
  • 网络Luo Ping;LUO-PING
  1. 在研究原作的基础上对罗聘的艺术特色进行剖析。

    Artistic features analysis on the basis of the research the original .

  2. 这是罗聘写的。

    This is written by Luo Pin .

  3. 得罗聘神韵,喜用枯笔焦墨,他的花鸟画很有个性。

    Learning from Luo Pin , he liked to use dry ink with a side brush to draw flowers and birds .

  4. 罗聘的人物画以隐晦的艺术形式,辛辣深刻地表现了清中叶社会的黑暗,具有现实主义的特点。

    Luo Pin portraits obscure art form , spicy and deeply the performance of the darkness of the mid-Qing Dynasty society , has the characteristics of realism .