- 动disregard

In 2013 , climbers Ueli Steck , Simone Moro , and Jonathan Griffith found themselves in a violent brawl with Sherpas after allegedly ignoring orders to halt their climb .
We will not sacrifice crew safety for that goal .
McDonald 's , famous for serving hamburgers , hasn 't ignored that .
He kept on smoking in spite of warnings .
Employers should pay attention to the items instead of ignoring employees needs .
Did he , in other words , act negligently or with reckless disregard for the truth ?
The US body politic is perfectly prepared to ignore the debt implications of its stimulus actions .
Secondly , some property owners ignore the law , disregard risk to safety and proliferate illegal structures .
Your employers are slow to credit and advance you despite your capabilities and inclination to hard work .
On the other hand , you don 't want to hold dogmatically to a belief against all evidence .
Well - observed details have an unmistakable ring of truth and revisionist historians ignore them at their peril .
It was a case of local managers acting in their own self-interest instead of the interests of their customers .
The spokesman said the comments by the U.S. side are ignorant of facts and indiscriminate of rights and wrongs .
Human rights have become a global concern . The cruelty of Nazi Germany illustrated the danger of not protecting human rights .
Interesting Fact : As the casualties lay seriously injured or dead in their wrecked car , the photographers continued to take pictures .
Lord Hurd regards the development of the Conservative Party as a continuum - in marked contrast to New Labour 's avowed contempt for history .
US efforts to get China to shed these objectives sound hypocritical when the US seems to be opting for excess stimulus itself , ignoring spillovers .
Ignoring common sense , French and German banks lent money to Athens on the assumption that Greece was as solvent as , say , Germany .
There were many causes for the downfall , but arrogance and a misguided focus on growing market share no matter the costs are two big ones .
Some people did harm to the society , other people even themselves just in order to abreact their psychic and mental problems or protect their own profits .
The Chinese Ministry of National Defense has issued a statement saying Japan is ignoring facts , making groundless accusations , and deliberately playing up its perceived China Threat .
We must note that our banks have lost some gains for ignoring requirements of international social responsibility , which has triggered a series of disadvantages for banks themselves .
A soldier surrounded by enemies , if he is to cut his way out , needs to combine a strong desire for living with a strange carelessness about dying .
Acting in your own interest and not in the interest of clients is a failure to carry out the duties of office , to fulfil one 's fiduciary duty .
The federal authorities are probing whether current or former executives ignored the audit 's findings or actively took steps to conceal the problems , both potential offences , the newspaper said .
You are always ready to make personal sacrifices but can sometimes be too quick to give in to the needs of others when you would be better to stand your own ground .
The spokesperson added that if the UK takes sanctions against Chinese institutions or personnel in disregard of facts , China will respond and the UK will bear all the consequences arising therefrom .
Love is not jealous , it does not brag , does not get puffed up , does not behave indecently , does not look for its own interests , does not become provoked .
Morally , it results from the sheer drive for profitability by gluttonous merchants who use cheaper , and often harmful , substitutes , all at the expense of the physical welfare of the public .
Mr Singh also warned against business embracing " extreme models of non-regulation " , a reference to the increasingly freewheeling nature of corporate India and " unethically " concentrating wealth in a few hands .