
  • 网络Online Newspaper
  1. 在以前在展览中,参观者只能看到馆方或其他专家的一面之词,现在,他们可以把对展览和艺术品的反应、评论、不满贴出来,就像读者在网络报纸的评论区、去过某个餐馆的人在Yelp上做的一样。

    Visitors may now post a lively mix of reactions , reviews and rebuttals to exhibitions and individual works , just as readers do in online newspaper comment fields and restaurantgoers do on Yelp .

  2. 我国网络报纸信息资源建设现状的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis on the Development of Online Newspaper in China

  3. 浅谈免费网络报纸资源的开发与利用

    A Study on Developing and Utilizing Free Web Newspapers Resources

  4. 网络报纸与戏曲信息传播

    Net Newspaper and the Information Spreading of the Xiqu Opera

  5. 网络报纸建设现状及发展思路探析

    Research on the Development of Network Newspaper in China

  6. 国内图书馆开发利用网络报纸信息资源现状调查与分析

    The Survey and Analysis of Online Newspaper in China

  7. 博客正在与网络报纸进行竞争。

    Blogs are competing with online newspapers .

  8. 本文以报纸网站为研究对象,对我国网络报纸信息资源建设情况展开全面调查,并对有关的调查结果进行了系统分析。

    The paper surveys the present situation of online newspaper in China , and analyzes the results of the investigation of online newspaper information resources .

  9. 他描述一场目前正在上演的传统报纸和网络报纸之间的激烈战争。

    He described the tug of war that has been going on in recent years between newspapers on real live paper ( my words for the old-fashioned way ) and newspapers available on the Internet .

  10. 漂流旅游要提升自己的文化内涵,结合当地的历史文化,通过电视网络报纸等媒体进行宣传推广,使本地的特色能够为更多的人所熟知。

    Drifting Tourism to improve their own cultural connotation , combined with the local history and culture through television networks , newspapers and other media for publicity and promotion , so that the local characteristic to more people know .

  11. 根据当地神奈川新闻社的网络报纸,该市市长安倍高雄告诉记者说:哆啦A梦是在川崎市被创造和诞生的。从这一意义上来讲,他将永远是本市的居民。

    " Doraemon was created and born in Kawasaki city . In that sense , he has always been a city resident ," Mayor Takao Abe told reporters , according to the online edition of the local Kanagawa Shimbun newspaper .

  12. 针对高校和公共图书馆网站开发利用网络报纸信息资源的现状,探讨了图书情报机构参与网络报纸信息资源开发利用的具体措施和对策。

    Based on a thorough analysis of the current situation of domestic library online newspaper information resources , the paper attempts to inquire into some integrated and reasonable measures to promote library s capability of exploiting the newspaper information on Internet .

  13. 柯蒂斯和艾弗雷特都对彼此怀恨已久,柯蒂斯的恨起源于艾弗雷特拒绝在网络报纸上发表文章,而艾弗雷特则抱怨,自从自己州议员竞选失败后,柯蒂斯就一直在网上窥探自己,于是两人就通过互联网和共同的朋友不停中伤对方。

    Curtis said the feud stemmed from Dutschke 's refusal to run an item in his online newspaper , while Dutschke claims that Curtis cyberstalked him after his crushing Mississippi State House election loss . The two battled for six years online and through mutual friends .

  14. 网络时代报纸的生存之道

    The Development of Newspapers in the Internet Times

  15. 是的,我会通过网络和报纸关注。

    Yes . I see it in the internet , and I will buy newspaper .

  16. 人们获得排球信息的主要渠道是电视、网络、报纸、杂志和书刊。

    The main channels people accessed volleyball information are TV , networks , newspapers , magazines and books .

  17. 提升科技传播质量是网络时代报纸发展的要件

    To Improve the Quality of Scientific Communication is an Important Requisite for Newspapers ' Development in the Internet Age

  18. 要知道,它们从网络,报纸和电视上更多的了解了这个世界。

    You know , they know much more about the world from the Internet , newspapers , and TV .

  19. 分类广告转投网络使得报纸是一段时间来表现最差的媒体,而其广告收入继续大幅下滑。

    Newspapers , for some time the weakest media performers because of the online migration of classified advertising , turned in further heavy declines .

  20. 电视、广播、网络、报纸,甚至于手机都成了传播天气、服务大众的媒介。

    Television , radio , internet , newspaper , and even the mobile phone have become the media to spread weather information and service the public .

  21. 从去年11月末,关于是否应该从《中国科普法》中废除“伪科学”,在网络、报纸和电视上都展开了激烈的争论。

    Since late November , a debate on whether to remove the term from China 's science popularisation law has spread from websites and newspapers to television .

  22. 比方说,网络或报纸的所有者,如果和某个大企业有金钱或合作关系,那么他们就会低调处理乃至自动忽略对此企业所有不利的信息。

    For example , a network or newspaper owner with a stake in or ties to a large industry may de-emphasize or omit information damaging to the industry .

  23. 2002年,上亿的中国人从电视上看见大洋彼岸的斯克特读出“姚明”的时候,另外一些人则从网络和报纸上认识了阿联。

    In2002 , when hundreds of millions of Chinese saw NBA commissioner David Stern read the name of Yao , some other Chinese knew Yi from cyberspace and newspapers at the same time .

  24. 本文在简单回顾报纸媒体发展史的基础上,着重探讨了网络时代报纸这一传统媒体的生存逻辑、生存基础与生存策略。

    This thesis based on review the development history of newspaper , focus on discussing about surviving logic , surviving foundation , surviving strategy of newspaper this traditional media in the era of Internet .

  25. 别再在社交网络或者报纸软件上浏览新闻或者看文章了吧。你若能再拿起报纸就会发现,每天看看新闻是一件多么放松的事。

    Instead of hitting up a social network or a newspaper app to breeze through news summaries and half-read a few articles , grab a paper and be amazed at how relaxing it is to read through the day 's news .

  26. 你认为在教室里使用影印的网络资料和报纸文章是可以接受的吗?请发表你的意见。

    Do you think the use of photocopied netbooks and newspaper articles in the classroom can be accepted ? Please give your opinions .

  27. 网络作为继报纸、广播和电视之后新兴的第四大媒介,越来越深入我们的生活。

    As the fourth new media after newspaper , broadcast and television , network is more and more deeply connected with our life .

  28. 这些潜在客户可能包括近期发起的美国地方和地区报纸网络,这些报纸的订户可免费访问《邮报》的数字产品。

    Potential clients could include the recently launched network of local and regional US newspapers whose subscribers receive free access to the Post 's digital products .

  29. 另外,网络媒体与报纸、广播、电视在功能上具有互补性,这就决定他们有各自的适用人群和使用场合。

    In addition , network media and newspapers , broadcast , TV has complementarity at function , which determine they have their own suitable people and proper occasion .

  30. 网络作为继报纸、广播、电视之后的新兴媒体,不仅已经发展成为一个新型的产业,而且成为思想文化交流的一个新的领域。

    The network has not merely already developed into a new-type industry as the new developing media following broadcast 、 newspaper 、 TV , and become a new field of thought cultural exchanges .