- 名thumbnail

Another feature available to web developers is the " thumbnail toolbar " .
The Outline view initially shows a thumbnail view of the entire diagram .
Now that the Web-page thumbnails are in place , the generation of the graph description language can begin .
A thumbnail of the image then displays for the Rich Snippet .
It has two text elements to store URLs to the photo and the thumbnail .
Thumbnail images of the firm 's staff on the website also matched those on the site of French research company Central Test , although many of the names had been changed .
An additional Web application that runs on the server is used for handling the conversion of Rational Requirements Composer resources into thumbnail-sized images .
Using it on the command line is straightforward for creating thumbnails even on pages that include Flash content and other embellishments .
You might also see a Rich Snippet displayed with a thumbnail of the poster , as in Figure 6 .
On Linux , you can also use the khtml2png program to quickly generate Web-page thumbnails .
Spatial Color Image Retrieval Without Segmentation Based on Thumbnails and the Earth Mover 's Distance
Also note that the various thumbnails are placed in the thumbnails directory and have the filename domain_name . png & thumbnails / ostg . com . png , for example .
Add a Text Component thumbnail_url ( the photo document â™ s thumbnail URL ) to this content .
You will write an album in PHP that reads the contents of a directory , showing the user a table of thumbnails .
The Web-page thumbnail directory specified on the command line is used to give each node the correct shapefile image .
Speed up browsing of pictures and videos in Windows Vista by disabling the Vista thumbnails cache .
This example script first logs into G2 , then it runs the build all thumbnails and resizes maintenance task .
The thumbnail element provides key information about the thumbnail image which displays next to the Digg entry .
Each also contains elements , which provide URL links to detailed book information , a thumbnail image , a preview ( if available ), and annotations such as reviews and ratings .
This creates our model with a thumb field ( for a thumbnail picture ), a caption , and a Boolean indicating if it is in our hypothetical set .
Finally , this dissertation describes the real-time data visualization approach suitable for air-borne SAR high-resolution real-time imaging system . Different algorithms for real-time data visualization and generation of various views such as thumbnail are described .
This article introduces the Google Book Search Data API , demonstrating how you can use it to search for books by keyword , author , and title ; retrieve book thumbnails and previews ; and add reviews and labels to user libraries .
Another common file is thumbnail . png : ODF files include , for presentation purposes , a128 x128 thumbnail representation of the saved document .
A series of mobile browsing apps and desktop plug-ins , axis takes a radical approach by ditching the conventional results page in lieu of a thumbnail-focused interface that lets users quickly jump from their search to the actual page .
Press ESC to get back into normal view ; click the correct slide thumbnail in normal view ; then click the resume slide show button .
ImageContent is used to store the uuid , title , download URL , and thumbnail URL of the photo document for further creation of Web content for the document .
Working in a coding environment , Chris shows how to animate the captions and play icon , extend the thumbnails into filmstrips , and modify the filmstrip backgrounds to change on rollover using CSS .
It took less than seven seconds to open iPhoto and generate high-resolution thumbnail images for 183 12-megapixel images .
In addition to retrieving basic video information , such as the thumbnail , title and description , parseVideoEntry () also extracts the feed URLs for the video 's comments , responses , and related videos .
To take this even a step farther , you could have a gallery of thumbnails , and may want to open a lightbox with the relevant large image for each thumbnail .