
  • 网络Romny;Mitt Romney
  1. 在共和党党内竞选中,马萨诸塞州前州长罗姆内已经落后于亚利桑那州资深参议员约翰麦凯恩(johnmccain)。

    In the Republican race , Mr Romney , former governor of Massachusetts , has fallen behind John McCain , the veteran Arizona senator .

  2. 选民们断定罗姆内先生最具实力为他们排忧解难。

    Voters judged Mr Romney most capable of easing their pain .

  3. 罗姆内的批评者提供了几项反驳意见。

    Mr Romney 's detractors offer several rebuttals .

  4. 如果希拉里或罗姆内连续第二次失利,他们的大选希望将在未来数周一系列的各州初选和党内竞选中悬于一线。

    A second successive defeat for either Mrs Clinton or Mr Romney would leave their presidential hopes hanging by a thread heading into the barrage of other state primaries and caucuses over the next few weeks .

  5. 确实很难想象罗姆内会弹奏一曲吉他,胡诌几个关于滚石乐队的笑话或在投票室外与人打雪仗。而这些就是赫卡比在密西根做到的。

    And it is indeed hard to imagine him strumming a guitar , cracking jokes about the Rolling Stones or getting in a snowball fight outside a polling booth , as Mr Huckabee did in Michigan .