
  • 网络Comprehensive plan;aggregate planning;Rapid
  1. 盖特纳在参议院金融委员会(senatefinancecommittee)就自己的任命作证时表示,奥巴马的班子正致力于一项“综合计划”以应对银行问题,希望该计划不久就能出台。

    Testifying to the Senate committee considering his nomination , Mr Geithner said the Obama team was working on a " comprehensive plan " to deal with the banks and hoped to unveil it soon .

  2. 可以看出,列车运行计划也是铁路运输的综合计划。

    It can be seen that a train operation plan is a comprehensive plan of rail transport .

  3. 承包商应对hse要求的实施和监控形成一套综合计划和证明的系统。

    The Contractor shall evolve a comprehensive planned and documented system for implementation and monitoring of the HSE requirements .

  4. 信息量化是构建信息管理系统的基础,对信息量化方法&工作分解结构(WBS)的基本原理进行了详细的阐述,并就WBS如何在项目的综合计划和综合控制中发挥作用进行了分析研究。

    A method of measuring the information in quantity , the work break structure ( WBS ), is introduced , and an analysis of how the WBS contributes to the comprehensive planning and comprehensive controlling is made .

  5. 解题系统与会话管理系统,并在IBM/PC-XT微机上就实施预测&综合计划(FAPS)系统进行了探索。

    PPS and DMS , and makes a study into " the Forecast-Aggregate Plan System "( FAPS ) While it is being carried out at microcomputer IBM / PC-XT .

  6. 企业生产综合计划的优化编制与决策支持研究

    Optimization and Decision Supports for the Aggregate Production Planning of Enterprises

  7. 论文阐述了综合计划的基本概念;

    This paper elaborates the basic concepts of SPA ;

  8. 基于分布式计算的综合计划统计管理系统

    Comprehensive Planning Statistic Management System Based Distributed Calculation

  9. 混合型控股集团公司综合计划管理理论及应用研究

    Researching on The Managing Theory and Application of Synthetical Planning Administration in Mixed Holding Group

  10. 建立了建设项目综合计划的工作过程和工作内容。

    The thesis sets up work process and work content of the construction project integrated plan .

  11. 生产综合计划智能支持系统的开发

    Development of IDSS for Product Planning

  12. 工业生产综合计划局

    Comprehensive planning Bureau of industrial production

  13. 某省电网公司五位一体综合计划运作机制研究

    Some Provincial Electrical Grid Company 's " Five Body in One " Unified Plan Operation Mechanism Research

  14. 最简单的方法分别是多次交付的综合计划和“大爆炸”的方法【译注:大规模的、从根本上改变的做法】。

    The easiest way to do this is to have a multiple-deliveries integration plan vs big bang approach .

  15. 你必须明白你需要作出一份节食与锻炼齐头并进的综合计划。

    You need to understand that you need to develop a comprehensive program that incorporates both diet and exercise .

  16. 每个公司都面临着一个能提供基于数据安全的综合计划的任务,以便处理所有以上这些问题。

    Every company is faced with the task of providing a comprehensive plan for data security that addresses all these issues .

  17. 正是基于此目的,本文研究探讨了一套适用于发电企业的、科学合理的计划管理方法,即综合计划管理方法。

    Based on that purpose , this paper discussed a scientific and reasonable planning management method , namely Synthetical Plan Administration .

  18. 汽车工人工会的官员说,他们可以考虑在工资和福利方面作出让步,作为挽救汽车业的综合计划的一部分。

    Autoworkers union officials say they will consider wage and benefits concessions as part of a comprehensive plan to save the industry .

  19. 网络计划技术在科研生产、基本建设、综合计划等许多领域有广泛的应用。

    The network plan technique is applied extensively to such fields as scientific research and production , capital construction , comprehensive plan etc.

  20. 要解决这些难题,最好是由政府推出综合计划,一方面从小培养孩子们良好的饮食习惯,一方面资助困难家庭。

    These are challenges that are best addressed by comprehensive government programmes to educate children from an early age and support hard-pressed families .

  21. 根据可用的技能和经验,开发用于仓库解决方案设计、开发和测试的综合计划。

    Develop a comprehensive plan for the design , development , and testing of the warehouse solution , according to available skills and experience .

  22. 工、农、商、学的综合计划,完全有必要,兜起来互相配合。

    It is absolutely necessary to make a comprehensive plan which brings industry , agriculture , commerce , culture and education together and co-ordinates them .

  23. 首先,我认为美国国会从现在开始就要与总统当选人一道工作,从而在他就职当天就把一份刺激经济的综合计划放到他的办公桌上。

    First , I think Congress will work with the president-elect starting now and will have a major stimulus package on his desk by Inauguration Day .

  24. 综合计划管理为实现公司既定经营目标,加强电网建设和投入,服务经济社会发展发挥着重要的基础性作用。

    Unified Planning Management plays an important role in achieving the business objectives , strengthening power grid construction and investment , servicing the economic and social development .

  25. 其中建议在针对国家实情的加强实验室能力综合计划中同时使用这两种技术,并以按步骤的方式为基础。

    They recommend the use of both technologies within the context of country specific , comprehensive plans for laboratory capacity strengthening and based on a step-wise approach ( New WHO policies ) .

  26. 同时,通过对电力企业的调查研究,指出了电力企业综合计划管理与考核存在的问题,并提出了几点建议。

    At the same time , the problems existed in comprehensive plan management and assess - ment of power enterprise is proposed based on investigation and study of some of power enterprises .

  27. 2001年诺贝尔经济学奖得主斯蒂格利茨说,和国会议员会面的经济学家一致认为,有必要提出一个恢复经济的综合计划。

    Joseph Stiglitz , recipient of the2001 Nobel Prize for Economics , said there was " remarkable agreement " among economists who met with lawmakers about the need for a comprehensive recovery program .

  28. 水产加工企业亟需一套适合水产行业的生产综合计划制定方法来指导企业规划生产能力,在原料有限的情况下满足市场需求并节约生产成本。

    Aquatic products processing enterprises need a suitable aquaculture industry to develop methods to produce a comprehensive plan to guide business planning production capacity to meet market demand in limited circumstances and raw material production cost savings .

  29. 运用教学管理的人力资源网络,由教务处综合计划科牵头、各学院、教学单位的教学科研办公室负责人共同参与,组成16人的调查小组。

    With the human resource network of teaching management , an investigation group of 16 people is formed by the directors of every college and teaching and scientific research office under the lead of the teaching affairs office .

  30. 北海道开发以政府投入为驱动力,以综合计划作为手段,在政府一元化的组织领导下,经济社会生活取得了突破性发展。

    Based on government investment as motive force and comprehensive planning as practical method , the development of Hokkaido , Japan , under the unified organization and leadership of the government , has achieved a breakthrough in its economic and societal sectors .