
  • 网络green building;green architecture
  1. 而绿建筑是追求合乎环保的永续设计观念,现行绿建筑标章制度发展至今仍属起步阶段。

    The environment concept in Green Building as the current regulations is still new and at the initial stage in this area .

  2. 渠道商夥伴们前往成功大学参观刚落成的孙运璿绿建筑研究大楼。

    The partners learn more about green buildings in the newly built Y.S.Sun Green Building Research Center , NCKU .

  3. 纯钢骨结构绿建筑设计之振动噪音控制与诊断改善

    Noise and Vibration Control 、 Diagnosis and Improvement for Steel Concrete Construction Design

  4. 夏热冬暖地区永续绿建筑的节能思索

    Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Sustained and Green Buildings in the Area with Hot Summer and Warm Winter