去几个月,人民币兑美元汇率基本持稳,但人民币兑欧元汇率却持续攀升,这在很大程度上造成了中国出口增长的不断下滑。

    Although the renminbi has been largely constant against the dollar over the past few months , it has continued to appreciate against the European currency , a rise that might well have contributed significantly to China 's waning export growth .

  14. 一位要求匿名的阿富汗官员说:每月70美元的基本薪水三年前是笔数目不菲的钱,但现在就不那么容易招人,去跟一支不好对付的叛军作战了。

    Basic pay of $ 70 a month was a lot of money three years ago but it is harder to recruit people to fight in a bitter insurgency now , said a Afghan official who spoke on condition of anonymity .

  15. 但他补充称,考虑到价格需要上涨,以鼓励对未来供应的投资,“有一种理性的主张称,每桶60至90美元是基本合理的价位”。

    But he added that taking into account that prices need to rise to encourage investment in future supply , " there is a rational argument to say that somewhere between $ 60 to $ 90 a barrel is the right sort of level " .

  16. 据美林-凯捷最新发布的世界财富报告,在股市反弹的推动下,去年全球的百万富翁数量增加了17%,达到1000万人,他们的财富总量增长了19%,达到39万亿美元,基本上收回了在金融危机中所受的损失。

    A stock market rebound helped the world 's ranks of millionaires climb 17 percent to 10 million , while their collective wealth surged 19 percent to $ 39 trillion , nearly recouping losses from the financial crisis , according to the latest Merrill Lynch-Capgemini world wealth report .

  17. 根据用户数量来计算,Facebook对WhatsApp每位用户的估值在40美元左右,基本和近些年被收购的其他社交媒体公司的情况差不多。

    On a per-user basis , Facebook is paying around $ 40 apiece for WhatsApp , roughly in line with the amount that other social media companies that have been acquired in recent years .

  18. 在零售商中排名第八的沃尔玛公司的软件工程师以12万2110美元的平均基本工资——仅次于甲骨文公司的12万2905美元——高于来自Facebook,eBay,亚马逊和微软的工程师的平均工资。

    The retailer ranked eighth , with a reported average base salary of $ 122110 - just behind Oracle 's $ 122905 , but ahead of the average salaries reported by engineers from Facebook , eBay , Amazon or Microsoft .

  19. 美元走强基本上对大多数大宗商品构成利空,因为大宗商品是以美元定价的。

    A strong US currency is generally bad for most commodities since they are priced in dollars .

  20. 按要求,所有公司都需要为500美元以上的基本项目开支买单,比如交通费。

    All companies are asked to cover basic project costs beyond $ 500 , such as travel .

  21. 其估计,向每个成年人每月发放2500瑞郎(合2560美元)的基本收入,成本将是目前联邦政府年度支出(670亿瑞郎)的三倍。

    It estimated a basic income of SFr2500 ( $ 2560 ) per adult a month would have cost three times as much as current annual federal government spending of SFr67bn a year .

  22. 我们已给每位成人房客减去了25美元,这就是基本的房费价格了。

    We have subtracted $ 25 per adult to arrive at a basic room rate .

  23. 实际上沃达丰空中通讯公司(VodafoneGroupPLC)就有一项配合HSDPA调制解调器的服务,每24小时的收费是20美元,而且使用基本不受限制。

    Vodafone indeed offers a service for a HSDPA modem that costs about $ 20 per24 hours of more or less unlimited usage .

  24. 普华永道(PwC)咨询师预测,中国企业今年还将从大陆股市募集660亿美元的资金,基本与去年的丰年规模持平,而这些问题可能会变得更为明显。

    And with consultants PwC predicting that Chinese companies will raise a further $ 66bn on the mainland markets this year , similar to the bumper crop of last year , those problems are likely to become more prominent .

  25. 调拨价值一百万美元的钢铁用于基本建设

    Commit one million dollars worth of iron and steel in capital construction

  26. 据美国婚庆业有关人士估计,再婚的平均消费为12000美元,与初婚基本持平。

    According to American matrimonial industry estimates , the average second wedding costs $ 12,000 , which is about the same as most first weddings .

  27. 想象一下,政府给每个成年人每月发放大约1000美元。这些钱基本足够大多数美国人支付住房、食物、医疗和其他基本需求方面的开支。

    Imagine the government sending each adult about $ 1000 a month , about enough to cover housing , food , health care and other basic needs for many Americans .

  28. 因此,从7月至12月,人民币实际汇率又上升了9%,尽管其兑美元的名义汇率基本保持稳定。

    So the real exchange rate for the renminbi rose by another 9 per cent between July and November , although its nominal rate against the dollar remained roughly constant .

  29. 考虑到战争因素和季节需求状况,预计2003年国际油价大体保持在22~25美元/桶,基本上是一季度最高、二季度下降、三至四季度微弱上扬的走势。

    The international oil price will likely remain between US $ 22 ~ 25 per barrel in 2003 . Price will peak in the first quarter , drop in the second quarter and climb slightly in the third and fourth quarters .

  30. 交易恢复时,苹果股价曾短暂地跃升至每股429.9美元,随后又回落到405美元,基本回到原位。

    When trading resumed it leaped briefly to $ 429.9 before drifting down to $ 405 , roughly where it started .