- velum;velumen

Sowerbyi has no significant effects on the diameter of umbrella and the width of velum .
Determination of Dipeptide Content in Piglet Small Intestine Brush Border Membrane Incubation System with HPLC
Cadherin-like protein acts as a receptor of Bt toxin by binding with toxin in brush border membrane of insect . Insect resistance to Bt toxin is related with the variation of cadherin-like protein gene .
Hydrolysis of Gly-Pro dipeptide in small intestinal brush border membrane vesicles of piglets
Toxic Effect of Ricin and Screening for Interaction Components with Intestinal Brush Border Membrane Proteins
The typical structure of the mantle of bivalve consisting of a middle zone and a marginal zone is observed .
Insulin was strongly degraded by pepsin , trypsin , chymotrypsin , proteases in the gastrointestinal lumen , and enzymes in the cytosol in comparison with weak degradation by proteases in the brush border membrane vesicles .
The activities of the BBM bound enzymes increased from 30 % of the total activities at 31 DAH to approximately 81 % at 38 DAH , indicating the maturation of intestinal tract and the transition of digestion mode .
Sucrase-isomaltase ( SI , EC ) is an important disaccharidase , lies in intestinal brush border membrane .
Methods : The ALP purification procedure included isolation microvillus of porcine kidney cortices by solubilization the membrance-binding enzymes with 1-butanol , precipitation with ammonium sulfate , chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel , ConA-Sepharose , Sephadex G-200 and a immuno-affinity column of anti-GGT antibodies .
Intervascular pit membranes with torns were found to be present in 10 species from 8 genera belonging to 4 families , but pit membranes were flat in the remainder .
The multivariate analysis indicated that blood vessel invasion , preoperative AST ascending , liver capsule invasion , resection margin and tumor size were the major risk factors affecting the prognosis .
A multidisciplinary design optimization ( MDO ) procedure for a vane with jet impinging cooling , film cooling of slots and holes , pin-fin array cooling was proposed in this paper .