
  1. 本文主要研究了传感器网络数据链路层的介质访问控制(Mediumaccesscontrol,MAC)协议。

    The text is mainly studying on the medium access control , MAC protocol of sensor networks ' data link layers .

  2. 无线传感器网络数据链路层设计模型

    Design Model of Data Link Layer in Wireless Sensor Network

  3. 计算机网络数据链路层网络故障排除初探

    Computer networks , data link layer of network troubleshooting

  4. 本文首先在对计算机网络数据链路层原理进行研究的基础之上,提出了基于以太网的安全介质访问控制协议。

    With studies on the principles of the data link layer in computer networks , this article brought forward a kind of security medium access protocol basing on Ethernet standards .

  5. 3~+网络系统数据链路层协议的分析

    Analysis of Data-Link Layer Protocol of 3 ~ + Network System

  6. 着重分析和研究了Windows98环境下拨号网络对数据链路层点对点协议的实现机理,并探讨了拨号网络中虚拟网卡的实现机制。

    This paper mainly analyzes and researches the principle and implement mechanism of Dial-Up Networking for Point-to-Point Protocol in Windows 98 OS , and discusses the implement mechanism of Virtual Network Adapter in Dial-Up Networking .

  7. 通过网络层、数据链路层和物理层三层之间的信息共享,实现移动adhoc网络中高投递率、低传输时延的组播路由。

    Through information sharing between network , data link and physical layers , multicast routing with high delivery ratio and very low delay can be realized in mobile ad hoc networks .

  8. OPNET中的高频电子邮件系统则分为应用层/传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层。

    HF Email system in OPNET comprises application layer / transfer layer , network layer , data link layer and physical layer .

  9. 提出一种数据链路层追踪方法,它对基于哈希的IP追踪技术进行了扩展,在SPIE结构中增加两个组件,将网络层和数据链路层的追踪技术相结合。

    It is an extension of Hash-based IP traceback , adds two components in SPIE , and combines traceback technology on network layer and data-link layer .

  10. 在分析网络层和数据链路层拓扑发现的区别的基础上,提出了一种基于SNMP和STP的分层工业以太网网络拓扑结构图发现算法。

    This paper addresses the difference of topology discovery between the network layer and the data link layer . And we present a new algorithm based on the SNMP and STP , working for the topology discovery in large industrial networks .

  11. 网络层和数据链路层应用141B的协议实现网络控制器和数据链路层的功能。

    Network layer and data link layer adopt 141B protocol to implement the network controller and the function of data link layer .

  12. 在本地网络中,数据链路层假设任务控制使用共享媒介。

    In local networks , the data link layer often assumes the task to regulate access to a shared medium .

  13. CDPD(蜂窝数字分组数据)是利用模拟蜂窝电话网实现分组数据传输的一种网络技术,其数据链路层的功能主要是提供一条可靠、高效的逻辑连接。

    The data link layer ( DLL ) of CDPD ( cellular digital packet data ) MES ( mobile end system ) is mainly focused on providing a reliable and effective connection between MES and MDBS ( mobile data base station ) .

  14. 最后,根据水下通信的可行性设计了一个由四个节点组成的水声通信网络,对其数据链路层协议进行仿真研究。

    At last we design a UAN making of four nodes and simulate the data link layer protocols .

  15. 在设计协议栈的过程中,根据协议栈各层功能的不同,将协议栈分成三个模块:应用层模块、网络层模块和数据链路层模块。

    According to the four layers of the protocol stack , the BACnet is divided into three main modules : application , network and data link .

  16. 本文概述了BACnet协议产生的原因和协议模型,介绍了BACnet网络的体系结构及应用层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层的功能,分析了BACnet与OSI模型的区别与联系。

    This paper introduces the history of BACnet and its model as well as its architecture and the function of application layer , network layer , data and link layer and physical layer and also analyzes the difference and relationship between BACnet and OSI .

  17. 网络拓扑发现的研究也由网络层拓展到数据链路层.链路层的拓扑发现能够发现网络层拓扑发现无法发现的局域网内部的详细的物理连接情况。

    The study is transferred from network layer to data link layer . The link layer topology discovery can discover the physical topology internal a LAN , which the network layer topology discovery can not discover .

  18. 第二,提出一个简单而有效的基于网络的入侵检测算法,通过检测网络数据包的数据链路层、网络层和传输层的头的域信息中的异常域值,来检测攻击。

    Second , it put up a simple and effective arithmetic based on network . It detect the abnormally value of the domain information of the data link layer , network layer and the transport layer of the network data package to detect the attack .

  19. 由于具有节点能量有限、网络规模大、数据冗余度高、运行环境恶劣等特点,无线传感器网络数据链路层的设计不同于传统的无线宽带络和adhoc网,需要重新设计路由协议。

    As with specialty of limited node energy , massive network , high data redundancy , bad conditions and so on , the DLL ( data link layer ) of WSNs , which is different from conventional wireless broadband and Ad Hoc networks , needs to redesign routing protocols .

  20. 阐述了利用NDIS进行网络包的监测和分析的基本原理,并在此基础上实现了对网络适配器在数据链路层网络包的监测,并通过对数据报文结构的分析,再现了应用层协议的实现过程

    This paper discusses the principle that monitors and analyzes the network packet based on NDIS , and gives the implementation process which recovers the packet 's structure captured by network adapter based on data link layer

  21. 无线传感器网络的功率控制是一个跨层设计的问题,目前的研究主要集中在网络层和数据链路层。

    Power control in WSN is a cross-layer design technique of networks . Currently , most research efforts in power control are focused on network layer and data link layer .

  22. OSI/RM将计算机网络将网体系结构划分为应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层七个层次。

    OSI / RM classify the structure of the network into application layer , presentation layer , session layer , transport layer , network layer , data link layer and physical layer .