
  • 网络Comprehensive leasing;Synthetic lease;synthetic leasing;syndrome lease
  1. 华驰汽车租赁有限公司是国内综合汽车租赁服务提供商。

    Is a service provider for domestic comprehensive automobile lease service .

  2. 融资租赁是一种贸易与信贷相结合、融资与融物为一体的综合性租赁方式,在其诞生后的短短50年获得了巨大发展,已成为世界设备投资的重要组成部分。

    Being a comprehensive leasing business in which trading and crediting are combined and the circulation of fund and material integrated , financial leasing business has made huge progress in the past 50 years since its first emerge , forming the most important part in the world equipment investment .