
  • 网络cyber warfare;cyberwarfare;Cyber War
  1. 这是网络战模糊性的明显例证。

    This is a clear example of the blur of cyber war .

  2. 北美和印度的英特网安全专家已经揭露一个大的网络战行为,来自中国,而且瞄准印度的军队和防卫工业。

    Internet security experts in North America and India have uncovered a major Cyber War operation , coming out of China , and aimed at the Indian military and defense industries .

  3. 海军网络战及CEC系统的发展研究

    The naval force network-warfare and research of CEC system development

  4. 网络战的威胁是新近冒出来的,所以迄今为止,就如何定义网络攻击,如何界定“均衡反应”(proportionateresponse)仍未形成共识。

    The threat of cyber-warfare is so new that there is , as yet , no consensus on how to define a cyber-attack , or what would constitute a " proportionate response " .

  5. 看看叙利亚的情况,出动无人机对政府军坦克编队实施轰炸,以及发动网络战令巴沙尔•阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的指挥及控制系统陷入瘫痪,这并非难事。

    Looking at the options in Syria , drone attacks on regime tank formations and a cybercampaign to immobilise Bashar al-Assad 's command and control would be the easy part .

  6. 信息时代背景下的网络战与国际政治

    The Battle of Network in the Information Era And International Politics

  7. 美国如今正抓紧防范网络战的威胁。

    The US is now scrambling to counter the cyberwar threat .

  8. 例如,可把国际银行业宣示为网络战禁区。

    International banking , for instance , could be declared off-limits .

  9. 同样的,当代的军队将具有打网络战的能力。

    Militaries will now have a cyber-war capability in their arsenals .

  10. 信息化战场的新成员&网络战

    A New Member in the Informatization Battlefield & Network War

  11. 在军事领域,网络战可以令基于电脑的武器系统失灵。

    In the military , cyber warfare can disable computer-based weapons systems .

  12. 更为困难但更为重要的是,签署新的网络战条约。

    More difficult , but more important , are new cyberwar treaties .

  13. 21世纪新的战争样式&网络战

    The 21st century 's war pattern & network war

  14. 计算机网络战防御技术分析

    Analysis on Defensive Technique for Computer Network Warfare

  15. 全球即将迎来一场网络战。

    The world is gearing up for cyberwar .

  16. 不过,网络战并非儿戏。

    Yet cyber warfare is no laughing matter .

  17. 演习发出了一个明显的信号:网络战不再是科幻小说了。

    The signal is clear : the cyber warfare is no science fiction anymore .

  18. 战斗识别与网络战述评

    Combat Identification and Network Warfare : a Review

  19. 不过,最大规模的战斗发生在网络战和网络间谍领域。

    But the greatest battle is happening in the area of cyberwarfare and cyberespionage .

  20. 利用蜜罐技术架构网络战训练虚拟靶场环境

    Construction of a virtual target circumstances for cyber war training by honeypot technology Network Data

  21. 奥巴马上台后美国对伊朗网络战规模扩大(纽约时报)

    Obama order sped up wave of cyberattacks against Iran [ the New York Times ]

  22. 如果受攻击国家实施报复,我们可能就真的处在一场网络战之中了。

    And if the target nation retaliates , we could actually find ourselves in a cyberwar .

  23. 第二个选项可能是将国土安全部改头换面,专注于网络战。

    A second option might be to relaunch the DHS to focus on the cyber fight .

  24. 电子战与网络战的一体化

    Incorporate Electronics War and Networks War

  25. 对于发达工业国家来说,网络战既是巨大机遇,同时也是巨大威胁。

    For advanced industrial nations , cyber-warfare is simultaneously a huge opportunity and a huge threat .

  26. 网络战中的网络欺骗技术

    Network-cheating in Network War

  27. 我们可能已在爱沙尼亚和格鲁吉亚看到了网络战的雏形,发动者可能是俄罗斯。

    We may already have seen early versions of cyberwars in Estonia and Georgia , possibly perpetrated by Russia .

  28. 网络战和无人机让北约的民主国家看到了一种极富吸引力的战争前景:这种战争不仅有着较低的经济成本,而且毫无危险。但看到这种前景的不仅只有民主国家。

    Cyberwar and drones offer Nato democracies enticing prospects of cheap , risk-free warfare - and not just democracies .

  29. 主要介绍了该项技术的含义、构成、分类、方法及在计算机网络战中的应用。

    This article mainly introduces the definition , component , classification , methods and application in computer network warfare .

  30. 来自于华盛顿国际战略研究中心的詹姆斯刘易斯认为,网络战是不可避免的。

    According to James Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington , cyber warfare is inevitable .