
  • 网络In-cylinder direct injection technology;FSI;SIDI;piezo-electric injectors
  1. 总之,FAI缸内直喷技术,可以完全消除二冲程汽油机的燃油短路的现象,极大地改善二冲程发动机性能。

    In a conclusion , the FAI system can completely remove the fuel short-circuiting , and greatly improve the performance during heavy load operating conditions .

  2. 汽油机缸内直喷技术的研究现状及发展方向

    Recent Research and Development Direction on Gasoline Direct Injection

  3. 汽油机缸内直喷技术和柴油机HCCI/PCCI燃烧方式的出现极大地丰富了预混合燃内容,让喷雾特性的研究变得更加重要,也促进了燃料和喷射技术的长足发展。

    As the gasoline direct injection engine and diesel engine HCCI / PCCI combustion system were proposed , premixed combustion concept has been enriched , meanwhile , the fuel injection technologies and researches of spray characteristics get more and more attention and rapid development .

  4. 汽油缸内直喷式技术的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Gasoline In-Cylinder Direct Injection Technology

  5. 汽油机缸内直喷的关键技术和发展现状

    Key Technology and Developing Status of Direct Fuel Injection in Gasoline Engine

  6. 汽油机缸内直喷(GDI)技术的发展为解决这一问题提供了有效的途径,但同时也对燃油的雾化质量提出了较高的要求。

    The development of gasoline direct injection ( GDI ) technology provides an effective way to solve the problem mentioned above , meanwhile , the well-atomized spray is required .

  7. 同时阐明解决发动机突然加速和突然减速性能与排放性能的矛盾,仅靠目前的后处理装置是不能彻底实现的,只能依赖于缸内直喷(GDI)技术的早日成熟。

    It also points out that the solution to solve the conflict between the giving-off of the gas and the sudden speeding up and slowing down of the engine cannot depend on the present rear device but on the development of the GDI technology .

  8. 缸内汽油直喷稀薄燃烧技术

    Lean Combustion Technology in Direct Injection Gasoline Engines