
  • Dimension;dimensionality
  1. 在这种心态中徘徊时,你将为你的人生打开一个新维度。

    Wander in this frame of mind and you will open a new dimension to your life .

  2. 有一种哲学上的维度——在这种维度中,速度成为了把我们自身与更大、更深层次问题隔离的壁垒。

    I think there 's a kind of metaphysical dimension -- that speed becomes a way of walling ourselves off from the bigger , deeper questions .

  3. 琼斯-克列诺研究给予了我们方法上的启示,那就是经济福利是多维度的。

    Methodologically , the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare is multi-dimensional .

  4. 回想一下之前演示的促销活动维度的PROMOTIONKEY例子。

    Recall the PROMOTION_KEY example shown earlier for the promotions dimension .

  5. ExtendedDimension–如果您有账户有扩展维度,比如部门、产品组等。

    Extended Dimension – if you have accounts that have extended dimensions like departments , product groups , etc.

  6. DynamicQueryMode不支持维度对象(比如一个成员)作为特定于供应商的关系函数的参数。

    Dynamic Query Mode does not allow a dimensional object , such as a member , as an argument to a vendor specific relational function .

  7. 对这些维度和级别进行正确命名,然后在最低级别的属性(这里是Producttype)中,保证它标记为具有唯一分类。

    Rename the dimensions and levels appropriately and in the properties of the lowest level , in this case Product type , ensure it is marked as having unique categories .

  8. AdaptiveWarehouse目标模型自动嵌入一个提示表达式到查询中,该查询为历史跟踪维度属性评估时间上下文。

    The Adaptive Warehouse target model automatically embeds a prompt expression in queries which evaluate the time context for history tracking dimension attributes .

  9. Logistic回归分析提示:活动水平和持久性两个气质维度是ADHD的危险因子。

    Logistic Regression analysis showed that activity level and persistence were the risk factors of ADHD .

  10. 大型维度表可能产生资源密集的Cartesian连接。

    Large dimension tables can produce resource intensive Cartesian joins .

  11. Relief及其扩展算法是基于最大化假设间隔的特征选择算法,能够快速进行高维度的特征选择。

    Relief and its extensions are feature selection algorithms based on the maximum hypothesis margin principle . They can reduce high dimensionality feature rapidly .

  12. 多维数据集:测量、维度和维度级别的逻辑分组称为多维数据集(cube)。

    Cube : The logical grouping of measures , dimensions , and dimension levels is called a cube .

  13. 在本文的模型示例中,从所有三个维度向QueryStudio添加项目,然后返回一个缩减了很多的数据集。

    Using the sample model in this document , adding items in Query Studio from all three dimensions returns a much reduced record set .

  14. 功能层定义了Architecture的基础架构,分别是数据体系结构、计算机体系结构、信息模型、系统架构和企业管理维度(主要指企业具体战略职能);

    The functional layer defines the fundamental architecture , including data infrastructure , computer infrastructure , information model , system architecture and enterprise management dimension , which refers to specific strategic functions .

  15. 最著名的是WorldGeodeticSystem[WGS84]地理,或维度和经度(分别对应y和x轴)。

    The best known is World Geodetic System [ WGS84 ] geographic , or latitude and longitude ( corresponding to the y and x axes , respectively ) .

  16. 在尝试使用通过上述TI流程创建的新维度的新子集时,您会看到以下错误消息

    When you try to use the new subset of the new dimension , both created with the above TI process you will see following error message

  17. 评价效果以SF-36最好,但某些维度尚不尽如人意。

    Evaluation result with SF-36 best , but some dimensions is not satisfactory .

  18. Stanton等人于2000年提出了情绪应对(Emotionalapproachcoping)这一应对方式的新维度,并制订了相应的量表。

    In 2000 , Stanton et al . put forward the new coping strategy of emotional-approach-coping ( EAC ), and developed a corresponding scale .

  19. 这两个查询模式的输出出现差异的原因是因为CompatibleQueryMode没有任何维度函数,它只在报告中应用关系语义。

    The reason for the difference in output between the two query modes is that Compatible Query Mode applies relational semantics to the report as it does not contain any dimensional functions .

  20. 受到后j见代主义思维方式的深刻影响,女性主义认识论自身也经历了一个解构、移置与重构的过程,使女性主义向更高的层次与更深的维度发展。

    Deeply influenced by postmodernism way of thinking , feminism epistemology itself also experienced a process of deconstruction , displacing and reconstruction , developing to a higher level .

  21. 在第1部分中,我们覆盖了四个重要的维度,这些参数在使用虚拟化时必须被恰好判断:CPU、内存、磁盘I/O和存储,以及网络。

    In Part 1 , we covered four important dimensions whose parameters must be precisely determined when using virtualization : CPU , memory , disk I / O and storage , and network .

  22. 然后提出了CRM中客户识别的3个维度以及整体的客户识别框架模型,并以此为基础分析了对识别框架中不同客户应采取的不同策略。

    Then , it proposes the three dimensions of Customer Identification in CRM and its overall framework . Finally , it analyses the different strategies to different customers in the Customer identification framework .

  23. 最近,在领导团队对主要的RUP项目应用演进的方法的时候,我开发了三种可能的方法来描述RUP的两个迭代的维度。

    Recently , while leading a team through the evolutionary approach on a major RUP project , I developed three possible ways to depict the two iterative dimensions of RUP .

  24. 注意,分配了AllDenied策略的角色不会访问多维数据集的任何单元,因为该角色不能沿维度的任何成员分割多维数据集。

    Note that any role that is assigned the All Denied policy will not have access to any cells of the cube , because the role cannot slice the cube along any member of the dimension .

  25. 一维光子晶体超晶格的每条能带被折叠成M条,二维光子晶体超晶格的每一条能带被折叠成M2条,M是每个维度晶格放大的倍数。

    Every energy band was fold into M pieces in one dimension photonic crystal and M 2 pieces in two-dimension photonic crystal respectively . Here M represents the amplified multiple in every dimension lattice .

  26. SCL90不是一个多维度的量表。

    The SCL-90 is not a multidimensional inventory .

  27. 结果HD患者的QOL的各维度得分显著低于一般人群,家庭关系、费用支付能力、并发症、原发病与患者的QOL有显著关联性。

    Results The patients ' QOL were worse than that of the common crowd , and their family relations , expense payment ability , complication , originally diseases were correlative with their QOL .

  28. ECRs的状态使用一个饼状图显示,而饼状图则是通过一个维度小部件显示。

    The status of ECRs is shown using a pie chart which is displayed through a dimension widget .

  29. 方法根据PTIQ的10个理论维度,编制原始条目池。

    Methods According to10 theoretic dimensions of PTIQ , item pool was developed .

  30. 阐述了SqlServer2000分析服务的功能与体系结构,介绍了利用分析服务构建多维数据集的全过程:建立数据维度、存储多维数据集、处理数据爆炸和分析多维数据集。

    This paper introduces the function and framework of SQL Server Analysis Service , gives details of the whole process of multidimensional cube creation with Analysis Service , which includes creating data dimension , storing multidimensional cube , processing data explosion and analyze multidimensional cube .