
  • 网络Virgin Galactic
  1. 这意味着联邦航空局可能会吊销维珍银河的飞行执照。

    That means that the FAA could suspend Virgin Galactic 's licence to fly .

  2. 在本周的事故发生之前,维珍银河似乎是最有可能开通常规航班的公司。

    Virgin Galactic had , prior to this week 's accident , seemed closest to starting regular flights .

  3. 维珍银河公司、监管机构和公众如何应对最近的这场悲剧,将决定私人太空旅行能否正式推出、需要多久。

    How Virgin Galactic , regulators and the public respond to this most recent tragedy will determine whether and how soon private space travel can transcend that playground .

  4. 去年在接受《经济学人》采访时,太空旅游公司维珍银河首席执行官乔治·怀特塞兹将自己的公司归入后一类。

    In an interview last year with The Economist , George Whitesides , chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic , was placing his company in the latter category .

  5. 在受技术延误困扰多年后,维珍银河的创始人理查德·布兰森爵士最近表示,太空船二号最早将在2015年2月搭载第一批付费客户。

    After being dogged by technical delays for years , Sir Richard Branson , Virgin Galactic 's founder , had recently suggested that a SpaceShipTwo craft would carry its first paying customers as soon as February 2015 .

  6. 他旗下的维珍银河(virgingalactic)计划在2011年前为这艘宇宙飞船做好商业飞行的准备。

    His Virgin Galactic company aims to have the spaceship ready for commercial flights by 2011 .

  7. 维珍银河公司隶属于理查德•布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)的维珍集团(VirginGroup),该公司表示顺桨装置的锁定机构代表了两个不同的保障措施。

    Virgin Galactic , which is part of Sir Richard Branson 's Virgin Group , said the locking mechanism for the feathers represented two separate safeguards .

  8. 理查德•布兰森(估计资产净值:42亿美元)的“维珍银河号(VirginGalactic)”打算进行亚轨道太空之旅。

    Richard Branson ( estimated net worth : $ 4.2 billion ) has Virgin Galactic , which is aiming for suborbital space travel .

  9. 施瓦辛格向在座的维珍银河顾客表示,在加州设计和建造的VSSEnterprise,承袭了该州航天创新的伟大传统。

    Mr Schwarzenegger told an audience of Virgin Galactic customers that the VSS Enterprise , which was designed and built in California , continued a grand tradition of aerospace innovation in the state .

  10. 维珍银河CEO乔治•怀特赛兹(GeorgeWhitesides)否认了这些指控,并表示,该公司考虑到了最新火箭推进系统的风险,同时宣称新的宇宙飞船可能会在明年建成飞行。

    The head of the company rejected accusations that it had taken risks with its novel rocket propulsion system and said that it could have a new spacecraft ready to fly next year .

  11. 李察•布莱信爵士(SirRichardBranson)创立的维珍银河(VirginGalactic)正努力让其将游客送入太空的梦想继续存活,此际,外界指控其忽视安全警告。同时,该公司日渐缩减的财力也成为关注的焦点之一。

    Sir Richard Branson 's Virgin Galactic is battling to keep alive its dream of putting tourists into space as accusations surfaced that the company had ignored safety warnings , and its dwindling finances came under scrutiny .

  12. 维珍银河(VirginGalactic)太空飞船上周在飞行测试中坠毁后,一位世界一流的太空安全专家表示,该公司安全程序的保障措施太少,不足以防止潜在的灾难。

    Safety procedures at Virgin Galactic , whose spacecraft crashed on a test flight last week , had too few safeguards to prevent a potential catastrophe , one of the world 's leading space safety experts has said .

  13. 上周五维珍银河(VirginGalactic)太空船二号(SpaceShipTwo)在加利福尼亚坠毁。这次致死事故或许正在美国各地引发人们对太空旅游的安全担忧。然而在中国,对于那些未来的宇航员来说,这似乎迄今为止还没有打消他们的热情。

    The deadly crash of Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo in California may be raising concerns in the United States over the safety of space tourism , but so far it does not seem to have dampened the enthusiasm of would-be astronauts in China .

  14. 甚至亚轨道太空飞船,如维珍银河二号宇宙飞船和XCOR公司航空航天的山猫亚轨道飞船,仍然依靠火箭离开大气层,不过重力很快把他们拉回地球。

    Even suborbital spaceships , such as Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo and XCOR Aerospace 's Lynx space place , rely on rocket power to leave the atmosphere , though gravity quickly pulls them back to Earth .

  15. 约翰逊已经在维珍银河未来的太空航班上为客户预订了八个席位。

    Johnson has successfully booked eight seats on future Virgin Galactic flights .

  16. 维珍银河公司设想将来太空旅行能像乘飞机旅行一样普遍。

    Virgin Galactic envisions a future where space voyages will become as common as airplane travel .

  17. 维珍银河将开始太空飞行,明年使用环境友好型太空发射技术。

    Virgin Galactic will start its space flights next year , using environment-friendly space launch technology .

  18. 最近这些天无人驾驶的心宿二火箭和维珍银河航天飞船都发生了灾难性事故。

    In recent days both the unmanned Antares rocket and the Virgin Galactic space plane had catastrophic failures .

  19. 假设你攒够了20万美金,准备参加维珍银河太空游计划。

    Let 's say you 've saved up 200 grand for a trip to space with Virgin Galactic .

  20. 游客可以最早在明年搭乘维珍银河2号太空船发射进入太空。

    Tourists could blast off into space as early as next year on Virgin Galactic 's Spaceship 2 .

  21. 上周,朝向维珍银河公司把它的第一位乘客带入太空的方针,又完成了另一个里程碑跳跃。

    Last week , yet another landmark leap was made towards Virgin Galactic taking its first passengers into space .

  22. 这起悲剧同维珍银河创始人理查德·布兰森今年早些时候预期所达成果大相径庭。

    It 's a far cry from the ambitious hopes Virgin Galactic Founder Richard Branson expressed earlier this year .

  23. 发展趋势:维珍银河公司计划在2012年前推出首批商业性质的亚轨道航天飞行,飞船的每个座位约二十万美元。

    Trend : Virgin Galactic plans to launch the first commercial suborbital spaceflights by2012 for about $ 200,000 a seat .

  24. 维珍银河公司的太空旅游船本周完成了其初度有人驾驶的滑翔翱翔,进入一个朝向最终商业启用的主要测试里程碑。

    Virgin Galactic 's space tourism vessel made its first manned glide flight this weekend , in a major testing milestone towards the business'eventual opening .

  25. “太空飞船二号”应用了相同的概念,这架载人飞行器是为理查德?布兰森爵士的维珍银河太空旅游公司研发的。

    The same launch concept is being used for SpaceShipTwo , the passenger-carrying craft being developed for Sir Richard Branson 's Virgin Galactic space tourism enterprise .

  26. 这看起来很奇怪的鸟在这里看到的是美属维尔京母舰夏娃,这架飞机将携带一进入轨道的旅客空中发射维珍银河的太空船火箭升空。

    The odd-looking bird seen here is the Virgin Mothership Eve , the aircraft that will carry Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo rocket aloft for a midair launch of tourists into orbit .

  27. 这家阿布扎比集团还计划另外投资1亿美元,用于资助研究,使维珍银河有可能从无人驾驶的火箭上发射小型卫星。

    The Abu Dhabi group also plans to invest an extra $ 100m to help pay for research that would give Virgin Galactic the option of launching small satellites from unmanned rockets .

  28. 美国政府调查人员上周六晚表示,现在就对飞船坠毁的原因以及维珍银河项目多久将被关闭做出任何结论,还为时过早。

    US government investigators said late on Saturday that it was too early to reach any conclusions about the cause of the crash or how long the Virgin Galactic programme would be closed down .

  29. 这是迄今为止头一个已经完成12项飞行使命的商业太空港,入驻这里的是世界著名太空飞行公司,如美国犰狳航空航天公司、UP航空航天公司、维珍银河太空旅行公司等。

    This is the first commercial spaceport that has launched 12 missions so far . The tenants are the worlds famous spaceflight companies , such as Armadillo Aerospace , UP Aerospace and Virgin Galactic .

  30. 此次试飞是维珍银河首次使用新的燃料系统,怀特赛兹承认仅在地面经过了为数不多的完整测试周期。

    Friday 's flight was the first to use the new fuel system , which the Virgin Galactic chief executive acknowledged had been put through a full test cycle on the ground only a handful of times .