- kyat

Myanmar currency is the kyat , made up of100 pyas .
Kyat is a basic unit of currency in burma .
Multiple exchange rates for the Burmese currency , the kyat with a black market rate up to 200 per cent weaker than the official level has complicated trade and banking .
The current exchange rate for1 FEC is730 kyat .
But right now 800 Kyat to the dollar is not actually the official government rate .
As April 1st , the value of the Kyat should be about the same from those back alleys and to the world market .
The party has allegedly been offering incentives to members , who are required to pay1000 kyat ( US $ 1 ) to join .
Interestingly , the government itself drafts its own budget using the unofficial and a much weaker rate of 800 Kyat to the dollar .
The reform of the Kyat , Myanmar 's currency , is considered a pretty big step in opening up the country to foreign investment .
Traders also said the halt in the Thai-Burmese border trade has had a huge impact on many businesses , and caused the appreciation of the kyat .
Now , it 's generally accepted that one US dollar will get you about 800 Kyat , come April 1st , this may weaken to about 820 Kyat .
Gas revenues are added to the budget at the 30-year-old official exchange rate of six kyat to the dollar , while the black market rate is about 1000 kyat .
This straight line that you can see here is the epitome of government control , the official rate is one dollar to 6.41 Kyat and it 's held this rate , as you can see , for the past 10 years .
Also , specifically , Myanmar 's textile industry could gain from a weaker currency , but if more foreign companies dive in , that could also drive the value of the Kyat stronger , that could actually backfire , making prices too expensive and Myanmar 's textiles less competitive .
Interestingly , in Myanmar , it is used to be that the visitors were forced to change money at the government rate immediately upon arriving in the country , but to get a better rate they would then have to go the capital 's back alleys to change money .