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  • thumbnail
  1. 向Web开发者提供的另一个特性是“缩略图工具栏”。

    Another feature available to web developers is the " thumbnail toolbar " .

  2. Outline视图开始时显示了整个图的缩略图。

    The Outline view initially shows a thumbnail view of the entire diagram .

  3. 既然已经生成了Web页面缩略图,现在可以开始生成图形描述语言了。

    Now that the Web-page thumbnails are in place , the generation of the graph description language can begin .

  4. 然后在RichSnippet中显示图像的缩略图。

    A thumbnail of the image then displays for the Rich Snippet .

  5. 它有两个文本元素,分别存储照片和缩略图的URL。

    It has two text elements to store URLs to the photo and the thumbnail .

  6. 该公司工作人员在网站上的缩略图也跟法国研究机构CentralTest的网站上的图片一摸一样,虽然许多人的名字改变了。

    Thumbnail images of the firm 's staff on the website also matched those on the site of French research company Central Test , although many of the names had been changed .

  7. 在服务器上运行的额外网络程序用于处理将RationalRequirementsComposer资源转化为网页缩略图。

    An additional Web application that runs on the server is used for handling the conversion of Rational Requirements Composer resources into thumbnail-sized images .

  8. 在命令行中使用该程序可以很轻松地生成缩略图,甚至可以为包含Flash内容和其他修饰的页面生成缩略图。

    Using it on the command line is straightforward for creating thumbnails even on pages that include Flash content and other embellishments .

  9. 您还可以看到显示海报缩略图的RichSnippet,如图6中所示。

    You might also see a Rich Snippet displayed with a thumbnail of the poster , as in Figure 6 .

  10. 在Linux上,还可以使用khtml2png程序快速生成Web页面缩略图。

    On Linux , you can also use the khtml2png program to quickly generate Web-page thumbnails .

  11. 基于缩略图和EMD的无分割空间彩色图像检索方法

    Spatial Color Image Retrieval Without Segmentation Based on Thumbnails and the Earth Mover 's Distance

  12. 还需注意各种缩略图被放置在缩略图目录中,并且具有文件名domainname.png&例如,thumbnails/ostg.com.png。

    Also note that the various thumbnails are placed in the thumbnails directory and have the filename domain_name . png & thumbnails / ostg . com . png , for example .

  13. 在内容中添加文本组件thumbnailurl(照片文档的缩略图URL)。

    Add a Text Component thumbnail_url ( the photo document â™ s thumbnail URL ) to this content .

  14. 我们将用PHP编写一个相册,读取某一目录中的内容,显示缩略图组成的表格。

    You will write an album in PHP that reads the contents of a directory , showing the user a table of thumbnails .

  15. 命令行中指定的Web页面缩略图目录将为每个节点提供正确的shapefile图像。

    The Web-page thumbnail directory specified on the command line is used to give each node the correct shapefile image .

  16. 通过停用Vista的缩略图缓存策略,加快在vista中浏览图片和影片的速度。

    Speed up browsing of pictures and videos in Windows Vista by disabling the Vista thumbnails cache .

  17. 此脚本示例首先登入G2,接着运行建立所有缩略图和重设图片维护的任务。

    This example script first logs into G2 , then it runs the build all thumbnails and resizes maintenance task .

  18. thumbnail元素提供关于显示在Digg项旁边的缩略图的关键信息。

    The thumbnail element provides key information about the thumbnail image which displays next to the Digg entry .

  19. 每个还包含一些元素,这些元素提供的URL链接可链接到详细的图书信息、缩略图、预览(如果有)以及评论和评分等注释。

    Each also contains elements , which provide URL links to detailed book information , a thumbnail image , a preview ( if available ), and annotations such as reviews and ratings .

  20. 这会创建一个模型,其中包含一个thumb字段(用于缩略图)、一个caption和一个Boolean(表示照片是否在照片集中)。

    This creates our model with a thumb field ( for a thumbnail picture ), a caption , and a Boolean indicating if it is in our hypothetical set .

  21. 在实时数据的可视化方面,本文提出了适合机载SAR高分辨率实时成像系统的实时数据可视化方法,主要包括系统的实时数据可视化方案和缩略图等视图的实现算法。

    Finally , this dissertation describes the real-time data visualization approach suitable for air-borne SAR high-resolution real-time imaging system . Different algorithms for real-time data visualization and generation of various views such as thumbnail are described .

  22. 本文介绍GoogleBookSearchDataAPI,演示如何使用它通过关键字、作者和标题搜索图书,检索图书缩略图和预览,并添加评论和标签到用户图书馆。

    This article introduces the Google Book Search Data API , demonstrating how you can use it to search for books by keyword , author , and title ; retrieve book thumbnails and previews ; and add reviews and labels to user libraries .

  23. 另一个常见文件是thumbnail.png:为了便于呈现,ODF文件包含一个已保存文档的128x128缩略图表示。

    Another common file is thumbnail . png : ODF files include , for presentation purposes , a128 x128 thumbnail representation of the saved document .

  24. Axis包括一系列手机浏览器应用和桌面插件,该浏览器放弃了传统的搜索结果页面,代之以缩略图界面,使用户可以快速从搜索页跳转到实际页面。

    A series of mobile browsing apps and desktop plug-ins , axis takes a radical approach by ditching the conventional results page in lieu of a thumbnail-focused interface that lets users quickly jump from their search to the actual page .

  25. 按esc返回到普通视图;在普通视图中单击适当的幻灯片缩略图;然后单击“重新开始幻灯片放映”按钮。

    Press ESC to get back into normal view ; click the correct slide thumbnail in normal view ; then click the resume slide show button .

  26. 使用ImageContent存储照片文档的uuid、标题、下载URL和缩略图URL,然后使用这些信息为文档创建Web内容。

    ImageContent is used to store the uuid , title , download URL , and thumbnail URL of the photo document for further creation of Web content for the document .

  27. 并且演示在编码环境中如何生动化字幕和播放图标,使用CSS来修改视频缩略图的背景幻灯片式翻转变化。

    Working in a coding environment , Chris shows how to animate the captions and play icon , extend the thumbnails into filmstrips , and modify the filmstrip backgrounds to change on rollover using CSS .

  28. 打开iPhoto并生成183张1200万像素照片的高分辨率缩略图耗时不到七秒钟。

    It took less than seven seconds to open iPhoto and generate high-resolution thumbnail images for 183 12-megapixel images .

  29. 除了检索诸如缩略图、标题和描述这样的基本视频信息,parseVideoEntry()还提取针对视频评论、回复和相关视频的提要URL。

    In addition to retrieving basic video information , such as the thumbnail , title and description , parseVideoEntry () also extracts the feed URLs for the video 's comments , responses , and related videos .

  30. 更进一步,您可能拥有一系列缩略图,并想为每个缩略图打开一个包含对应大图的lightbox。

    To take this even a step farther , you could have a gallery of thumbnails , and may want to open a lightbox with the relevant large image for each thumbnail .