
  • 网络Wellgo;WEBBER;Wenger;Vigo;Vinge
  1. 我们沿着艾维格大街一路飞奔到汽车那儿。

    We belted down Iveagh Parade to where the motor was .

  2. 3+1维格点QCD的手征对称性自发破缺

    Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking of 3 + 1 Dimensional Lattice QCD

  3. NPR新闻,萨拉·斯维格底特律报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Sarah Swagsin Detroit .

  4. 2+1维格点QCD真空波函数的计算

    Calculation of the Vacuum Wave Function for ( 2 + 1 ) Dimensional Lattice QCD

  5. 本文准确求解了一个1+1维格点U(1)规范模型.结果显示格点规范模型具有正确的连续极限。

    A ( 1 + 1 ) - dimensional lattice U ( 1 ) gauge model is solved exactly and the result shows that this model has correct continuum limit .

  6. 用改进的哈密顿量计算1+1维格点QCD中矢量介子质量谱

    Calculation of the Vector Meson Mass in 1 + 1 Dimensional Lattice QCD by Using the Improved Hamiltonian

  7. 至少,这是这家瑞典家具和家居用品巨头的前任CEO安德斯·达尔维格在其著作《宜家之道》(TheIkeaEdge)中试图传达的讯息。

    Or at least that 's the point Anders Dahlvig , the former CEO of the Swedish furniture and home goods giant , is trying to make in The Ikea Edge .

  8. 而约尔根.维格.克努斯托普(JørgenVigKnudstorp)过去12年在乐高(Lego)就做到了。但很少有人两样都能达成,而约尔根.维格.克努斯托普(JørgenVigKnudstorp)过去12年在乐高(Lego)就做到了。

    But few , like Jorgen Vig Knudstorp at Lego in the past 12 years , do both .

  9. 具有维格特(Weigert)效应的W片所显示的光学各向异性中同时具备二向色性与双折射两个因素,两者均与波长有关,通常在双折射很微弱时予以忽略。

    In the W flat with Weigert effect , both dichroism and birefraction should be showed simultaneously , but the birefraction is neglected generally because of it ′ s small .

  10. 主要研究一维格点系统中有阻尼和Ac-驱动的DNLS方程的离散呼吸子的存在性和稳定性。

    This paper is devoted to the study of the existence and stability of discrete breathers of driven and damped DNLS equation in one-dimensional lattices .

  11. 并从理论分析和实例检验两方面说明了与一维格点搜索法相比,使用黄金分割法确定Box-Cox变换中的参数计算量较小,容易使计算结果达到较高的精确度,且易用性也有所提高。

    Theoretical analysis and experiments show : comparing with a dimension lattice search , the searching for the parameter in Box Cox transformation by golden section search has less calculation , and it is easy to get more accurate result and is more applicable .

  12. 维格但必须整合成一个高度绝缘的框架结构。

    VIG must nevertheless be integrated into a highly-insulating frame construction .

  13. 宇航局没允许塞尔维格做测试

    NASA didn 't authorise Selvig to go to test phase .

  14. 畴层波的色散性质一维格波色散关系

    The Dispersion Characteristics of the Ferroelectric Domain Layer Surface Wave

  15. 采用附加高频电场增强维格特效应

    Adding High Frequency Alternating Electric Field to Enhance Weigert Effect

  16. 资料集,塞尔维格的笔记,那些萃取论的论文

    The packet , Selvig 's notes , the extraction theory papers .

  17. 论海特维格之死:对《野鸭》的伦理学解读

    On the Death of Hedvig : An Ethical Interpretation of The Wild Duck

  18. 除非,塞尔维格已经想出稳定量子隧穿效应的方法

    Unless Selvig has figured out how to stabilise the quantum tunnelling effect .

  19. 我现在就去拉德维格的办公室。

    I 'm going down to ludwig 's office .

  20. 1+1维格点规范理论拓扑荷的精确解

    Exact results for the topological charge of 1 + 1d lattice gauge theory

  21. 托克斯维格是有实力的总统候选人。

    Toksvig is a strong candidate for the presidency .

  22. 塞尔维格博士4小时前检测到,宇宙魔方发出了一股能量

    Dr Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago .

  23. 但是我们相信拉德维格卷入了一起谋杀女皇事件。

    But we believe Ludwig is involved in a plot to assassinate the queen .

  24. 伽马读数跟塞尔维格的宇宙魔方报告是相符的

    The gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig 's reports of the Tesseract .

  25. 我应该现在就把拉德维格给逮捕了。

    I ought to arrest Ludwig right now .

  26. 关掉它,塞尔维格博士

    Shut it down , Dr Selvig .

  27. 维格特效应及其在光学中的应用

    Weigert Effect and Its Applications in optics

  28. 品牌介绍:维格是代表潮流时尚、生活休闲的箱包皮具品牌。

    Introduction : WEIGER represents the brand of the fashionable and life leisure luggage leather products .

  29. 内希巴和维格多还表示,一旦他们将教育质量因素纳入考虑范围,同伴效应就消失了。

    Nechyba and Vigdor also show that the peer effects evaporate once they consider the quality of teaching .

  30. 给出了在简谐近似下,一维格波色散关系的一般表达式,并对其结果进行了分析。

    This paper gives and analyses a general expression of the dispersion relation of one-dimensional lattice waves in simple harmonic approximation .