
  • 网络Maintenance respiration;breathing
  1. 并初步确定杉木树干的维持呼吸占年呼吸的39.7%。

    The maintenance respiration of stem was 39.7 % of its total annual respiration .

  2. 根系维持呼吸占总呼吸速率的61.0~99.7%。

    Root maintenance respiration rate took 61.0 ~ 99.7 % of total root respiration rate .

  3. 由于黄瓜为C3作物,光呼吸作用明显,因此在呼吸作用模型中除了考虑生长呼吸和维持呼吸,还考虑了光呼吸的影响;

    In respiration submodel include light respiration except for maintenance respiration and growth respiration .

  4. 籽粒灌浆与颖果生理活性密切相关,颖果维持呼吸活性、脱氢酶活性、CAT和SOD活性的时间越长,籽粒接受灌浆物质和合成贮藏物质的时间越长。

    There is a close relation between grain filling dynamic and its physiological activity . The longer the caryopsis keeps respiratory rate , Dehydrogenase activity , CAT activity and SOD activity , the longer the caryopsis keeps filling ;

  5. 依靠人维持呼吸时的一种急救过程。

    An emergency procedure whereby respiration that is maintained artificially .

  6. 吮他拼命吸气以维持呼吸。

    He sucked hard for air to keep breathing .

  7. 我不得不开胸帮你维持呼吸。

    I had to open you up and aspirate .

  8. 通常根系维持呼吸占根系呼吸的大部分,它在一定范围内随根系年龄的升高而提高。

    The maintenance respiration which takes majority proportion of total root respiration increases with root age .

  9. 在第三个故事中,除了维持呼吸的部位外,他全部的脑已经损坏。

    In the third , his entire brain was destroyed except for one part that kept him breathing .

  10. 另一死亡病例是一名71岁男性,有肾病史,此前一直用呼吸辅助系统维持呼吸。

    A 71-year-old man who had been on respiratory support with a history of kidney ailments also died .

  11. 这份法庭文件显示,纳尔逊-曼德拉目前依靠医疗器械维持呼吸,处于濒死状态。

    Nelson Mandela is being kept alive by a breathing machine and faces impending death , court documents show .

  12. 这些设备可以让人维持呼吸和心跳,即使他们已经无法与人沟通。

    Such equipment can keep a person breathing and their heart beating even when they are unable to communicate .

  13. 尽管这样插管条件不如使用肌肉松弛剂好,但即使因插管困难推迟了达到完全气道控制的时间,病人也仍能维持呼吸。

    Although conditions for intubation may not be as good with this method , the patient will still be breathing if difficulties with intubation prolong the time before complete airway control is achieved .

  14. 虽然她依然可以做大部分14岁孩子做的事她最近有去溜冰她需要氧气瓶的持续辅助来维持呼吸。

    Although Heather can still take part in most of the normal activities of a14-year-old – she recently went skating – she needs the constant aid of an oxygen tank to help her breathe .

  15. 急救要点包括停止经口进食与鼻饲,就地抢救,保持气道通畅,维持呼吸功能,建立静脉通道与吸氧。

    Key points of first aid included : stoping taking food from mouth and nasal feed , rescuing on the spot , keeping the airway clear , maintaining respiratory function , setting up vein passage and oxygen inhalation .

  16. 该家族首个成员在酿酒酵母中分离出来,因其能够抑制细胞色素bmRNA翻译的缺陷以及维持线粒体呼吸链bcl复合体的活性而得名。

    The prototype of this family was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and was named due to its role in the suppression of a defect in cytochrome b mRNA translation and maintainance of the activity of bcl complex in the mitochondrial respiratory chain .

  17. 术后维持辅助呼吸1小时,经右侧进胸,阻断右肺门,测定观测指标。

    The right pulmonary hilum were ligated 1 hour after reperfusion .

  18. 全靠那台机器维持他的呼吸

    because a machine is breathing for him .

  19. 本研究依据作物实际生长来模拟维持性呼吸系数,进一步加强了模型的机理性、科学性。

    So , the work enhanced the model mechanism and science , simulating maintenance respiration coefficient by crop growth .

  20. 方法把猪开胸暴露心脏,但不损伤胸膜腔,仍维持自然呼吸。

    Methods The thorax was opened and the heart was exposed in pig , but natural breathing was maintained still .

  21. 控制抽搐,人工呼吸,机械通气支持,保证氧供是抢救成功的关键。抑制中枢神经过度兴奋,防止惊厥,维持正常呼吸功能,保证机体氧供,是成功抢救、防治并发症发生的基础。

    To control hyperspasmia , establish mechanical ventilation and guarantee the supply of oxygen were the key points for the successful emergency treatment .

  22. ATⅡ细胞对维持正常呼吸功能和肺泡上皮完整有十分重要的作用,如果它过度凋亡,肺损伤和组织纤维化将不可避免。

    AT ⅱ cells are very important to maintain the normal respiratory function and to restore the integrality of alveolar epithelium . If ATII cells were intensively damaged , lung injury or tissue fibrosis would inevitably occur .

  23. 结论曲马多用于全身麻醉维持能保持呼吸循环的稳定,且能减轻拔管期的不良反应,是一种可行的麻醉维持方法。

    Conclusion Maintenance of anesthesia with tramadol can maintain respiratory and circulatory stability and alleviate adverse effects of extubation .

  24. 维持有效的呼吸功能和加强创面处理、防治烧伤侵袭性感染是救治的重要环节。

    Its essential links are to maintain effective reparatory function , strengthen the treatment of burn wound and prevent burn infection .

  25. 因为膜的强截留效果,MBR系统对污染物的去除效果和污泥减量效果略优于生物膜系统,其对污泥的减量化主要是通过维持代谢和内源呼吸作用实现的。

    Because of strong interception effects of MBR , the removal performance of pollutants and the sludge reduction effect were better than biofilm system . The principle of sludge reduction was endogenous respiration in natural sludge ecosystems .

  26. 在他们眼里,他死了吗?他们应不该要求医生给他使用医院医院辅助呼吸?有时医院医院可以帮助昏迷不醒的人维持几年的呼吸。

    Should they think he is dead ? Should they ask the doctors to use the machine to make him breathe ? Sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years .