
  • Show Lo
  1. 我爱你罗志祥我们永远的国王。

    I love you Show Luo , our king forever .

  2. 在这部连续剧中,她非常漂亮,并且和罗志祥合作。

    She was very beautiful in this series and cooperated with Show Luo .

  3. 但由邓超和小猪罗志祥主演的《美人鱼》却未能突破去年4月上映的好莱坞电影《速度与激情7》单日票房3.46亿元的最高记录。

    But Mermaid , which stars Deng Chao and Show Lo , failed to overtake the highest single-day total in China , recorded last April by Hollywood 's Furious 7 , with 346 million yuan .