
  • 网络absolute poverty
  1. 世界银行(worldbank)称,物价上涨,尤其是粮食价格、厨用燃料价格和汽油涨价,也加剧了绝对贫困。而在多数发达国家,消费者们几乎注意不到自己个人支出中的价格上涨。

    Higher prices , especially for food , cooking fuel and gas have also increased absolute poverty , according to the World Bank , while consumers in most advanced countries barely notice price increases in their personal expenditures .

  2. 上述财富不平等预测是在瑞信(CreditSuisse)年度全球财富报告结果的基础上推算出来的,目的是推动世人关注世界上生活在绝对贫困(每天收入不到1.25美元)中的超过10亿人。

    The wealth inequality prediction extrapolated results from the annual Credit Suisse global wealth report in an effort to focus attention on the more than a billion people in the world living in absolute poverty , those with incomes of less than $ 1.25 a day .

  3. 去年,中国实现了消除绝对贫困的目标,进入了新发展阶段。

    Last year , China accomplished its goal of eliminating extreme poverty and entered a new development stage .

  4. 无产阶级绝对贫困化理论没有过时

    Marx 's theory of absolute pauperization of proletariat is not outdated

  5. 本文主要研究的农村的绝对贫困状态。

    This article mainly research the condition of absolute poverty in countryside .

  6. 这些绝对贫困的人群中大多数是亚洲人。

    And we have most who lived in absolute poverty were Asians .

  7. 自2003年他上任以来,绝对贫困人口已经大幅减少。

    Since he took office in 2003 , absolute poverty has dropped markedly .

  8. 中国的目标是在今年年底前消除绝对贫困。

    China aims to eliminate absolute poverty by the end of this year .

  9. 贫困包括绝对贫困和相对贫困。

    Poverty includes absolute poverty and relative poverty .

  10. 试论教育与我国农村绝对贫困的消除

    Research on education and the elimination of absolute impoverishment in our country 's village

  11. 搬迁扶贫是根除农村绝对贫困的一种重要方式。

    The migrating assistance is an important way to eliminate poverty in the rural region .

  12. 20年来中国在减少绝对贫困方面取得了举世瞩目的成就。

    China has achieved remarkable results in reducing absolute poverty over the last two decades .

  13. 城市贫困有别于农村的绝对贫困,总体上表现为相对贫困。

    Different from absolutely rural poverty , Urban Poverty is some kind of relative poverty .

  14. 它也被称为绝对贫困。

    it 's also called absolute poverty .

  15. 会议还提出了到2020年农村地区基本消除绝对贫困现象的目标。

    The party also set a goal of eliminating absolute poverty in rural areas by 2020 .

  16. 农民生活绝对贫困化;

    3 , peasants lived poverty-stricken ;

  17. 宁夏最后一个贫困县摆脱了绝对贫困。

    One of the poorest areas in Ningxia has seen its last impoverished county absolute poverty .

  18. 贫困通常被分为三类:绝对贫困、相对贫困和社会排斥。

    Poverty is usually divided into three categories : absolute poverty , relative poverty and social exclusion .

  19. 无产阶级绝对贫困化

    Absolute pauperization of the proletariat

  20. 由于这15个国家的贫困线都低于1.25美元,因此学者们以他们的数据为样本来计算绝对贫困线。

    The authors thus base their absolute poverty line on the15 countries in their sample below this threshold .

  21. 经济增长有利于消灭绝对贫困,但并不必然会缩小社会的贫富差距;

    Economy growth contributes to eliminating absolute poverty , but do not necessarily to reduce social income disparity .

  22. 贫困问题,尤其是农村的绝对贫困问题,是新疆在经济发展过程中必须面对的问题,也是事关国家经济发展及社会、政治安全的问题。

    Poverty is one of the big Problems Confronted by Xinjiang in the process of its economic development .

  23. 社会将为贫困人民提供支持和机会,从而消灭绝对贫困。

    The society will offer support and opportunity to those who are poor in order to eradicate absolute poverty .

  24. 通过基本认识,从绝对贫困和相对贫困两个层面来理解贫困的定义。

    Through basic understanding , from absolutely poor and poor two aspect come to understand the poor definition relatively .

  25. 收入悬殊和较严重的绝对贫困,则从物质和精神上压抑经济的进步。

    Wide income disparities and substantial absolute poverty can act as powerful material and psychological disincentives to economic progress .

  26. 但是如果世行将自己的工作重点从绝对贫困国家转向相对穷困的话,可能是弊多利少。

    But the bank might do more harm than good if it shifted focus from absolute poverty to relative deprivation .

  27. 他们预测到本世纪末绝对贫困将大量减少,尽管尚未彻底消除。

    They project substantial declines in absolute poverty-though by no means an eradication of it-by the turn of the century .

  28. 普遍存在的绝对贫困会削弱一个国家维护秩序的能力,而严重的不平等会降低社会凝聚力。

    Widespread absolute poverty can undermine a state 's capacity to maintain order , while acute inequality weakens social cohesion .

  29. 绝对贫困者已形成了城市中的特殊弱势群体,必须多方面综合加以解决。

    Those absolute poverty victims constitute a special weak group , and the problem must be resolved with a comprehensive approach .

  30. 报告认为,根据面前的预测,生活在绝对贫困中的人数会继续增加。

    The report says that given current projections , the number of people living in absolute poverty will continue to increase .