
  • 网络network medium;network media;internet;internet media;E-media
  1. e时代的儿童网络媒介接触行为探查

    An Exploration into Children 's Exposition to the E-Age Internet

  2. 网络媒介的意义建构功能分析

    The Analysis of Sense-making Function of Internet as a Mass Medium

  3. 服务的规则实施点通常体现为嵌入式代理或网络媒介,比如XML网关。

    This enforcement point for services usually takes the form of an embedded agent or a network intermediary such as an XML gateway .

  4. 然而,绝大部分研究成果都忽视了大学生DV的传播渠道和生存环境&互联网,鲜有论述把大学生DV和网络媒介结合起来进行研究。

    However , most of them have ignored the networks & which is the communication channel and environment of students DV , few of them combined the two together .

  5. FCoE之所以重要,是因为它将主流的网络媒介与主流的企业存储协议连接起来。

    FCoE is important because it joins the most-dominant enterprise storage protocol with the most-dominant networking medium .

  6. 关于远程教育交互问题的系统思考&基于网络媒介的视角

    On Interactive Issue in Distance Education & in Network Media Perspective

  7. 网络媒介环境给记者作业方式带来的利弊分析

    On Advantages and Disadvantages of Journalists ' Operations in Net Environment

  8. 网络媒介由电脑、互联网和网站三部分构成。

    Network media is formed by computer , Internet and website .

  9. 从公共性到主体间性&一种对网络媒介传播的探讨

    From Publicity to Inter-subjectivity & On the internet media broadcasting

  10. 网络媒介对中国传媒生态的影响

    The Effect of Internet Media on China 's Media Ecosystem

  11. 网络媒介发展与社会的互动关系

    The Interacted Relation of the Network Medium Development and Society

  12. 余论:对未来的网络媒介文学进行展望。

    Conclusion : a prospect on the future network literature .

  13. 网络媒介素养是当代大学生必须具备的媒介素质。

    Contemporary college students must have the quality of network media literacy .

  14. 商业性网络媒介的希望究竟在哪里?

    Where is the hope for the commercial internet media ?

  15. 网络媒介给女性文学带来哪些变化?

    So , what changes has the Internet brought to feminism literature ?

  16. 网络媒介议程设置的弱化及其影响

    The weakening of the agenda setting of internet media and its consequences

  17. 网络媒介引发的思考。

    Part three is the further reflections beyond network medium .

  18. 试论网络媒介对医学生政治社会化的影响

    The Impact of Internet Media on the Politics Socialization of Medical Students

  19. 网络媒介及其在预防艾滋病健康教育中的应用

    Application of Internet in hiv / aids health education

  20. 充分利用网络媒介资源完善沟通渠道。

    Make full use of network media resources perfect communication channels . 7 .

  21. 并具体分析了以以太网为网络媒介的网络控制系统的时延特性,并在一定的假设条件下建立了简化的以太网时延模型。

    Then a simplified delay model of Ethernet is built under several assumptions .

  22. 网络媒介素养研究方兴未艾;

    Internet media literacy research is on the rise ;

  23. 因此,对网络媒介进行研究十分必要。

    Therefore , it is essential to conduct a research into network medium .

  24. 而网络媒介则不同,它具有独特的互动性。

    However , the network media is different due to its unique interaction .

  25. 基于网络媒介的交互设计研究

    A Study on Interacting Design Based on Network Media

  26. 高校学生网络媒介素养个案实证研究

    An Empirical Case Study of Network Media Literacy Based on the College Students

  27. 网络媒介影响下的审美观念转型分析

    The Transition Analysis of the Aesthetic Conception under the Influence of Network Media

  28. 论网络媒介对传统新闻传播的冲击

    On Net Medium 's Effect on Traditional News Transmission

  29. 浅析网络媒介与传播的关系

    The Relation between the Network Medium and Dissemination

  30. 二是网络媒介时代文学创作主体发生改变;

    Secondly , the literary creation subject has changed in the internet media era ;