
  • 网络green transformation
  1. 资源型城市绿色转型内涵的理论探讨

    Theoretical Discussion on the Connotation of Green Transformation of Resource-based Cities

  2. 资源型城市绿色转型的成本分析与时机选择

    The Cost Analysis and Timing Choice of Green Transformation of Resource-based Cities

  3. 资源型城市:绿色转型与一般经济转型比较

    Natural Resource Cities : Green Orientation and Ordinary Transitions

  4. 资源型城市绿色转型初探&山西省太原市的启发

    A Preliminary Discussion on Green Transformation of Resource-based Cities : Enlightenment from the Practice of Taiyuan

  5. 绿色转型能力实质上是资源型企业在生态网络中动态能力。

    The capability of green transition is essentially the dynamic ability of the resource-based enterprises in the ecological network .

  6. 而资源型城市绿色转型作为绿色经济的重要部分,已经成为国内外学术界研究的热点。

    The green economy of green transition of the resource-based cities as an important part of academic research has become a hot spot at home and abroad .

  7. 研究表明,柴达木地区的资源型企业绿色转型成长的过程与本文理论和实证结论相吻合。

    Studies show that the growth process of resource-based enterprises ' green transition in the Qaidam region is identical with the theoretical and empirical conclusions in this article .

  8. 因此改变资源型企业成长发展的传统模式,促使资源型企业走向绿色转型成长之路,已经成为了广为关注的热点问题。

    Consequently , changing the traditional development pattern of resource-based enterprises and promoting the transformation of the businesses into green growth path have become the focuses concerned by governments at all levels and scholars .

  9. 其次,借鉴网络能力和动态能力的相关理论,本研究确定资源型企业绿色转型能力对其实现绿色转型成长具有重要意义。

    Secondly , in light of relevant theories on the power of network and dynamic capability , this study identifying the green transition capability of resource-based enterprises has an important significance in achieving their development by green transition .

  10. 在全国绿色转型实践中,太原市是全国第一个制定绿色转型地方标准体系的城市,也是第一个运用标准化方法进行地方立法对城市进行综合管理的城市。

    The practice of the Green Transformation in china , Taiyuan is the first system to develop local standards for green transformation of the city , is the first standardized method for the use of local legislation on the integrated management of urban city .

  11. 生态网络能够为资源型企业实施绿色转型提供平台,网络内各种关系的联结以及知识、信息的共享能够为资源型企业绿色转型成长奠定良好的基础。

    Ecological networks can provide the platform for the resource-based enterprises to implement green transition , simultaneously connections of various relations as well as knowledge and information sharing within the networks can lay a solid foundation for the green transition in growth of the businesses .

  12. 它建议向绿色经济转型中的国家采用较少污染、能效高的技术,从而保持它们的繁荣。

    It recommends that countries in transition to becoming green economies adopt less polluting , resource-efficient technologies to maintain their prosperity .

  13. 在政策法规以及评价体系的引导下,美国的绿色建筑转型对高校的建筑设计教学提出了新的要求。

    Under the guiding of policy and evaluate system of green building , the architecture design teaching was requested to adapt the development of sustainable building .

  14. 我们认识到,我们的经济制度向低碳与绿色增长转型对于我们这一代以及下一代的更好生活是必需的。

    We recognize that transformation of our economic system toward low-carbon and green growth is needed for the better life of our next generation as well as generation .

  15. 许多房地产企业开始意识到,传统的房地产开发经营模式已经不能满足科学发展的新理念,因此,房地产行业的绿色化转型成为了房地产企业的必然选择。

    Many real estate enterprises have been aware that the sample development model failed to meet the new scientific concept . Therefore , the transformation of being green becomes an inevitable choice for all these enterprises .

  16. 技术层面:对城市河道景观规划一体化发展的关键技术进行研究,探讨如何实现城市河道景观规划由灰色向绿色的转型。

    Technical Level : by researching the key technologies of urban river landscape integrated development planning , this paper discuss how to achieve urban river landscape planning from the " gray " to " green " transformation and .

  17. 我始终认为,坚定信心是战胜危机的力量源泉,科技创新是战胜危机的根本手段,绿色发展是经济转型的主要方向,开放合作是不可逆转的世界潮流。

    I always believe that confidence provides a source of strength and technological innovation offers a fundamental means to overcome the crisis . I believe green development is the main goal of economic transformation and opening-up and cooperation is an irreversible trend of the world .

  18. 发展绿色经济促进山西实现绿色转型

    The Development Green Economy , Promotes Shanxi to Realize Green Reforming

  19. 根据“十四五”规划和2035年远景目标建议,中国将推动能源清洁低碳安全高效利用,加快新能源、绿色环保等产业发展,促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型。

    Under the recommendations for formulating China 's 14th five-year development plan and the long-range goals for 2035 , China will pursue clean , low-carbon , safe and efficient use of energy and accelerate the growth of new energy and green industries to promote greener economic and social development in all respects .

  20. 促进绿色建筑的开发和推广,要从理念上重新审视绿色建筑的内涵,实现从绿色建筑向绿色社区的转型。

    For development and promotion of green building , the concept of green building needs to be redefined and extended in order to make transition from green building to green community .