
  • 网络Integrated transportation system;TTMS
  1. 轨道交通在城市综合运输系统中的共存性分析

    Analysis on Coexistence of Rail Transit in City Comprehensive Transportation System

  2. 综合运输系统运输量分配模型研究

    A Study of Traffic Distribution Model for Synthetical Transportation System

  3. 公路运输枢纽是综合运输系统的重要组成部分。

    Highway transportation hinge is an important part of integrated transportation system .

  4. 综合运输系统动态布局观研究

    Study of the Dynamic Distribution Conception of Comprehensive Transportation System

  5. 综合运输系统结构问题研究

    Researches on System Structure of Integration of Transport

  6. 综合运输系统的智能化困惑

    The Perplexity of Intelligent Integrate Transportation System

  7. 构建我军综合运输系统浅见

    Thinking of establishing troops comprehensive transportation system

  8. 在综合运输系统中建设中国铁路

    Building China Railway in Comprehensive Transportation System

  9. 综合运输系统从本质上说要求具有综合性、系统性和技术经济性等几个特征。

    The system of integration of transport must possess the characters of comprehensive , systematic , technical and economic in nature .

  10. 联合运输有综合运输系统的神经中枢之称,应当作为我国综合运输系统发展的核心内容加快其发展速度。

    The intermodal transportation is called nervous center of integrated transport system , so the speed of its development should be accelerated .

  11. 煤炭的运输将以发展综合运输系统,提高运输效率为发展方向,并逐步扩大坑口发电以输电代替输煤;

    The transportation aims at erecting comprehensive system and improve the capacity , and being replaced by electricity generated at mine pit .

  12. 交通运输业是整个国民经济结构中一个重要部门,在综合运输系统中发挥着巨大的作用。

    The transportation is an important department in the whole national economy framework , which develop the enormous function in synthetically transportation system .

  13. 文章概要地介绍了综合运输系统以及ITS技术在提高运输效率方面的作用。

    This conceptual paper introduces the Integrate Transportation System as well as the application of ITS technologies to increase the efficiency of the transportation .

  14. 交通运输业是一个集多种运输方式于一体的综合运输系统,其中综合交通枢纽的规划与管理是一个重要环节。

    Communication and transportation systems consist in multi transport ways , especially comprehensive transport hub , which is an important part of transportation management and planning .

  15. 其中,一个系统指的是综合运输系统,三个热点指的是交通能源和环境、交通安全和大城市交通拥堵。

    A system indicated comprehensive transportation system while three hot spots indicated traffic energy and environment , traffic safety as well as traffic congestion of the metropolis .

  16. 本文在广泛深入调查分析的基础上,提出一种新型综合运输系统方案,即海陆客货滚装无缝运输系统。

    This dissertation puts forward a new concept of comprehensive transportation : sea-land ro-pax vessels seamless transportation , which is based on the comprehensive investigations and analysis .

  17. 综合运输系统结构调整问题研究是当前我国综合运输理论和实践中的一个重要课题。

    Thus the research on system structure adjustment of integration of transport is one of the most important subjects in integration of transport theory and practice at present in our country .

  18. 铁路运输是我国综合运输系统中最重要的运输方式之一,在大宗货物长距离运输中具有不可替代的优势和作用,为我国经济高速稳定发展做出了重大贡献。

    As one of the most important means of transport in the comprehensive transportation system , Railway transportation plays an irreplaceable role in the long-distance transportation of bulk-goods and makes great contributions for the high-speed-steady economic development .

  19. 智能运输系统的研究和开发加强了车辆、道路、使用者之间的联系,以形成一种实时、准确、高效的城市公共交通综合运输系统,从而有效改善城市公共交通状况。

    The research and development of ITS can enhance the links among the vehicles , roads and users . Thus , a real-time , accurate and efficient integrated urban public transportation system was formed . The system can improve the situation of public transportation effectively .

  20. 分析了我国交通运输系统存在的主要问题,结合我国今后交通运输需求的分析,提出了我国综合运输系统结构调整的目标和措施。

    The main problems existing in traffic and transport system in our country have been analyzed . Finally , in accordance with the future traffic and transport demand analysis , this paper gives out the goals and measures on system structure adjustment of integration of transport in our country .

  21. 基于DEA的综合交通运输系统协调发展评价研究

    Evaluation on the Coordination and Development of Comprehensive Transport System Based on DEA

  22. 珲春综合运输网络系统布局设想

    A Primary Design of a Comprehensive Transport Network in Hunchun Region

  23. 构建集装箱综合运输网络系统方法研究

    Study on Construction Method of Container Comprehensive Transportation Network System

  24. 区域综合交通运输系统宏观分析

    A Macroscopic Analysis of the Regional Comprehensive Transportation System

  25. 高速公路是我国综合交通运输系统的重要组成部分。

    Freeways are playing an important role in comprehensive transportation system in our nation .

  26. 构建资源集约、环境友好型的综合交通运输系统是我国交通运输未来发展的必由之路。

    A resource-intensive and environment-friendly integrated transport system will be an inevitable choice for China 's future transport development .

  27. 综合交通运输系统是由铁路、公路、水运、航空、管道运输五种运输子系统构成的复杂系统。

    Comprehensive Transportation System is a complex system that includes railways , highways , civil aviation , and waterways , pipeline transportation .

  28. 因此,建设满足需要和完善的综合交通运输系统,实现交通运输可持续发展不仅是社会经济发展的要求,而且是交通运输部门和顾客共同关注的重要问题。

    Therefore , building perfect comprehensive transportation system and realizing transportation sustainable development is a important problem which transportation departments and corporations are taking into attention .

  29. 最后,结合陕西省综合运输复合系统发展情况,介绍定量分析模型在区域综合运输系统协调发展分析中的实际应用。

    Finally , combines Shaanxi Province comprehensive transportation compound systematic development , introduces practical application of quantitative analysis model about comprehensive transportation system in coordinated development analyses .

  30. 创业机会识别:概念、过程、影响因素和分析架构基于综合交通运输系统的复杂性,本文在建立了综合交通运输系统分析架构的基础上,重点对综合交通运输系统若干专题进行研究。

    A Study on the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification : Concepts , Process , Factors and Analysis Framework Comprehensive transportation system includes area comprehensive transportation system and urban comprehensive transportation system .