
  • 网络Comprehensive community;Compositive Community
  1. 结论对IGT人群采取长期综合社区干预措施可明显降低糖尿病高危因素指标,并改善其转归。

    Conclusion Long-term comprehensive community interventions may reduce the high risk factors of people with IGT and improve their prognosis .

  2. 目的观察长期综合社区干预措施对糖耐量减退(IGT)人群的转归及糖尿病高危因素指标的影响,探讨糖尿病防治新模式。

    Objective To observe the effect of long-term , comprehensive community interventions on the prognosis and diabetic high risk factors in people with impaired glucose tolerance ( IGT ), and to explore the new model of effective prevention and treatment of diabetes .

  3. 这是一个综合社区,有这学校和医疗站。

    So this is a surrounding existing school , and health clinic located on it .

  4. 不同经济条件人群的综合社区卫生服务利用差异不大。

    There is little difference in the utilization of the community health services among the crowds of different income level .

  5. 迈向复合型、多元化的城市高教综合社区&新开发高教园区土地利用模式探析

    Stride Forward to Multiplex and Diversity Urban Campus Complex & Discussion about the Land Utilization Model of New University Town

  6. 县,作为最为稳定的一级区域性政权设置,构成当代中国政治实体、区域经济和综合社区的基本单元。

    County , as the most stable regional administrative establishment , constitutes the basic unit of the political body , regional economy and comprehensive community in modern China .

  7. 石河子市社区室外体育设施主要以综合社区体育场地为主,体育设施以羽毛球、乒乓球场地居多,设施呈现小型化。

    Facilities obsolete . 4 . Outdoor sports facilities in Shihezi community mainly in the integrated community-based sports venues and sports facilities for badminton , table tennis mostly showing small facilities .

  8. 它是集工作、生活、休闲于一体的综合社区,既要讲究效率,又希望环境能让人轻松、愉悦。

    It is a integrated community collecting of work , life and leisure . It is necessary to pay attention to efficiency , but also hope that the environment can make people relaxed and joyful .

  9. 综合性社区护理干预对慢性阻塞性肺病病人缓解期的影响

    Influence of comprehensive community nursing intervention on COPD patients in remission

  10. 目的研究心脑血管病危险因素综合性社区干预对社区人群死亡率的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of comprehensive intervention on population death rate .

  11. 山东省五莲县慢病综合防治社区诊断

    Community Diagnosis of NCD Synthesis Prevention and Cure in Wulian County Shandong Province

  12. 代谢综合征社区干预的效果和费用分析

    Analysis on the effect and cost of community intervention for patients with metabolism syndrome

  13. 日本综合型社区体育俱乐部基本特征、发展模式和面临的问题

    Basic Features , Development Models and Problems of the Comprehensive Sports Clubs in Japanese Communities

  14. 中山市岐江区慢性病综合防治社区诊断报告

    A Community Diagnosis Report about Preventing and Treating Chronic Diseases in Qijiang District of Zhongshan City

  15. 结论脑血管病和心脏病是长沙市社区居民的主要死因,心脑血管病危险因素综合性社区干预可明显降低心脑血管病死亡率,从而降低人群总死亡率。

    Intervention on risks factors of cardio - and cerebrovascular diseases can lower the death rate of cardio - and cerebrovascular diseases and the population death rate .

  16. 社区型超市除必须强化新鲜集客定位外,还应该同时进一步强化综合性社区服务集客定位。

    Community supermarket should strengthen guests collection " freshly " , but also should strengthen " comprehensive community service " collect serving further at the same time .

  17. 伍德哈尔称:下一个趋势是综合学习社区',这将吸引那些不喜欢从书本中学习,而是需要和群体在一起才能学习的人们。

    The next trend is the integrated learning community , ' which will attract people who don 't like learning from books but need a community in order to learn , he says .

  18. 结论以妇幼保健进社区为切入点,开展社区妇女围绝经期的全科医疗服务,是综合防治社区妇女围绝经期综合征的重要措施,能够有效地提高社区围绝经期妇女的生活质量。

    CONCLUSION General practice services which women and children health care into communities is one critical measure to heal and prevent perimenopause syndromes . It can improve the living quality of perimenopause women in community .

  19. 在分析研究文献资料的基础上,结合我国社区中医药服务的实际情况,本文构建了一套综合的社区中医药卫生服务评价指标体系。

    On the basis of the analysis of literature data , combined with the actual situation of the medical services in our community , built a comprehensive set of community in medical and health services evaluation index system .

  20. 第二部分构建了城市社区治安防范体系的基本框架,明确了该体系主要由综合防范社区建设、专门防范社区警务、制度防范社区矫正三部分组成,并进而揭示了其特点和功能。

    The second part makes a basic structure of city community security system , points out that this system includes three parts : comprehensive protection-community construction , special protection-community policy affairs and regulations protection-community rectification and go on analyzing its characteristics and functions .

  21. 要从根本上解决这一问题.必须综合发展社区的农林业生产、保护及恢复生态环境.以生态环境的保护促进地方经济的发展。

    Unsuitable management leads to lack of technology and cheesy quality in the projects . To improve environment and sustainable development of Southwest tourism , it is necessary to solve the problems thoroughly . Taking protect and rebuilding environment to promote local economy development .

  22. 结论发展以家庭养老为主的综合性社区养老服务体系,搞好老年预防保健,提高老人的经济收入,是提高老人生命质量的重要措施。

    Conclusions . Developing comprehensive community providing for the elderly and service system taking family providing for the elderly as the dominant factor , doing well prevention and health care for the elderly and increasing income of the elderly are important steps to improving quality of life of the elderly .

  23. 综合性的社区具有比以前更加光明的前景。

    There are much brighter prospects for a comprehensive settlement than before .

  24. 大型综合性医院社区医疗护理服务的实施

    Experience of large-s cale synthetic hospital in developing community nursing service

  25. 综合干预对社区精神分裂症的疗效观察

    A study of bio-psychosocial intervention for schizophrenia in Shanghai community

  26. 大型综合医院开展社区医疗服务的实践

    Practice of Large Hospital in Participation in Community Health Service

  27. 大型综合医院与社区医疗机构的信息交互

    Large general hospital and community health center information exchange

  28. 综合干预对社区心血管病死亡率的影响

    The affect of integrating intervention on community cardiovascular death

  29. 浅析综合医院发展社区卫生服务网络布局

    Discussion on community health service net of general hospital

  30. 老年空巢综合征的社区护理

    Community care of senile people with empty nest syndrome