
  • 网络Strict Administrative Action;fettered administrative act
  1. 法院对行政机关行政自由裁量行为的审查的确与对羁束行政行为的审查有很多差异。

    The examination that the court exerts on administrative organization differs greatly from the examination that the court exerts on strict administrative act .

  2. 随着自由裁量权在社会管理生活中适用范围的扩大和社会影响力的增强,人们逐渐认识到,相对于羁束性行政行为,行政自由裁量权更容易被滥用。

    With the expansion of the discretion ' scope in the social life and the enhancement of its social influence , it is a growing recognition that , as opposed to the custodial administrative acts , administrative discretion is more easily abused .