
  • 网络network paralysis
  1. 将这种算法用于一个算例的计算,与遗传优化BP算法相比较,发现遗传优化BP算法出现了网络瘫痪问题,改进算法则取得了较好的运算结果。

    Compared with optimizing BP algorithm , it is found that the improved algorithm is efficient and can solve the problem of network paralysis .

  2. 针对目前普遍应用的BP算法存在学习速度慢和容易陷入网络瘫痪的缺陷,建立基于单参数动态搜索算法的快速人工神经网络模型,具有更快的收敛速度和更高的训练精度。

    At present , the widely used BP algorithm has the shortcomings of slow convergent speed and easily reaching the network paralysis . The thesis presents a fast neural network model based on single parameter dynamic searching algorithm , which has faster convergent speed and higher accuracy than BP algorithm .

  3. 网络瘫痪发生之前,贝尔斯利向全世界介绍了Tag,这一功能使得两部手机间可通过轻点实现联络人信息共享。

    Before the outage , Balsillie introduced the world to tag , a feature that allows the sharing of contact info between two phones by tapping them together .

  4. 但是随着互联网应用的深入,一旦网络瘫痪,将会造成巨大的经济损失。

    Once the network breaks down , it will cause an enormous economic loss .

  5. 许多垃圾邮件含有可导至公司整个网络瘫痪的病毒。

    Many spam emails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company .

  6. 男:喂,你知道公交公司网络瘫痪这件事吗?

    Man : Hey , Do you know there has been a crash on bus company network system ?

  7. 在某些少量的资源被死锁的封包占用之后,其他的封包受阻于这些资源,使得网络瘫痪。

    After a few resources are occupied by deadlocked packets , other packets block on these resources , paralyzing network operation .

  8. 类似交换机,无线控制器不能分割广播域,因此无线局域网中容易发生广播风暴而引发网络瘫痪。

    Be similar to switches , AC can not split a broadcast domain , WLAN susceptible to broadcast storms caused network paralyzed .

  9. 研究表明,由中心节点所构成的中心子网处于支配地位,只要5%-10%的中心节点同时失效就可导致整个网络瘫痪。

    Research shows that , center subnet is in a dominant position , 5 % - 10 % of which failure can lead to paralysis of the entire network .

  10. 据报道,数以百万计的人在互联网上观看悼念仪式,以至于一些主要的网站出现了严重的网络瘫痪。

    Many more millions of people reportedly chose to stream the memorial through the internet , and major websites reported huge spikes in traffic after the memorial was streamed online .

  11. 而且就在贝尔斯利演讲后不久,迪拜及周边的广大地区中东、亚洲、欧洲和非洲就遭遇了黑莓网络瘫痪事故。

    And soon after his presentation , Dubai and a rather wide area surrounding it the Middle East , Asia , Europe , and Africa was hit with a BlackBerry network outage .

  12. 安全路由是安全问题的重要研究方向,针对路由层的攻击可能导致整个网络瘫痪,因此研究安全路由问题有重要意义。

    As one crucial research directions of security , attacks against routing layer of WSNs may cause the whole networks disabled . So it is significant to study secure routing issues of WSNs .

  13. 很快这个网站的流量剧增,导致哈佛大学的部分校园网络瘫痪。马克因此受罚留校察看六个月,同时在校内大多数女生社团中声名狼藉。

    Mark is punished with six months of academic probation after the traffic to the site crashes parts of Harvard 's network , and becomes vilified among most of Harvard 's female community .

  14. 首先提出了一种新的路网容量概念,即有效路网容量,避免了传统网络瘫痪时路网容量最大这个弊端。

    The paper proposed a new concept of network capacity , named " effective network capacity " . It can avoid the drawbacks that traditional network capacity became the largest when it paralyzed .

  15. 美国政府则一直持相反的看法:位于中国的互联网黑客(其中一些明显与中国政府有关系)发动了互联网间谍活动,并企图令美国网络瘫痪。

    US authorities have consistently alleged the contrary : that China-based internet hackers - some with clear links to the government - have been responsible for internet-based espionage as well as attempts to disable US networks .

  16. 特别是存储的各种关键信息,经常遭受恶意和非法用户的攻击,使得这些信息被非法获取或破坏,严重者导致网络瘫痪。

    Especially , different kinds of key information stored in computer network often suffer the attacks by malice and illegal users , so as to , these information is acquired or destroyed illegally , even result in the network paralysis .

  17. 这样可以及时寻找新的路径,避免重复使用一条路径或节点,过早耗光能量造成网络瘫痪。然后,再将以上对无线传感器网络的研究改进方面应用到实际。

    Then it can find a new path in time , and avoid prematurely depleting energy result in networks because of the repeated using of a path or node . Then , the research result on wireless sensor network improvements is applied into practice .

  18. 除导致中国部分公路和铁路网络瘫痪以外,冰冻的天气还迫使大量商务及货运航班被取消,而当时正是数千万人试图返家过年的时候。

    Freezing weather has forced mass cancellations of commercial and cargo flights , as well as paralysed part of China 's road and rail network , at a time when tens of millions of people were trying to travel home for the Lunar New Year .

  19. 当暴风雪导致中国铁路网络瘫痪,数十万工人被困在广东省省会广州市的火车站里时,中国的春运终于开始有些出名了。

    Last year 's Chinese spring rush , which climaxed in early February , shed some of its previous anonymity when snowstorms paralysed the country 's rail network and trapped hundreds of thousands of workers at the main railway station in Guangzhou , capital of the southern Guangdong province .

  20. 上周,来自一个名为和平卫士(GuardiansofPeace)的团体的黑客曾令索尼影视的内部计算机网络陷入瘫痪,访问了涉密的电子邮件及其他数据,并威胁要公布这些数据。

    Hackers from a group called Guardians of Peace last week paralysed Sony Pictures ' internal computer network , accessing confidential emails and other data and threatening to release it .

  21. 上周,来自一个名为“和平卫士(GuardiansofPeace)”的团体的黑客曾令索尼影视的内部计算机网络陷入瘫痪,访问了涉密的电子邮件及其他数据,并威胁要公布这些数据。

    Hackers from a group called Guardians of Peace last week paralysed Sony Pictures " internal computer network , accessing confidential emails and other data and threatening to release it .

  22. 为了防止交通网络陷入瘫痪,企业被要求大幅减少往返于市中心上班的员工人数。

    Lest the transport network completely implode companies have been told to slash the numbers of employees commuting into the centre .

  23. 一旦发生安全事故,将直接导致通信网络的瘫痪或中断,后果难以估量。

    Once the security incident , it will directly lead to paralysis or interruption of communications networks , the consequences are not measurable .

  24. 更重要的是,由于您的资产分布在各种机器上,您的数据在一些机器(或部分网络)瘫痪时也能保持高可用性。

    What 's more , because your assets are distributed to various machines , your data remains highly available should some machine ( or portion of the network ) go down .

  25. 这些现象严重降低了P2P流媒体系统的性能和用户体验,搭便车节点的存在甚至会导致网络的完全瘫痪。

    These phenomena seriously reduce the performance of the P2P streaming media system , The existence of free-riding nodes even leads to the complete paralysis of network .

  26. 如果路由被误导,整个网络可能陷于瘫痪。

    If routing is misdirected , the whole network would have been paralysed .

  27. 专家表示,朝鲜可能在军事打击之前,利用网络攻击作为瘫痪韩国电信系统的工具。

    Experts said North Korea could use cyber attacks as a tool to paralyse the South 's telecoms system before military strikes . ,

  28. 大跨度桥梁通常是交通要道,一旦桥梁出现破坏,交通网络将陷于瘫痪,交通运输将会受到重大影响。

    The bridge with long span is usually the traffic artery , so once the bridge collapses , the traffic network will break down and the transportation will be severely affected .

  29. 每次只要那位室友一开迅雷,大家的网络就几乎陷于瘫痪状态,即使用网际快车下载东西也只有可怜的几KB的速度。

    Every time I open as long as the roommate who Thunderbolt , everyone on the network almost been at a standstill , and the use Flashget to download something that is only the poor rate of a few KB .

  30. 而一旦这些信息系统和网络被攻击导致瘫痪,势必造成极大的政治、经济和社会影响,因此信息安全保障形势十分严峻。

    If these information systems or networks were attacked and paralyzed , there must be a great influence on politics , economy and society .