- 名treaty-making power;power of contracting a treaty;right to make a treaty

On Contracting Rights of the European Community under the Federal System
The legal base and principles for contracting rights have been gradually founded by the European Court of Justice in its series of cases .
Thee volution of such principles is indicating or will indicate that the federal system of the European Community contains co-existing values of integration and decentralization .
Another woman was holding a placard demanding the " stop of all patriotic legislation " . Statutes in each jurisdiction have now given married women contractual capacity .
Each State Party to the Regulations is entitled to nominate one member of the roster and additional experts are appointed by the Director-General .
Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate one airline for the purpose of operating the agreed services .
A meeting can be called by any party when it is deemed necessary to discuss and solve any particular issue .
The priority of lease is expective right and right of claim with forceful treaty obligation , it is subordinate and public policy .
Any one of the contracting States shall have the right to call for a fresh conference with a view to considering possible amendments .