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The experimental results show that the integrate resolution of the fused image is improved .
By increasing the seismic sampling density , and adopting the log standardization and precise strata calibration , the general resolution of seismic data was increased while the ambiguity of inversion decreased .
Otherwise , make use of pixel-based fusion to integrate features of various sensors to integrate features of images with different spatial resolution .
Second , an integrated criterion including the local spectral information and the global shape information of the high remote sensing image object is used to process the region growing .
The method for prognoses of thin reservoirs by combining seismic high-resolution inversion technology and geological simulation was presented .
Main research findings : The fine reservoir descriptions in Guantao group Lao 19 faulted block unconsolidated sandstone reservoir were successfully carried out by applying multi-disciplinary research methods such as high resolution sequence stratigraphy , log-constrainted seismic inversion and random modeling technology .
In order to raise the distinguishment of the model of integrated evaluation of eco-agricultural construction , an effective and general model-PP ( Projection Pursuit ) model was presented .