
tǒnɡ jì tú biǎo
  • Statistical Chart;pictogram;statistical graph/chart/table
  1. 基于Web环境下农机统计图表的实现

    Realization of Farming Machine Statistical Chart in Web Environment

  2. 基于Web的动态统计图表就是一个典型的实例。

    Dynamic Web statistic chart is a typical case .

  3. 基于Internet的统计图表功能实现技术

    Implement Technology of Statistic Graph Based on Internet

  4. 基于ASP技术网络系统中统计图表的实现

    Studies on Pictograph Realizing of Web Systems Based on ASP

  5. ASP中Chart统计图表的处理与实现

    The Chart Diagram Implemented by ASP

  6. C~(++)Builder下的统计图表的设计与输出

    Design and Output of Statistic Chart Under C ~ ( + + ) Builder

  7. 这个portal呈现了重要的系统统计图表视图以及警报的RSSfeeds。

    The portal presents tabular and graphical views of vital system statistics and RSS feeds for alarms .

  8. 在VFP中生成和打印动态统计图表

    TRENDS DYNAMIC A method to form and print dynamical statistical graph by VFP

  9. SVG技术在统计图表中的应用研究

    Statistic Chart Definition Using SVG

  10. 该文在简要介绍了SVG及其相关的技术后,重点介绍了一种基于XML、SVG和XSLT等技术的统计图表定义方法。

    This paper describes a XML - based statistic chart definition method using SVG and XSLT after briefly introducing the SVG and other relative techniques .

  11. 列统计图表显示胃恶性肿瘤20a检出趋势。

    The tendency of gastric malignant tumors during the past 20 years was showed by statistical graph .

  12. 举例介绍了利用VFP5.0(VISUALFOXPRO5.0)的OLE自动化功能将数据库表信息生成各种类型的动态统计图表并打印的方法。

    The authors raise a method to form and print dynamical statistical graph form the information in data bank by OLE procedure of VFP ( Visual FoxPro 5.0 ) . A simple example is put forward .

  13. 本研究应用3S技术,利用研究区的不同时期遥感影像、实地调查数据及各类统计图表数据,实现平潭县沿海防护林时空分布专题信息提取。

    The study uses Geomatics and achieves the extraction of temporal and spatial distribution thematic information of coastal protective forests in Pingtan County , drawing on the remote sensing images of different periods , survey data and various statistics data .

  14. 本文简介了如何将dBASEⅢ软件用在大坝原型观测数据处理中,并分析了dBASEⅢ与FORTAN语言的连接及绘制统计图表。

    This paper introduces the application of the dBASE ⅲ in data processing of dam observation , and analyzes the communication of dBASE ⅲ with FORT - RAN language and the drawing of statistical graphs .

  15. 图为中阿双边贸易统计图表。

    The schematic shows the bilateral trade statistics between China and Afghanistan .

  16. 系统具有主视图、属性表、统计图表、和图版等功能。

    The XZDGIS system comprises Views , Tables , Chart and Layout .

  17. 波浪要素玫瑰统计图表的充分利用

    Full Use of Roses of Wave Factors

  18. 分区统计图表法,等值区域法法定分区计划大纲图

    Cartogram method statutory outline zoning plan

  19. 该模拟器具有自动生成模拟脚本、自动分析模拟结果、自动生成统计图表和模拟进度显示等功能。

    The simulator can generate simulation script , analyze simulation results and generate tables and figures automatically .

  20. 然而现在,我要用我编的程序给你们展示统计图表。

    and yet here I am , about to show you some statistical graphics that I programmed .

  21. 接着它们便被存档,主要功能就是用于绘制饼状统计图表,以表现反馈结果。

    And then they are filed away , the main action being that pie charts are drawn to depict the results .

  22. 地理信息管理模块主要设计实现了地图绘制、显示控制、图层控制、统计图表和道路信息查询等地理信息系统的通用操作功能。

    The first module implements the functions of mapping , displaying control , layer control , statistical charts and road information querying .

  23. 通过统计图表,分析研究了我国公共图书馆馆长的现状,并对馆长的人选、素质、修养、专业化、管理方法和领导艺术等提出了看法。

    Analyses the present conditions of chief librarians at public libraries in China through statistical materials , and makes some suggestions for fostering their abilities .

  24. 为了表示多维数据,本系统提出了树状多维数据模型,对数据的物理视图采取了多维网格和统计图表两种方式,支持钻取、旋转等多维操作。

    After interviewing the Tree Multidimensional Data Model , the paper designs and implements multidimensional grid and chart , which can roll up , drill down , pivot etc.

  25. 描述性统计学分析方法:描述性统计学分析方法是指通过统计图表和计算数据分布的特征来了解样本观察值的分布特征。

    Description of the statistical analysis : descriptive statistical analysis method is calculated by statistical charts and data distribution of samples to understand the characteristics of the distribution of observations .

  26. 方法:利用统计图表及t检验、相关回归分析等统计方法对胎传梅毒流行特点及与其它梅毒的关系等方面进行分析。

    Methods : Statistics graph 、 chart and correlation / regression analysis were used to study the trend of the incidence of congenital syphilis and the correlation between congenital syphilis and other syphilis .

  27. 以长沙地区为例,对标准年气象参数的构成进行了研究,给出了长沙地区空调能耗简易计算的温频统计图表。

    In this paper , the example of Changsha is given . The constitution of climatic parameters about standard year is studied and the temperature frequency statistics for simple calculating air-conditioning energy consumption of Changsha is provided .

  28. 用统计图表进行构成比的描述分析,将反映卫生或卫技人员质量内涵的代表性数据与国内其他地区相关数据标准化处理后进行分析比较,作行×列表χ2检验。

    To describe and analyze the proportion rate with the statistical chart and diagram , standardize the data representing the quality of HHR , and compare it with other regions ′ domestically with R × C diagram χ 2 test .

  29. 根据上述功能得到的查询数据进行运价运距计算及统计图表输出,可以使企业对自身的销售情况准确掌握,合理分析,制定应对方案,从而提高企业对市场的适应力,增强竞争力。

    According to the data query functions , the freight transportation distance and charts output , enterprises can accurately grasp their own sales , rational analysis , develop response plans , thereby enhancing the resilience of the market and increase competitiveness .

  30. 其次,对清代湖北省水旱灾害资料进行收集和处理,并按时间的先后顺序建立了关于清代湖北水旱灾害发生的时间、地点、受灾情况、资料来源的统计图表。

    Secondly , I collect and handle the data of flood and drought disasters of Hubei province about Qing Dynasty . And according to the time sequence set up statistical charts about time , place , the suffering condition , source of flood and drought disasters .