  • tie up;hold together;link;maintain
  • thinking;dimension
  • 系,连结:~系。~絷。

  • 保持:~持。~护。~修。~生素。

  • 纲:纲~(总纲,亦指法度)。

  • 数学名词,几何学及空间理论的基本概念,通常的空间有“三维”,平面是“二维”,直线只有“一维”。

  • 思考:思~(亦作“思惟”)。

  • 以,因为:“~子之故,使我不能餐兮”。

  • 文言助词,用于句首或句中:~新。~妙~肖。

  • 姓。


(连接) tie up; hold together; link:

  • 维系

    hold together; maintain


(保持; 保全) maintain; safeguard; preserve; keep:

  • 维护

    safeguard; defend; uphold


(思想) thinking; thought:

  • 思维



{数} (构成空间的每一个因素) dimension:

  • 三维空间

    three-dimensional space


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 维炜

    Wei Wei

  1. 服务组合(serviceportfolio)和所有权必须被管理起来,而且必须有一种交付和维服务护的财务模型。

    The service portfolio and ownership must be managed and there must be a financial model to deliver and maintain the service .

  2. 减压后椎弓根螺钉内固定加后路腰椎椎体间cage融合能有效地改善症回口口回状、提高融合率、恢复和维敝问隙高度和正常的腰椎生理曲线;

    Improvement of symptom , high fusion rate , restoration and maintain of disc space and normal lumbar lordosis could been achieved by using posterior lumbar interbody fusion with cage and pedicle screw fixation .

  3. 艾维一定是个不怕吃苦的家伙。

    Ivy must be a glutton for punishment .

  4. 看来尽管新西兰几维队很想与他签约,他仍然欢迎其他球队开价。

    It seems that while the Kiwis are keen to have him , he is still open to offers .

  5. 筹措维艰。

    It is not easy to devise means .

  6. 根瘤的器官内有维管组织穿过。

    The organ is penetrated with vascular tissue .

  7. 要想得到维里系数的准确理论表达式;我们还缺乏关于这些力的足够知识。

    Not enough is known about these forces to yield accurate theoretical expressions for the virial coefficients .

  8. 其中一种此类流行要引饮是“维·麻里亚尼”,它是将古柯叶萃取物和红酒混合在一起的法国饮品。

    One such popular medicinal drink was Vin Mariani , a French product consisting of coca extract mixed with red wine .

  9. 柠檬是非常健康的橘类水果,以其很高的维C含量而闻名。

    Lemons are a very healthy citrus fruit known for their high vitamin C content .

  10. 草莓的特别之处在于其所含的维C、锰、叶酸和钾。

    Their vitamin C , manganese , folate and potassium contents are where they really shine .

  11. Blueberries蓝莓蓝莓中纤维、维C、维生素K和锰的含量特别高。

    Blueberries are particularly high in fiber , vitamin C , vitamin K and manganese .

  12. Apple苹果苹果富含纤维、维C、钾和维生素K,也含有一些B族维生素。

    Apples contain a high amount of fiber , vitamin C , potassium and vitamin K. They also provide some B vitamins .

  13. 苹果富含纤维、维C、钾和维生素K,也含有一些B族维生素。

    Apple Apples contain a high amount of fiber , vitamin C , potassium and vitamin K. They also provide some B vitamins .

  14. Cranberries9蔓越莓蔓越莓特别有营养,富含维C、锰、维E、维生素K1和铜。

    Cranberries have an excellent nutrition profile , being rich in vitamin C , manganese , vitamin E , vitamin K1 and copper10 .

  15. 傍晚,鲁维去见祖克曼先生。

    Late that afternoon , Lurvy went to Mr. Zuckerman .

  16. 鲁维把饲料倒进食槽,又刮了刮桶壁,才走开了。

    Lurvy dumped the slops , scraped the pail and walked away .

  17. 鲁维正在外面的雨里给自己准备早饭呢。

    Lurvy was standing outside in the rain , stirring up breakfast .

  18. 祖克曼夫妇和鲁维走回了房子。

    The Zuckermans and Lurvy walked back to the house .

  19. 鲁维指向那蜘蛛网。

    Lurvy pointed to the spider 's web .

  20. 我们将致力于证明任何无穷维赋范空间的球面皆为可逆

    We shall prove that the sphere of any infinite-dimensional normed space is invertible .

  21. 鲁维刮了脸,也理了发;

    Lurvy shaved and got a haircut ;

  22. 玉米地需要锄草了,可鲁维却找不到时间去锄草。

    The corn needed hoeing , and Lurvy didn 't find time to hoe it .

  23. 威伯从鲁维的双腿间逃了出去,鲁维没有抓到威伯,反一把搂住了长毛狗。

    Wilbur dodged9 between Lurvy 's legs . Lurvy missed Wilbur and grabbed the spaniel instead .

  24. 祖克曼太太对鲁维尖叫起来。

    Mrs. Zuckerman screamed at Lurvy .

  25. 就在威伯饱餐之际,鲁维取了把锤子和一些八分长的钉子来,把那块板子钉了回去。

    While Wilbur ate , Lurvy fetched a hammer and some 8-penny nails and nailed the board in place .

  26. 祖克曼先生命令鲁维把威伯的吃饭次数从一天三次增加到四次。

    Mr. Zuckerman ordered Lurvy to increase Wilbur 's feedings from three meals a day to four meals a day .

  27. 当鲁维抓住威伯,强行把药水灌到他喉咙里时,威伯还不能相信这些发生在自己身上的事。

    Wilbur couldn 't believe what happening to him when Lurvy caught him and forced the medicine down his throat .

  28. 即使从来对美丽不是很在意的鲁维,在给威伯送早饭时也注意到了这张网。

    Even Lurvy , who wasn 't particularly interested in beauty , noticed the web when he came with the pig 's breakfast .

  29. 中午时分,鲁维拎着给威伯的食桶走了过来,停到猪圈前。

    When Lurvy showed up at lunchtime carrying a pail of food for Wilbur , he stopped short a few paces from the pigpen .

  30. 祖克曼先生盯着网上的字母,念着上面的“好猪”这个词。然后他看了看鲁维。

    Zuckerman stared at the writing on the web . Then he murmured the words " Some Pig . " Then he looked at Lurvy .