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  • 网络lauren;loren;Laurent
  1. 作者兼编辑罗伦班斯最近在纽约的theCut上指出,我们好像已经到了使用这个词来形容女性形体无论形体如何的顶峰。

    As writer and editor Lauren Bans recently pointed out in New York 's The Cut , we appear to be at peak curviness , that is , in terms of using this word to describe the female form , whatever that form might be .

  2. 她在欧洲替劳夫罗伦工作。

    She works for Ralph Lauren in Europe .

  3. 本文对Z逆变换中的留数法合理地给出假设条件,并用复变函数中的罗伦级数、留数理论给出了严谨、简捷的证明。

    The assumptive conditions are given reasonably about the residue method of Z inverse Transformation , and a close forthright prove is given by the theory of Laurent series and residues in complex function .

  4. 虽然德o罗伦索是一个狂热分子,但他也有可能会反其道而行之。

    Passionate though he is , De Lorenzo can shift gears .

  5. 墨菲和德o罗伦索并不是在所有的观点上都格格不入。

    Murphy and De Lorenzo agree on some things .

  6. 夫人,你女儿跟我的儿子弗罗伦多出去了。

    Signora , your daughter she 's out with my son , my fiorindo .

  7. 德o罗伦索也很喜欢这两家公司。

    De Lorenzo likes both companies too .

  8. 我少女时曾是劳夫罗伦在纽哈芬分店的模特儿

    I was a teen model when the Ralph Lauren store opened in New Haven .

  9. 父女俩出门时是带着弗罗伦丝的滑板车离开唐宁街的,但卡梅伦最后亲自驮着他3岁的小女儿。

    They left No10 with her scooter but the Prime Minister ended up carrying the three-year-old .

  10. 因此,弗罗伦丝拒绝了霍顿爵士的婚事,教她大为不满。

    She was therefore upset by Florence 's decision to reject Lord Houghton 's offer of marriage .

  11. 德o罗伦索一直都在批评豪华汽车品牌使用新车型来提升销量的做法。

    De Lorenzo has been a persistent critic of luxury brands that use new models to grow volume .

  12. 德o罗伦索打的是喜好牌,而且很少让事实成为其有力观点的障碍。

    De Lorenzo plays favorites and rarely lets the facts get in the way of a good argument .

  13. 档次派阵营的主要人物则是资深营销顾问、自称行业异类的皮特o德o罗伦索。

    Leading the arguments for the class side is longtime marketing consultant and self-styled industry curmudgeon Peter De Lorenzo .

  14. 知名品牌这种将产品线扩展到陌生领域的做法几乎让德o罗伦索感到抓狂。

    Such product line extensions into unfamiliar segments by long-established brands induce a state of near apoplexy in De Lorenzo .

  15. 英国首相卡梅伦近日被拍到送小女儿弗罗伦丝去幼儿园,小姑娘骑在爸爸的肩膀上。

    The Prime Minister was seen walking with his youngest daughter Florence on his shoulders as he took her to nursery .

  16. 有一次我还带她去巴黎观参观尤夫斯•圣罗伦一个大型的时装展,该时装展给她留下了深刻的印象。

    Once I also took her to Paris to see a major Yves Saint Laurent exhibition , and she was really impressed by it .

  17. 香:典型的麦克罗伦谷穗乐仙香味,混合了黑莓、桑葚、熟大黄、白胡椒和香料的味道。

    AROMA : Typical of McLaren Vale Shiraz , the aroma displays lifted blackberries , mulberries , cooked rhubarb , white pepper and spice .

  18. 在一张唐宁街认可发表的图片中,卡梅伦先生看起来并不介意被看到和弗罗伦丝在一起。

    Unusually , Mr Cameron did not seem to mind who saw him with Florence , with the pictures approved for publication by Downing Street .

  19. 盗用罗伦技术资料的应立即删除或者断开链接,构成侵权的个人,组织罗伦将追究其法律责任。

    Lauren technical information theft should be immediately removed or broken links , constitute an infringement of individuals , organizations Rolen will pursue their legal obligations .

  20. 弗罗伦丝戴着波点的安全帽,她的爸爸扶着她的脚踝,而小女孩则调皮地遮住爸爸的眼睛。

    Florence , wearing a multi-coloured polka dot safety helmet , could not resist cheekily covering her father 's eyes as he held on tight to her ankles .

  21. 在复变函数范围内,选择积分围道,利用罗伦级数展开,在构造辅助函数、研究积分收敛性的基础上,得到以组合表达的该广义积分的求值公式;

    With constructing a trial function , expanding functions of a complex variable in Laurent series and using convergence of the definite integral itself , an integrating formula expressed by combination is developed .

  22. 德o罗伦索常驻底特律,是博客“汽车极端分子”的博主。他称自己是一位“非常规、朴实无华、最热门事实的提供者”,而且一直是品牌诚信的忠实拥趸。

    De Lorenzo , who is based in Detroit , leads the AutoExtremist blog , calls himself " a purveyor of the bare-knuckled , unvarnished , high-octane truth , " and has been a rigorous defender of brand integrity .