
  • 网络Network Control Technology
  1. 基于ACL的高校校园网络控制技术的研究与应用

    Research on ACL-based College Campus Network Control Technology and Its Application

  2. 首先简要介绍了NGN网络控制技术的基本内容,然后给出了NGN的网络控制参考模型,同时描述了NGN可实现的一种网络结构。

    This thesis first introduced the main content of NGN network control technology briefly , then presented the reference model of NGN network control and a feasible NGN network structure .

  3. 内燃机活塞裙面加工精度的BP神经网络控制技术研究

    BP Neural Network Control Technique Study on Processing Accuracy of Internal Combustion Engine Piston Skirt

  4. 基于Web的实时网络控制技术是控制技术与计算机网络技术相结合的一种远程控制技术。

    Networked control system ( NCS ) in real time based on Web is a new study field that integrates computer , network technology and control technology .

  5. STM微位移工作台的遗传神经网络控制技术

    Control of STM Micro-displacement Stage Based on Genetic Neural Network

  6. 网络控制技术的发展,加速了包含CAN总线通信协议的嵌入式PLC在工控领域中的应用。

    The development of the Network Control System improved the application of the embedded PLC that contains CAN communication protocol in the field of industrial control .

  7. 系统采用模块式设计和网络控制技术,由1个整流逆变单元(三相全控整流器及其控制器)、n路直流变换单元(可控DC-DC变换电路及其控制器)和控制网络组成。

    With modularization structure , the whole system is composed of one rectifying and inverting unit , many DC converting units and controlling networks .

  8. NGN网络控制技术

    NGN Network Control Technology

  9. 本论文提出了完整的EPA智能变送器的总体设计方案、信号处理方案、EPA嵌入式通讯卡方案、基于神经网络控制技术的环境温度影响补偿算法实现高精度的方案。

    This paper presents full solutions of EPA intelligent transmitter , EPA embedded communication circuit board signal processing , environment compensation based on Neural Networks super precision .

  10. 在我国自主研发的5种系列和谐号CRH动车组中,其中就有3种采用了TCN网络控制技术。

    In the five kinds of CRH Multiple Units ( MU ) developed in China , three kinds of MU use TCN network control technology .

  11. 在本次项目中,通过网络控制技术与PLC设备的结合实现了与远程控制站、皮带机、翻板、刮水器、装船机、卸船机、斗轮机等设备的信号集成。

    In this project , through the network control technology with the combination of PLC equipment implementation with the remote control station , belt machine , flap , wiper , loading machine , ship unloader , dou turbine equipment such as signal integration .

  12. 将模糊神经网络控制技术引入到结构振动控制上,利用遗传算法对网络全局性参数进行离线优化,利用BP学习算法在线调整网络局部性参数。

    An adaptive controller based on neural network is introduced into active vibration control , the macrocosmic structure of controller and parameters are optimized based on genetic algorithm off-line , and the local parameters are revised by means of back propagation calculation method on-line .

  13. 本文阐述了智能控制技术,包括模糊控制和神经网络控制技术,在此基础上,一是设计了模糊控制器,二是利用BP网络设计人工神经网络控制器。

    In this paper the intelligent control theory , including fuzzy control and artificial neural network control are introduced . On the basis of it , two controllers are designed respectively , which are fuzzy logic controller and artificial neural network voltage space vector controller by use of BP network .

  14. 随着网络控制技术的持续发展,控制系统与网络通信系统的集成已成为控制网络技术的一个热点,为此提出了以应用于NCS的控制器为研究对象,通过组成网络控制系统来研究其性能。

    With the continued development of control technology , control systems and integrated networks communications system has become a hot spot of control network technology , to move to the network controller for the study through a network control system to study its performance .

  15. 液压逻辑阀系统的神经网络控制技术

    The neural network conrol technology used in hydraulic logic valve system

  16. 基于以太网的数控机床网络控制技术的研究

    Research on Network Control of NC Machine Tool Based on Ethernet

  17. 机器人操作臂神经网络控制技术的研究

    The study of the neural network control technique on Robot Manipulators

  18. 铜连续挤压生产模糊神经网络控制技术的研究

    The Study of Fuzzy Neural Network Technology of Copper Continuous Extrusion Production

  19. 自动化网络控制技术在冶金工业中的应用

    Application of Control Technology of Automation Network to Metallurgical Industry

  20. 远程实验系统中仪器的网络控制技术研究

    Study of the Network Control Technology of Instrument in Distance Experiment System

  21. 网络控制技术在安钢宽板坯连铸机的应用

    The Application of the Technique of Network Control in Angang Wide Slab Caster

  22. 水电设备远程是随着网络控制技术发展而兴起的一项新技术。

    Remote diagnosis technology is developing with the progress of network control theory .

  23. 网络控制技术在桥梁工程施工中的运用

    Application of Network Control Technology in Bridge Engineering Construction

  24. 基于计算机网络控制技术的实验室系统

    A Lab System Based on Computer Network Control Technique

  25. 网络控制技术在冲压生产线上的应用

    Application of network control technique in stamping production line

  26. 轮胎厂计算机网络控制技术

    Computer net work control of tire factory

  27. 并以此分析为基础,提出了在电火花加工过程中,使用模糊神经网络控制技术。

    Based on the analysis , a fuzzy neural control system for EDM was achieved .

  28. 硫化机网络控制技术简介

    Brief of Curing Press Network Control Technology

  29. 工业网络控制技术在电厂凝水处理系统的应用

    The Application of Condensate Treatment System in Power Plant Based on Industrial Network Control Technology

  30. 安全网络控制技术在干熄焦系统大修中的应用

    The Application of Safety Network Control Technique in the Heavy Repair of Coke Dry Quenching System