
jué duì yīn ɡāo
  • absolute pitch
  1. 第四章释疑单个竹笛转调的历史沿革,以及竹笛改革形式后的竹笛转调技法,并列出图表,与绝对音高与调式音高相结合,使读者一目了然。

    The fourth chapter in a single flute transfer history , as well as flute reforms forms after the bamboo flute modulation technique , and lists the chart , and " absolute pitch " and " adjustable pitch " combination , enables the reader to stick out a mile .

  2. 由凹的黄铜片组成的打击乐器;当用鼓槌敲击时或两片撞击在一起时能够产生绝对音高。

    A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass disk ; makes a loud crashing sound when hit with a drumstick or when two are struck together .

  3. 对此,可采取如下克服的方法:习惯将声带放松,在语流中把声调的相对音高化作绝对音高,掌握语调的基本规律。

    Possible solutions are proposed by way of a practice of relaxing the vocal cord , shifting relative high pitch values to absolute high pitch values , and controlling tone variations .