
  • 网络secondary dysmenorrhea;secondary dysmenorrhoea;secondarydysmenorrhoea;Secondary Dysmenorrheal
  1. 现代医学将其分为原发性痛经和继发性痛经。

    Modern medicine has been divided into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea .

  2. 此病的主要临床表现是继发性痛经伴进行性加重、经量过多、经期延长,少数患者会有不孕。

    The main clinical manifestations of the disease are secondary dysmenorrhea with progressive aggravation , overmuch menstrual blood volume , prolonged bleeding , and a minority of patients with infertility .

  3. 临床表现为经量过多、经期延长、继发性痛经渐进性加重。

    The amount of clinical manifestations of excessive menstruation , dysmenorrhea secondary progressive increase .

  4. 原发性痛经的诊断,主要在于排除继发性痛经的可能。

    Send the diagnosis of sexual dysmenorrhoea formerly , basically sending the likelihood of sexual dysmenorrhoea at eliminating afterwards .

  5. 痛经分为原发性和继发性两种,盆腔有器质性病变的属继发性痛经。

    There are two types of dysmenorrhea , primary and secondary . Secondary dysmenorrhea is presented with pelvic organ pathology .