
  • 网络Webmaster;Web Master
  1. 差不多人人都知道谷歌的分析工具GoogleAnalytics,但是你是否用过谷歌的网站管理员工具(GoogleWebmasterTools)?

    Everyone knows about Google Analytics , but are you using Google Webmaster Tools ?

  2. 检测此类错误的最佳方式就是使用Google网站管理员工具(GWT)。

    The best way to detect these errors is by using Google Webmaster Tools .

  3. 此web部件已由网站管理员进行连接,且无法修改。

    This web part has been connected by a site administrator and cannot be modified .

  4. 输入一个windows帐户作为网站管理员帐户。

    Enter a Windows account to use as the web administrator account .

  5. 使用Google网站管理员工具检测并移除无效链接

    Detecting and removing invalid URLs using Google WebMaster Tools

  6. 但是,网站管理员可以通过管理工具禁用title字段。

    However , the site administrator can disable the title field via the administrative tools .

  7. 由于XML和XSLT看起来过于复杂,因此许多网站管理员不想使用它们。

    Many webmasters shy away from XML and XSLT because they look too complex .

  8. 同时,Web服务端基于B/S结构,网站管理员是通过Web浏览器访问Web管理端,具有较好的扩展性、可维护性和移植性。

    Meanwhile , Web server based on B / S structure , the webmaster shave access to the Web management side via a Web browser . Which has good scalability , maintainability and portability .

  9. 许多网站管理员都已转向脚本(JSP、ASP或PHP)和数据库的组合以帮助他们应付不断成长的站点。

    Many webmasters have turned a combination of scripts ( JSP , ASP , or PHP ) and a database to help them cope with an ever-growing site .

  10. 如果ssp管理员已关闭查询日志记录,则此功能对网站管理员不可用。

    If the SSP administrator has turned query logging off , this feature will not be available to site administrators .

  11. 实验证明,Web日志挖掘技术可以有效的识别用户访问模式,为网站管理员和商家决策提供宝贵的信息,实现网络个性化服务。

    The experiment shows that the techniques of Web log mining could efficiently recognize user 's access path , and valuable information for the web site administrators and the merchants ' decision-making is provided , which realize the service of individuating Web .

  12. InfoQ:您能否为平台构建方,或是网站管理员给出一些建议,让他们确保不会遭受PaddingOracle攻击?

    InfoQ : What do you recommend to platform makers and website admins to do to make sure they are protected from a Padding Oracle attack ?

  13. 不过显然对于网站管理员来说,真正的好处是一种标记就能同时满足Google和Bing,不必为每一个搜索引擎提供一套标记。

    But , of course , the benefit for webmasters is the fact that one markup will work both with Google and Bing , they not having to provide separate markup for different search engines .

  14. 史蒂夫·克鲁格,在他的著作《Don’tMakeMeThink》中,鼓励网站管理员“去掉每页上一半的话,然后再去掉剩下的一半”。这将降低噪音水平,并让有用的内容在每一页上都更突出。

    Steve Krug , in his book Don 't Make Me Think , encourages website managers to " Get rid of half the words on each page , then get rid of half of what 's left . " This will reduce the noise level on each page and make the useful content more prominent .

  15. SaaS用户应该与供应商协商根据每个用户角色(非技术用于、应用程序开发人员、网站管理员)分配给每个用户的动态资源。

    The SaaS subscriber should negotiate with the provider on the amount of dynamic resources allocated to each user depending on the role of each user ( non-technical users , application developer , website maintainer ) .

  16. 虽然它不是GUI,但我最初目标是使用XSLT处理器(确切地讲,这个工具对用户不太友好),并通过将XSLT与XM捆绑在一起而使网站管理员更愿意使用它。

    Although it 's not a GUI , my original goal was to take an XSLT processor , which is not exactly a user-friendly tool , and make it more approachable to webmasters by wrapping it with XM .

  17. 约定共同提出一种以Microdata格式为基础的通用标记词汇集&,正打算给自家网页内容增加语义标记的各位网站管理员,今后的工作会轻松许多。

    Have decided to propose a common markup vocabulary , Schema . org , based on the Microdata format , simplifying the job of webmasters who want to give meaning to their web pages content .

  18. 你基本上是销售文本链接网站管理员等。

    You are basically selling text links to webmasters and others .

  19. 您必须是网站管理员,才能执行此操作。

    You must be a site administrator to perform this action .

  20. 通常由网站管理员设置权限和受信任位置。

    Permissions and trusted locations are usually set by the site administrator .

  21. 若要更改您的权限,请与网站管理员联系。

    To change your rights , contact the site administrator .

  22. 只有网站管理员才能设置此属性。

    You need to be a site admin to set this property .

  23. 网站管理员中心组该怎么办呢?

    What should the Webmaster Central team do next ?

  24. 那么为什么不听听谷歌网站管理员工具教给你的诀窍呢?

    Why not listen to what Google is telling you via Webmaster Tools ?

  25. 如果您仍然遇到问题,请与网站管理员联系。

    If you still experience the problem , try contacting the Web site administrator .

  26. 大学教育资助委员会及网站管理员保留随时删除留言之权利。

    The UGC and the webmaster reserve the right to remove messages at any time .

  27. 这迫使全世界的网站管理员对网页加载速度进行优化。

    That pushed web masters around the world to work on optimizing their pages for speed .

  28. 网站管理员在学院任何一台联网的计算机上就能实现网站监管功能。

    Site administrators at the college in any networked computer can achieve the site supervisory functions .

  29. 这表示发布组织只向其会员和网站管理员发布。

    This meant the group were only releasing the movies to their members and site ops .

  30. 只有网站管理员组中的成员才能设置此属性。

    You need to be a member of the site administrator group to set this property .