
jué yù
  • sterilization;sterilisation
绝育 [jué yù]
  • [sterilization] 使人或其他动物不能生殖的方法

绝育[jué yù]
  1. 这项法令的出台将废止之前一项限制地方政府针对某种犬类采用绝育措施的法律。

    The measure repeals a previous law that prevented local governments from targeting specific breeds for sterilization .

  2. 输卵管注药绝育术效果影响因素Cox模型分析

    Cox 's Regression Model Analysis on Factors Influencing Contraceptive Effectiveness of the Tubal Sterilization by Chemical Instillation

  3. 我妻子生完第4个孩子后做了绝育手术。

    My wife was sterilized after the birth of her fourth child .

  4. 我们要求公众为自家的狗做绝育手术,并严格看管。

    We ask the public to have their dogs neutered and keep them under close supervision .

  5. 方法:回顾性分析5例育龄期妇女绝育后包块型宫外孕的盆腔CT图像。

    Method Retrospect study of CT imaging of5 cases tumor of extrauterine pregnancy of woman of bearing age .

  6. 方法:采用Meta分析方法对美国进行的输精管绝育术与前列腺癌关系的七项病例对照研究文献进行综合分析。

    Methods : Seven case control studies were collected and analyzed by the method of Meta analysis .

  7. 50%男性和34.2%女性存在抑郁.显示:男、女性绝育术者术前均存在不同程度的心理障碍,男性重于女性(P<0.01)。

    Conclusion It suggests that male and female patients who will accept sterilizing operation have different level of mental disorder , which is more severe in the male than in the female ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 国际HIV妇女团体表示,许多国家的HIV阳性妇女都面临着来自卫生工作者的要堕胎或绝育的压力。

    HIV-positive pregnant women in many countries face pressure by health workers to have abortions or to be sterilised , according to the International Community of Women Living with HIV ( ICW ) .

  9. 初步研究表明:ICSI或PESA+ICSI技术是治疗男性因素不育的有效方法,尤其PESA+ICSI技术为男性输精管绝育(结扎、粘堵)受术者提供生殖保险。

    Especially , the PESA - ICSI provides reproductive insurance for male sterilization operation of vas deferens ( ligation or occulsion ) .

  10. 目的:探讨中药制剂阻育丸对雌性SD大鼠的绝育效果。方法:对同组SD大鼠进行自身对比观察。

    Objective : To explore the effect of the sterilization of " Sterilization pill " on the femal SD rat . Methods : To contrast the same team female SD rat with themselves .

  11. 目的:探讨米帕林(Quinacrine)粘堵输卵管绝育术对生殖内分泌的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of quinacrine sterilization on levels of reproductive hormones .

  12. 用Pomeroy法绝育作映部对映部吻合术14例全部足月分娩,达100%。

    All the 14 cases had full term delivery when the Pomeroy method was reversed by isthmic-isthmic anastomosis .

  13. SIPI-8410糊剂的输卵管粘堵绝育作用及毒性研究

    Oviduct occlusive activity and toxicity tests of sipi-8410 paste

  14. 湖南银夹与Filshie夹女性绝育术临床比较性研究

    A Comparative Clinical Study of the Hunan Silver Clip Versus the Filshie Clip for Female Sterilization

  15. 某些类型的结扎绝育术在技术上来说是不可逆的,如输卵管伞端切除术和经宫颈置入输卵管近端栓子(Essure)。

    Some types of tubal sterilizations are not technically reversible such as distal fimbriectomy and trans-cervically placed proximal coils ( Essure ) .

  16. 只要动物仍然被蓄意繁殖,人们没有为他们的伴侣动物绝育,开放的动物收容所和像PETA一样的组织就必须做社会的肮脏工作。

    As long as animals are still purposely bred and people aren 't spaying and neutering their companions , open-admission animal shelters and organizations like PETA must do society 's dirty work .

  17. 研究结果表明,输卵管硅橡胶塞绝育术受术者和无PTLS综合征的输卵管结扎术受术者的性腺轴未受到干扰和影响。

    The results indicated that the gonadal axises of women without post-tubal ligation syndrom ( PTLS ) and subjects sterilized with sillicon rubber were not affected .

  18. 27例输卵管绝育术后重症并发症探讨

    A Probe into 27 Cases of Serious Complications Caused by Sterilization

  19. 镍钛记忆合金输卵管绝育夹的临床观察

    Clips of titanium nickel shape - memory alloy for tubal sterilization

  20. 乡间卫生院的医生准备做绝育手术。

    Doctors prepare for the reproductive sterilization of a young person .

  21. 早期绝育指在性成熟之前进行的阉割或子宫卵巢切除术。

    Early-age neutering refers to castration or ovariohysterectomy before sexual maturity .

  22. 一种比较有效的方法是使被吸引的昆虫绝育。

    A more efficient technique is to sterilize the attracted insects .

  23. 超声波治疗输精管绝育术后附睾郁积症的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Ultrasonic Treatment oF Epididymal Stasis Following Vasal Sterilization

  24. 他用放射性粒子轰击雄性昆虫使其绝育。

    He bombards male insects with radioactive particles to sterilise them .

  25. 输精管激光凝堵绝育术临床应用研究

    The clinical application and research on vas deferens laser coagulation sterilization

  26. 卵巢及输卵管手术对卵巢反应性的影响可逆性输卵管绝育术

    Effect of Ovarian Cystectomy and Fallopian Tube Surgery on Ovarian Response

  27. 输精管绝育术后痛性结节切除前后的免疫学变化

    Immunological changes of painful nodules resulted from vasectomy at pre-resection and post-resection

  28. 早期雄性绝育可以最早在2月龄进行。

    Early-age neutering may be done as early as2 months of age .

  29. 形状记忆输卵管绝育器的设计及体内生物相容性的实验研究

    Design of the Fallopian Tubes Sterillization Device and Biocompatibility Study in Vivo

  30. 她用自己的养老金和社会捐助来为这些猫购买食物并完成绝育。

    She pays for neutering and food from her pension and donations .