
  • 网络Phishing;phish;phishing scam
  1. 周一安全研究专家说,Google已经修复了自身Web站点存在的安全漏洞,包括网络钓鱼攻击,账户欺诈和其他类型的可能的漏洞。

    Google has fixed a security flaw on its Web site that opened the door to phishing scams , account hijacks and other attacks , security researchers said Monday .

  2. 骗子诈骗警告类似于网络钓鱼诈骗。

    A phoney fraud alert is similar to a phishing scam .

  3. 因此,DNS是防御网络钓鱼的第一线。

    Therefore , DNS is the front line of phishing defense .

  4. 建立了基于DNS的网络钓鱼防护系统。

    Established the phishing protective system based on the DNS .

  5. 结合权重分析、字符串最小汉明距离、基于感知哈希算法的图片相似度判断等技术,设计并实现了基于web系统的反网络钓鱼系统。

    The paper design and implement an web-based anti-phishing system on the basis of weight value 、 minimum hamming distance in string 、 image similarity judgment based on hash algorithm .

  6. 通过对DNS收集的URL进行及时的检测判定,为DNS反网络钓鱼模块提供钓鱼网络URL黑名单库。

    Through timely detection judgement on the URL collected by DNS , it can provide a black list of phishing Web URL for anti-phishing modules .

  7. 网络钓鱼大都是通过DNS达到目的的,被钓者也是在使用基于DNS的网络应用服务中造成损失的。

    In most cases , phishing achieved through DNS and the losses were also caused during the use of network applied services based on DNS .

  8. 对SSL提供安全的普遍信心正好是为什么一些新网络钓鱼诡计使用SSL哄骗人们放弃个人信息的原因。

    The general belief of SSL providing security is precisely why many of the newer phishing scams that use SSL are tricking people into giving up personal information .

  9. 有研究机构发现上半年大部分web2.0网络钓鱼是利用社交网络引擎中用户松懈的戒备心理进行的。

    BitDefender Labs found that most web2.0 phishing attempts in the first half of2009 relied on social engineering schemes and speculated user naivety .

  10. 如果带有恶意目的,所连向的可能是欺骗用户吐露个人信息的网络钓鱼(phishing)网站。

    With malicious intent , this could have been a phishing site , fooling the user into revealing personal details .

  11. 本文第四章,将两种方法结合,提出一种基于敏感特征的网络钓鱼攻击检测方法,提取出可以人为识别的网络钓鱼的URL特征和其他身份特征,然后使用线性分类器对网站进行分类。

    In the fourth chapter , this paper proposes a method of phishing detection based on sensitive characters , extracts the features of URL and other identity , then classifies the website with a linear classifier .

  12. 科米表示,FBI仍在辨认此次袭击的媒介。不过他表示,攻入索尼的可能媒介与针对索尼的鱼叉式网络钓鱼(Spearphishing)攻击有关,这些攻击最晚发生在去年9月。

    Mr Comey said the FBI was still looking to identify the vector of the attack but said the likely vector for the entry into Sony evolved from a spear phishing attempt on the company as late as last September .

  13. 科米表示,FBI仍在辨认此次袭击的“媒介”。不过他表示,“攻入索尼的可能媒介”与针对索尼的鱼叉式网络钓鱼(Spearphishing)攻击有关,这些攻击最晚发生在去年9月。

    Mr Comey said the FBI was still looking to identify the " vector " of the attack but said " the likely vector for the entry into Sony " evolved from a spear phishing attempt on the company as late as last September .

  14. 2006密切关注网络钓鱼

    We pay attention to " phishing " closely in 2006

  15. “网络钓鱼”通过欺诈性电子邮件骗取人们透露信用卡号码。

    Fraudulent emails aimed at tricking people into revealing credit card numbers .

  16. 网络钓鱼是一种发动网络攻击的简单而有效的方式。

    Spear Phishing is an easy and effective way to attack a network .

  17. 鱼叉式网络钓鱼以特定的对象为标靶。

    Spear phishing is targeting a particular organization .

  18. 鱼叉式网络钓鱼的不同之处则在于它并不以随机目标为对象。

    Spear phishing on the other hand is not normally targeting the random individual .

  19. 网络钓鱼犯罪分析

    Networking Network Data Analysis of Phishing Crime

  20. 通常的做法是转寄受害人的邮件,或者网络钓鱼。

    Common methods include redirecting a victim 's post or gaining online banking details via'phishing'scams .

  21. 网络钓鱼攻击的在线检测及防治

    Online detection and prevention of phishing attacks

  22. 电脑安全专家称为鱼叉式网络钓鱼常常为更深的攻击提供指导。

    Computer security specialist says spear phishing often provides the means for even broader attacks .

  23. 网络钓鱼攻击者一直在发展其攻击策略,改变钓鱼邮件的特征,从而使邮件能绕过邮件过滤器的检测。

    The attackers are developing the strategies , so that the mails can pass the mail filters .

  24. 尽管互联网安全隐患重重,比如最近发生的多起网络钓鱼邮件和垃圾邮件。

    Despite high-profile examples of internet security breaches , such as the recent incident of phishing email scams .

  25. 所以,当谈到高科技诈骗时,最常见的诈骗方法之一是“网络钓鱼”。

    When it comes to high-tech fraud , one of the most common scams is " phishing " .

  26. 通过对当前网络钓鱼防御方案的全面分析,总结了当前各种防御方案的优点和不足。

    Through comprehensive analysis on the current Phishing defense programms , we summarized the strengths and weaknesses of the current defense programs .

  27. 尽管许多黑客用的只是相对基础的工具,比如网络钓鱼或恶意软件,但他们运用这些工具的目的各有不同。

    While many hackers use relatively basic tools , such as phishing or malware , they often wield them with different motives .

  28. 一种网络钓鱼的特殊形式最近已经开始出现&我们用鱼叉式网络钓鱼这个术语来描述之。

    Recently a specialized form for phishing has begun to appear - the term used for this is " spear phishing " .

  29. 打击、防范网络钓鱼这种新形式的网络犯罪活动已经引起国内外的广泛关注和高度重视。

    How to combat and prevent these new forms of online criminal activities has aroused great attention both at home and abroad .

  30. 网络钓鱼攻击是指利用社会工程学和技术手段窃取消费者的个人资料以及金融账户身份认证证书。

    Network Phishing attacks use both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers ' personal identity data and financial account credentials .