
  • 网络Quality of Statistics Data
  1. 为提高统计数据质量,减少统计数据失真,应采取得力措施,其中重要的一环就是对统计数据校验识别,查验出值得怀疑的数据。

    In order to improving the quality of statistics data , decreasing statistics data distortions , the effective measures should be taken .

  2. 从统计数据质量研究入手,论述了统计数据校验的含义,提出了统计数据校验系统设计的重要现实意义。

    The implications of verifying statistics was discussed from the outset of the quality of statistics data , and the important meanings of designing the verifying systems of statistics data was clarified , Verifying statistics data include basic verification and exact verification .

  3. 统计数据质量监控体系的建立

    The Establishment of the Quality - monitoring System for Statistics Data

  4. 文章论述了对国家统计数据质量进行深入系统研究的必要性。

    This paper discusses the necessity of studying government statistical data quality .

  5. 医疗统计数据质量是数字化医院的医疗统计工作的生命。

    Data quality is the focus of medical statistic in digital hospitals .

  6. 摘要现实的统计数据质量确实存在严重的问题,危害巨大。

    There are serious problems in actual statistic quality which is dangerous .

  7. 论企业统计数据质量

    A Brief talk on the Quality of Enterprises ' Statistics

  8. 依法提高统计数据质量之我见

    Count and Improve the Quality of the Statistics in Accordance with the Law

  9. 如何评价和控制统计数据质量的统计误差指标,是统计实践中的重要问题。

    It is an important question how to appraise and control statistic error .

  10. 基于经典计量模型的统计数据质量评估方法

    An Evaluation Method of Statistical Data Quality Based on the Classical Econometric Model

  11. 政府统计数据质量的定量二级检验

    Two Levels Quantitative Test of Governmental Statistical Data Quality

  12. 提高统计数据质量的几点建议

    Some Suggestions for Improving the Quality of Statistical Data

  13. 医院信息系统下基础统计数据质量分析

    Analysis of Statistical Data Quality Under Hospital Information System

  14. 浅论企业统计数据质量的弱化

    On Weakening of Quality of Enterprise 's Statistic Data

  15. 统计数据质量状况和原因探析

    Quality Condition of Statistic Data Reasons ' Analysis

  16. 关于统计数据质量问题的探讨

    A discussion on the quality of statistical data

  17. 统计数据质量问题研究

    Study of the Quality of Statistic Data

  18. 对提高统计数据质量的若干思考

    Suggestions on Improve the Correctness of Statistic

  19. 浅论统计数据质量

    On the quality of statistical data

  20. 第五,对影响统计数据质量的因素进行了系统分析。

    Fifth , the factors that affect the quality of statistical data analysis for the system .

  21. 因此,社会各界对统计数据质量也给予了更广泛的关注,同时也提出了更高的要求。

    Therefore , the community has given wider attention and higher requirements to the statistical data .

  22. 政府统计数据质量是政府统计工作的生命。

    The quality of government statistical data ( QGSD ) is the life of government statistical work .

  23. 就如何提高统计数据质量,更好地为企业服务,阐述了作者的几点意见。

    The article puts forward some suggestions on improve the correctness of statistic to serve the company better .

  24. 统计数据质量检查与异常点识别的模型与方法

    A Model and a Method for Evaluating the Quality of Statistical Data and Identifying Outliers from the Data

  25. 就当前统计数据质量问题产生的原因及对策进行了探讨。

    This article aims at a tentative discussion on the reason that causes statistic data 's quality problem .

  26. 为了提高统计数据质量,我们定期进行统计执法检查。

    In order to improve the quality of statistical data , we take regular check enforcing the Statistical Law .

  27. 政府对统计数据质量的管理是公共管理政策中的一个重要组成部分。

    That statistical data quality managed by government is one of the most important parts of the public management policies .

  28. 因而加强统计数据质量的管理,提高统计数据质量是极为重要的。

    Hence it is very important to strengthen the management of the quality of statistical data and improve its quality .

  29. 统计数据质量的高低直接影响到政府、企业的科学决策和现代化管理。

    The quality of statistical data will have direct influence on the scientific decision and modernization management of the government or enterprise .

  30. 进而明确宏观统计数据质量评估研究的基本范式,探讨研究中应遵循的一系列操作规则。

    Furthermore , a primary research paradigm of data quality assessment has been declared , and a series of operation rules discussed .