
huǎn liú
  • Slow flow;flow slowly
  1. 介绍了引进设备JTS溢流染色机、VGS卷染机及缓流染色机等设备的特点和试样情况,其中VGS卷染机的使用效果最好。

    Features and dyeing tests of certain imported dyeing equipments such as over-flow dyeing machine JTS , jigger VGS , soft-flow dyeing machine , etc , are described . Among them , jigger VGS enjoys best perfomance .

  2. 血瘀组大鼠肠系膜微血管均出现典型微循环障碍,肠系膜血管管径血瘀组较DMN组增粗显著(P<0.01);血瘀组红细胞聚集明显,血液流态以粒流或粒缓流为主。

    Typical microcirculation obstacle in mesenterium capillaries , gathered RBC , grain-line stream and grain stream of blood flow showed in blood stasis rats . To compare with DMN group , the mesenterium blood vessel tract was significantly wider than that of blood stasis rats ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 超滤法净化缓流水源水试验研究

    A Study on the Experiments of UF for Slow Flowing Freshwater

  4. 单排井柱桩透水丁坝的分水缓流作用效果

    Water Diversion and Retarding Action Effect of Single Permeable Pile Groins

  5. 沙头河口人民滩沉梢缓流促淤试验工程的效果

    Effect of an experimental promoting sedimentation works by sinking mattress

  6. 明渠渐变缓流水面线计算的迭代法

    The calculation of water - surface profile by means of alternate method

  7. 城市缓流水体污染成因分析及维护对策

    Analysis on polluted causes and their maintainable strategies of municipal slow-flow water bodies

  8. 城市缓流水体的生物强化净化技术

    Biological strengthening purification techniques of municipal slow-flow water bodies

  9. 荒漠和缓流的小溪有多么快乐。

    To please the desert and the sluggish brook .

  10. 生命的河,乐的河,缓流进我的心窝。

    River of life , River of joy , Gently flowing into my heart .

  11. 河渠缓流弯道冲刷深度计算的探讨

    Study on Calculation of Depth in Scour Pit for Subcritical Flow in Curved Channel

  12. 人工水草缓流和消波研究

    A Study of the Effect of Artificial Seaweeds on Current Slowing and Wave Absorbing

  13. 固定化微生物技术对受污染缓流水体底泥生态修复的研究

    Study on Effects of Immobilized Microorganism Technology on Ecological Restoration of Contaminated Slow-flow Water Sediments

  14. 适当提高水草疏密度、减少排距、增加草场长度,可获得较好的缓流及消波效果.研究成果为现场布置人工水草场提供了设计依据。

    The results of the study have provided a basis for designing the insitu artificial seaweeds projects .

  15. 山区陡坡河沟稀性泥石流和洪水水面线的推算天然河道水面曲线计算的研讨明渠渐变缓流水面线计算的迭代法

    Calculation of water surface profile of micro-viscous debris flow and flood in great gradient streams of the mountainous region

  16. (音乐)不奔放,缓流的,以复杂的、经常稍微滞后于节拍的和声结构为特点。

    ( music ) restrained and fluid and marked by intricate harmonic structures often lagging slightly behind the beat .

  17. 那时,我必使埃及河澄清,江河像油缓流。这是主耶和华说的。

    Then I will let her waters settle and make her streams flow like oil , declares the sovereign lord .

  18. 结论头皮动静脉畸形的超声表现符合其病理改变及高血流病变的高流速低阻力的血流动力学特点,易与缓流病变头皮海绵状血管瘤的超声图像相鉴别。

    So they can be differentiated from cavernous hemangioma of the scalp by ultrasonography , which features with low flow lesion .

  19. 护岸式透水桩坝缓流落淤效果及桩部冲刷过程

    Research on Effects of Deposition Falling with Tranquil Flow of Permeable Pile Dike for Bank Protection and Scouring Process around the Pile Position

  20. 采用对流扩散方程并且考虑渗流作用的影响,研究了缓流水体底泥污染物对周围土层的影响。

    This article studied the convection and diffusion of polluted materials in soil using convection and diffusion equation considering the effect of percolation .

  21. 群体性治安事件的主体结构具有明显的层次性,即核心层次、围观层次和缓流层次。

    The main part structures of the groups order cases have four gradations , namely , key gradation , echo gradation , watching gradation ;

  22. 石砾覆盖下的地表径流形态为紊流,流态为缓流。石砾含量为退耕地最低,其他3种植被类型差别不大;

    Under stone coverage on slope , the form of surface runoff is unsticking flow , and the flow state is belonging to slow flow .

  23. 为探索有关规律,寻找工程设计的依据,对缓流时的漫水丁坝坝头床沙起冲流速进行了尝试性的试验研究,对部分影响因子进行试验分析。

    Exploratory experiments and analyses are introduced herein to study the initial scour velocity of bed sand around submerged spur dikes and some factors influencing the velocity .

  24. 文章利用模拟实验开展了平原地区缓流河道中的水质变化对河道水流速度与来水水质的响应规律研究。

    Experiment was made to simulate slow flow riverway of plain at the aim to find effect of water quality on current velocity and quality of input water .

  25. 结果表明随植株生长,盐沼植被的缓流、消能以及对悬沙粘附和拦截作用逐渐增强。

    The results showed that with the growth of vegetation , salt marsh vegetation slowing flow , dissipating energy , and suspended sediment intercepting would gradually be strengthened .

  26. 农村缓流水体是维系乡村生态平衡的重要组成部分,水质污染已成为国内乡村缓流水体普遍现状。

    Slow-flow water bodies in rural-urban are important component for maintaining the ecology balance ; however the water pollution is very common in these water bodies in China .

  27. 通过采用一缓流的垂直下降段,测量油水两相流中的含水率值,获得了好的结果。

    Using a vertical downward section in which flow is very slowly , water holdup in oil-water two phase flow is measured , and a good result is obtained .

  28. 为了验证井柱桩透水丁坝的分水缓流作用效果,建立单排井柱桩透水丁坝运行时的水量平衡方程,导出了单排井柱桩透水丁坝上下游流速公式。

    In order to prove water diversion and retarding action effect of permeable pile groins , the flow velocity formulas above and below the permeable pile groins are derived respectively .

  29. 由于草根坡面径流既有急流又有缓流,而处于临界状态下的水流往往不稳定,从而造成在侵蚀输沙方面的不稳定。

    Since both tranquil flow and supercritical flow existed in the root underlying surface , the flow was often unstable in the critical conditions , resulting in the instability of the sediment transport .

  30. 可以直接利用流速大小来验证坡面流是急流还是缓流;而利用流速判断坡面流是层流还是紊流则需要考虑不同的坡度影响。

    It could directly use velocity to verify that whether overland flow was the rapids or slow ; but judge turbulent or laminar flow by flow velocity needed to consider different slope influence .